清代 秋瑾 Qiu Jin  清代   (1877~1907)
Poetry anthology
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry


   Qiu Jin

Partridge days
Sense of the motherland can not help but sink, free to seek overseas Concert.
Ca Mau has been required to make up missing the end, dare to sacrifice for their country but unfortunately the body?
Sigh danger and wandering sigh. Guan Shan Wanli for male line.
Women's non-English words things off, every night the walls of Ming Longquan.
Sword song (1907)
The house of Han palace _set_ting sun, the thousand years of ancient death. A heavy sleep for hundreds of years, we do not know what to do slave shame.
Xi Yi Xuan Yuan, father name, based on Fat Kunlun. Provision to the Yellow River and Yangtze River, the sword-rattling _set_ the Central Plains.
Meishan crying can I do? Dili city buried copper camel thorn. Repeated back Jinghua Wang, tears and more tears subjugated Elegy.
All the coalition forces north of Eight, and presented my country. Alarm the West to do the white ghost, Han Startled I dream.
The owner gives me the wrong knife, I have the heart of this valiant. When hematite doctrine today, and millions of other head of a hair.
Mu per month at Bath Baoguang, committed suicide seven feet where Angcang? Survival Road promise to the dead, world peace depends on militants.
Qin Jing Ke for visitors not concept, see Figure poor dagger Ying Chi. Though not a hit in front of the temple, the devil has won the authoritarian soul.
I would like to aid the motherland hand, slave species spread all over the Yu domain. Nair how disheartened everyone? Yuanbi for this "sword song."
Song Zhuang Hepatobiliary sword, die more than evoke the soul of the country. And Chou sword chivalrous what? His life the old allies and enemies.
Mo-foot iron non-English material too, saving Ryle received outstanding service. The world is ready from the oven is hereby, Xi Yin and Yang as carbon and iron together six continents.
Handle thousands of casting a sword handle million fortune, to clarify the Divine. Further to my illustrious on the Wal Zuhuang Di Xi, a national history for hundreds of thousands of washing odd shame!
Question Zhi Kan Kee
First: past and present struggle to daughter-shaped head, who says that the roots do not Monkey. Ma Shen women were women, had Wal-vibration Kyushu.
Second: take the reins female chieftain, general attitude was stressed driving into the distance. Spend the first peach Ma Pa knife worthy of the name of lady teachers.
Third: Do heavy thin man named his daughter, the platform lines give E-mei. I have this arrogance Tim chromophore, before the letter had this hero.
Dirty holds, ask a few man named Yingzhe! Count only the Crescent team, when you hear hero. Liangyu Hoon Name hem tears, Yun-ying cause heart blood. Drunk as dragons sword stroke, sound sad pharynx.
Freedom of incense, often thinking burn; home country and hate, when the snow. Advised Wuchai today, all should work. Vibration to be Si'an pull type, but boast clothing ornaments in downtown Mo. Operators silver bow shoes are too inactive, should change.
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