唐代 李嶷 Li Ni  唐代  
Potpourri songs junior bank 3
Junior bank 3
The middle part of anhui province Autumn night McCain was one week as exhibit cobber
Lin Yuan autumn night work
read The early han dynasty Relatives of a king or an emperor on the side of his mother or wife passes
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Junior bank 3

   Li Ni

Eighth Habayashi Lang, Rong Yi Shi Han Wang. Eagle Mirage side arm and push play the Yu Yu Pong.
Chi Road spring, the accompanying tour the building chapter.
Yang Shi and hunting, the Cheng'en more shot fly. Health Ma Ying dust off, arrows 落雁 thin line.
Dusk with the day of battle, the United Pina into petty Quarters.
Yu Jian Wang knee, Gold immediately dumping. Maoling Road towards the travel, overnight Phoenix.
House officials and more suspicion, no labor question name.


【Source】 卷145_3

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