宋代 周邦彦 Zhou Bangyan  宋代   (1056~1121)
Su Muzhe
Man ting fang Summertime Lishui Wuxiangshanzuo
Jie Yuhua the fifteenth of the first moon (which is Lantern Festival in China)
Emperor and the assassin
Six ugly Rose Hsieh made the remarks
Thanks Xingyue slow
Separated Pu Lian Close
Guan River that
Flowers guilty
recall formerly-visited place
Watson Cup
Sai Ping Lok
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s River
Shui Dragons
Southern Poems
Guan River that
Yu Louchun
Butterfly in Love
Night Palace
Su Muzhe
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Point Jiangshouju lip
Multiple poems at a time
Jie Yuhua

Jie Yuhua the fifteenth of the first moon (which is Lantern Festival in China)

   Zhou Bangyan

Wind off purple-red wax,
Lu moist HL,
City lights light phase injection.
Guihua flow W,
Fibers scattered clouds,
For the next Geng Geng Sue.
Elegant clothes,
Chu F,
A waist.
Flute and Drum noise,
Figure varies
Moon Road, musk fragrance.
Read the release capital for the night,
Hope one thousand as day,
Yu Ye laughing.
Tin car Ropa,
Meet Department
Dust with its own dark horse.
In light also,
CD Only,
Xie bad old friends.
Drain clear shift
Fly back cover,
Any song dance off strike.
  Fifteenth day of Lantern Festival to the theme of poetry, has always been most important taste of the early Tang Su, "Spring," poem, followed by Zeyi Sushi Song "Dielianhua Missouri Lantern" and Zhou Bangyan "Jie Yuhua Lantern ", the Southern Song Dynasty zhao" Yong Yule "and ji" Qing Yuan "and other words for the masterpiece. Liu Yong, Ouyang Xiu, although there are other words, neither, and above all as popular. Su Chang taste of poetry written Chengping times Lantern Festival night, purely ode. Sushi Zeyi to recall the excitement of Hangzhou Lantern contrasting himself to the desolate state of mind after Missouri. Xin words do not have arms, which means not specifically Wing Lantern; Li word is Here and now, speak up breaking the country home of the hated death. Lantern Festival from the description of the specific content of view, Zhou Bangyan of the song "Jie Yuhua" Honesty may well be excellent work. As Zhang Yan in "etymology" scrolling said: "The U.S. as" Jie Yuhua "fu Lantern Festival and so on, ... ... not only the wording of the essence, but also the timing and see the scenery of-sheng, people Yan (feast) of the same music." The term covers not only write the lantern festival on the local scene, but also recalled the grand occasion Bianjing Lantern Festival, and then comes down to personal life experience to express a sense, it is quite complete. However, during the reign Huizong placed in the context of this era, the natural associations give good times never last, and the ruling class people live in dreams are not without resentment, at least inevitable, Department of emotion. In particular, Zhou Bangyan himself, although the deep lyrics of Gong Li, and the work they are not very clear ideological content, so the song "Jie Yuhua", in recent years has been little human attention.
  Writing the word on the location and age differences that old. Qing Zhou Ji, "Four Song Ci," that is "in Jingnan as", "when with" Monkey Music "while"; neighbor Chen Si "Islamic scholar Chronicle" is known as the word for the Minnesota (now Ningbo) when he, when Huizong governance five years (1115). Burglary, said that there was no assurance the two had to save two. Zhou Ji said, according to word like "Chu women" sentence argument, however, "female waist Chu a" cloud who is with the Du Mu Poetry "of Chu slim waist and hands light" Ju Yi, and Du Yangzhou singing girl was referred to is not the daughter of Chu. The so-called "Chu female waist," but with "Good King Ling Chu slender waist" of the old Code (see "Han Feizi two handles", "Mo," "national policy" always make mind making) only. Moreover, according to Luo Hang strong neighbor Tomb, Zhou Bangyan living Jingnan twice, they said that even correct (see "Zhou Dynasty from time to time Islamic Poetry", in "Ta Kung Pao in Hong Kong to resume publication thirtieth anniversary of the Collected Works", below). Can be seen even from the Zhou Ji said, writing that's hardly real. Therefore, "as in Jingnan" one that only Doubtful. Chen "spectrum" well cited "old martial arts thing" to prove that they said, a little goes: "" martial arts old things ": '(Lantern Festival) Friday night, the Beijing Yin raised by a small sedan, the various dance (as small as a note: the original Book no "out" word) team, surrounded by sequence, even after more than ten years interactive, Fairview fill committee, flute drum cheer, ear Parade. 'words, saying:' Xiao drum noise, figure mixed '; again, he said:' clean drain shift, flying cover back from the dance off song strike '. sufficient proof "old thing" is written, five nights in Beijing Yin by small mention car, dance team, surrounded, still along the Zhejiang things the old customs are. "Luo Hang strong from it, and extended the says: "by Su Shi" Dielianhua Missouri Spring, "the word, pregnant with Lantern Festival in Hangzhou Sheng says: 'lights Qiantang three to five nights, the moon frost, we see people picturesque; account musk bottom blowing spit Sheng Hong, more No one o'clock dust with the horse. 'and similar Muslim view of the word, the "Chronicle" the so-called Southern Song Dynasty, old customs are still things along the Zhejiang is also. "this by: Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou line, and therefore," Jing Yin ", as local whether the same is true, is no unknown. Is written by Su Shi, Lantern Festival is also customary scene, not enough to say things clearly for the old customs in the Song Dynasty Zhejiang. Of pretending to say in Minnesota, and there is no conclusive evidence. But weeks of the word itself, two points are beyond doubt. First, whether the word was written in Jingzhou, or Minnesota, local officials are doing for the time of the festival scene and for the memory of Bianjing; Second, is the author of this post when the written word, it is "bad thank old friends" of the language. According to Chen, "spectrum", the lower limit of five years in governance, the author has been six years old.
  Here I talk about this word bits of artistic expression and experience. Week's poem does have certain characteristics, not just "words the essence," and new ideas, ingenious. Tan Xian Review "identified the word", in Zhou Bangyan "Monkey Music" from the sentence "Green Road, Wuhu City, withered to make Taiwan" as "to sweep the living," from the poem's sentences as well. "The Crimson wax" that is "The Candle." Lantern Festival, full of brilliant lights, the so-called "place to spend the night wind Trees": the first sentence the author has chosen to use a "pin", which means that the glowing candle in the wind, burned residue and gradually erode. However, the third sentence, "Flower of light-phase injection," a sudden shake-up, we can see the lights of the Lantern Festival is the more fuel the more prosperous, with the pin with the point, even if we have the wind exposed, do not harm its brilliant flash sunburn. Especially the second sentence to "open moist lotus" caught in between two sentences may Fact and Fiction in essence, get more see the author of "sweeping living" the. "HL" refers to the lotus lamp, Ouyang Xiu, "suddenly the Sun City Lantern Festival": "real estate broker in Hong Luo dyed, cut lotus city is blooming all over." For evidence. "The Crimson Wax" is true, "HL" is false, "purple-red wax off the wind" is realistic, "Lu moist lotus" is close to virtual, as in the lotus candle lamp on the map like wet under the Qing Lu. This festival not only write Sheng makeup, but also copy drawn New Year's business. Haoran this as the "Early Spring", although he said, "When night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour", people are not reading "Fallen flowers full path," the Canchun sense, on the contrary, appears to spring back boundless, as if the expected be presented to the riot of color. That is because the poet wrote after the rain, sunny, morning garden trees, since the birds warble everywhere Yingti indicates the spring is gorgeous. This is also the word "to sweep the living." Of course, the week included the word, after all, contain negative elements, the first sentence with the showings are "bad old friends thank," "Dance Song of strike off," Sentences secretly echo. Even as busy night per night lights, there are always people scattered light when the residue.
  The following "Guihua flow W" sentence, most people affected by Wang Guowei, "Human Words" effect, that the "state", although "ripping ripping", and finally can not help but regret, "but unfortunately the 'Walk on' the word on behalf of the 'months' ear" . In particular, on behalf of Wang word for word using the views is very harsh. He said: "Words hanged alternative words. ... ... The why, non-meaning, then the language is not good also. Cover is too busy on behalf of the full meaning, you do not have on behalf of the Miao language." Zhou Bangyan which people feel that the term of this sentence really fly in the ointment was suspected. I have repeated scrutiny, that "Human Words," the reviews may not be fair, at least for the views of the word may not be used on behalf of the word for this first week of term. As Wang goes, it takes only the "Gui" change the word "month", which will be everything is in order. But really to "flow-watt Yuet Wah," anti-sense than the original sentence seems less. One of the shamisen, when seeking the fine. I think that the benefits of poem, is that there is no light on hands crossing over into the stereotypes. A write up of the lights, already very Gongqiao as possible; here to switch to write on, in addition to write a brilliant bright moonlight, but also write it looks peerless, both colored incense. "Guihua" means, of course, including months with cinnamon fragrance and the seeds (such as the Bai "Yi Jiangnan": "Temple to find the seeds in mid"), two stories, but more important it is for the following "Geng Geng Sue For the next "one for bedding. For since the Chang'e elegant, she of course with women's unique aroma, while the goddess of the moon comes out of the body of the fragrance is to be as sweet-scented osmanthus in general, so this "Guihua" abuse of the word is not heard a word. It is like the Du Fu in the "Night" written by "Xiang Wu Yunhuan wet", with a "sweet" character, then the fog the moonlight just like the goddess of the moon surrounded by Yunhuan in the present, but also touched the arms of the month on the self-evident, Xi Zhi "Lo River" to "Lingboweibu, Luo socks Health Dust" epigrams depicts a water goddess graceful Xianzi, Du Fu and Zhou Bangyan dim or bright moonlight put likened For months under the call of the fairies, who obtain the same purpose. This week the word written three months, "Guihua" no sentences like its capacity, the first smell their fragrance; "fiber scattered clouds" is like opening the curtain or a woman thrown off the veil 搴; then a matter of course, wrote the "Geng Geng Sue For the next. " If the king said, according to instead of "Walk on" and runoff, said, "May that" would certainly not have the vivid scenes that the reader would not have carried away the feeling. I mentioned above, the term vision of beauty into a novel, ingenious, is that this expression.
  Loading is the immediate witness of the King, the films were shown by the current findings to their own memories and associations that year the full moon in the scene Bianjing Lantern, with "due to read" from the word lead. The present and past at the end of a sense of reality since then arises spontaneously. "Capital put Night" is a specific time and place: "one thousand as bright as day" written in a very ethereal general, however, are full of style: "laughing Tour rule" into the writing staff, which are in the Lantern Festival in Shinv total activity circumstances, including on account. These are all the proper paper to write the Spring as well as problems inherent meaning, but the emphasis lies in "tin car Ropa, meet, place the dust with its own dark horse." This is a great "late into the Greater Phoenix by Dream Car" (Zhang bleeding "Huan Xisha") smell. Liu Yong in a "Spring," write the words in the situation Bianjing Lantern also said: "The days of water gradually, prime months when the afternoon. Hong diameter, the fruit must Ying throw countless. Spent more Lanna candle under the shade of shadow, juvenile tend to adventure. "and the words written by Zhou, charm is the same complex. But frankly Liu simple word, respect no hidden; weeks euphemistic term, more convergence only. Liu is an objective description of the word, the word week by the Review of the year poorly at the front of scenery, emotion is restrained by the fluctuations, and finally showing la-la "bad old friends thank" the feeling of helplessness. It still re-adjusting the terms of different wind. Here on the "dark dust with its own horse," one would like to say a few words. Commentators have traditionally cited the Soviet Union in the flavor of this sentence, "Spring," the poem five hundred sixty-two: "dark dust with the horses, the moon by people." Sushi "Missouri Lantern," the word is anti with its meaning, that is "No more dust with a little horse." The weekly usage of the word here seems a little poetry and SU taste different creature. Means that the woman sitting tin car trips, waiting with the men in the agreed place of encounter, the rear of the vehicle there were men on horseback followed. "Dark" to describe not only the horses brought up by the "dust", also contains the theft of a secret, stealthily track Qianzong meaning. This is not the Soviet Union in the flavor of the original poem.
  Naturally into the bottom of the life experience of self-sigh. "Nianguang" two is that such a Lantern Festival every year, but their full historical vicissitudes of life, nothing old feelings, the kind of life, laughter and frivolous travel rule has gone. So in order to "clear drain shift" three for the knot. One night, inadvertently no longer watch the lights of the scene on Jiao Hui, lingering flavor of love drives out to recover, then returned to the residence up to the carriage (the "flying cover return" has shunned the mean), I thought , left to right people to rave until dawn. At the end of the wonderful, is "dance off song from the strike," a twofold meaning. First, let people indulge in that song and dance, thoroughly enjoyed themselves and dispersed, their other pursuits may not have had; the second is that people are even happy to the extreme, has also been singing and dancing when the lights À its people scattered, disappointing return, do not leave early festive occasions such as , left the room for endless. Another term of the first "Man Ting Fang Lishui no to Hill for the summer" at the end also said: "Song of the banks feast, the first security bamboo mat pillow, allow me to sleep when drunk." Are not re-write their own safety yore feast in the sensual feelings, but do the best as possible and a very subtle and refined, it can be said that similar to it. To Qingzhao, the feelings of sadness too sad, it straightforward to write "no means test light, Taxue not in the mood" ("Lin Jiangxian"), sentences such despair, it seems bad Sa, but instead seems unrestrained emotion, not the best too. Some people think zhao "word of" Zhou Bangyan not to mention, in fact, it is recognized as the word Road Zhou Bangyan authentic, and I may not necessarily see it. (Xiao-like)
Edited by: 白水
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