宋代 袁说友 Yuan Shuiyou  宋代  
travel Dynasty Six public posts
Postscript to the public donated Zhu Zhongjing Jane Fung Man public posts 4
Postscript to the public donated Zhu Zhongjing Jane Fung Man public posts 4
King Temple
White Ping Ting
Is aimed To Xu Pu Inspect troops Rough The boat had Merry Village
Is aimed Xu Pu Search Soldiers road within Frozen together abandon Boat Lu 2
Is aimed Xu Pu Search Soldiers road within Frozen together abandon Boat Lu 2
Is aimed Xu Puyuezhougui
Close family
Bi-Lan Tang
illness Cannot Shen Yuan Shaoqing from Thatched cottage Contributory drink
Parking is taken Crescent pavilion moth Meishan act Floating clouds The cover
berth Jinling tomb Chung-yuan book was
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

And Dongxian Shu Yun

   Yuan Shuiyou

South called the face-to-face surface, enough comfort to former times read.
Public knowledge only in the text, the gentleman if this child were cheap.
Rivers and lakes far-interval of conversation, since eight is also busy on the outside.
Sometimes wipe off old gems, par Poetry between the end of desire.
Pregnant Xizhen side on the public appointment, a flight I almost want to Chang'an.
Only know how to take the enemy like joy, envy rather high, such as fighting Indian government.
Spring pregnant lonely wanderer light, not the semantics can be used as any.
Sun under the curtain of various new sentence, such as pumping cocoon thread thinking boundless.
Outstanding Hai Qichuang poem, poetry group Doujue bile funeral.
Self-pity, no good old back pregnant, young and vigorous language is not surprising ashamed.
Love is not never really as silk Huan, who has anger Mo spit and counseling.
This was still only language he died, left push forward with the same flair.
Bear good long Personnel Department, it is said that the West to re-boat.
Decade saw the meaning hurry, but wrote Xiaoxiang parting words.
Man days of data integrity, said a large design combined with any violation.
However, reading poetry and literature to talk about things to see Yi Jin He is owned by the public.
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