宋代 曾有光 Ceng Youguang  宋代  
Present Describe mountain Water Chen Xiong
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Present Describe mountain Water Chen Xiong

   Ceng Youguang

Silkworm-like eyes who draw close, like Chen Jun Wan was one.
Junior high draw more precise knowledge, speaks wonderful chest coil images.
Scanning every country owned by pointing, Hanlin ancient cliff clouds convergence.
If the suspended fly slowly flowing waterfalls, mountain firewood people to stay late.
Huanchu balcony scene a bunch of pine Chai Hong Kanaya fall.
Soft and thick green moss cover stone paths, hidden temple bell silent.
Birds Are Singing pm good flowers, green grass of the solar system punters.
Spring Creek on Peach March, fisherman fishing grounds silk Lun.
Summer pool pavilion to avoid Yan Shu, Hong lotus demeanor off the shore.
Shusei rustling reeds cold, Flush egrets from foreshore.
Wild plum tip of Xiangpiao winter road, surrounded with clouds suddenly scared cloth.
Launched an axis means employed, the short and art is wonderful paintings owned by mm side.
Who no longer see Mount interrogate the cloud, Chen Jun contented as a god pen.
Shitai one no longer go to, Jun-Fang Cheng Qi Zai following.
Describe the state song a chat, the sound line to see sub-Morohito right.

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