南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
Yi Jianmei

Yi Jianmei

   Li Qingzhao

Red Lotus Hong residual autumn jade bamboo mat.
Luo Couture light solution,
Independence on the Lanzhou.
Cloud who sent letter to Jin?
Shan  back,
Huazipiaoling artesian water.
A kind of Acacia,
2 Spare Melancholy.
No account of this situation can be eliminated
Only under the brow,
But on the heart.

【Reciter】 朗诵天地

  Wonders of the term, before the actual situation, after the word work, Loading a "cloud who sent Kam book to" very wonderful, otherwise, "jade bamboo mat," "West Wing" all dollars by leveraging. Regarding Henry, "just under the brow, but at heart," has written to model a kind of Acacia, a move are static. View over the ancient words, only Li Yu's "helpless and chaotic, is sadness," worthy of the enemy; course can not compete, helpless and chaotic mess is the divergent lines, visible and not, there is static without dynamic. (Wen Wo)
  This is a talk Acacia, do not worry the pain of the word. Yellow rose poem "Flower Hut Ci" in the title as "Do not worry," written for Li married not long away, her husband Zhao Mingcheng, she tells her single life, lonely, anxious husband missing early return of the heart. Ise Jane, "Lang Huan Ji", said: "An easy to knot bridal veil (marriage) is not a long time, that is headed for Yuan You Ming Cheng. An extremely easy to not bear to do, seek Jinpa book" Yi Jianmei "word to get to." On In the words of female-specific real sensitive to capture fleeting feeling, the abstract and elusive thoughts and feelings, to Sudan to show the specific language can be a sense of well-understood, interesting things.
  Word of the tie down the first sentence "red lotus jade bamboo mat Hong residual Autumn" was withering lotus, bamboo mats soaked cool autumn, ethereal Implication. "Red Lotus", which means pink lotus. "Jade bamboo mat" is fine mats. This is a very rich meaning, which not only point to understand Xiaoshu autumn season, and the rendering of the atmosphere, on the author's alone Spare Melancholy played a role in foil. Write a lotus surface residues, mats cool these unusual things, in essence, implies youth perishable, the roots of the old trade, "cool people to seats," the mood. Mr Justice Leong, Wang "as two autumn Temple Essay" praise sentence "has swallowed chewing plum snow, weather not lose from the reality." "Light Solutions Luo Couture, alone on the Lanzhou" is written on the day water rafting things: poet Aya Luoqun solve, for a casual, alone Huazhuoxiaochuan to play. "Light Solutions" and "Alone", vivid demonstration of her demeanor, behavior. "Light", written by hand and foot movements nimble sensitivity, expressed fear that disturb other people, be careful and have a somewhat shy young woman feeling. Because it is "light", so no one knows, even the maid, they did keep up. "Independence" is the response to the sentence the word "light", which point up under the tie down "Sorrow" The crux of the word. "Alone Lanzhou", is she would like to take boating to Xiaochou, the play is not the time for such pursuits. Perhaps both old boat, now alone hit Ji, affectionate Wife, accompanying her husband day and night long hope of no return, how can one teach her elegant and. "Cloud who sent the book to Jin?" Thinking of her husband, waiting to no avail really a "Letter worth than gold." "Shan  back, the Yuemanxilou" Siv her urgent mood, suddenly self-expression is the external. With geese of the legend, the picture clear, sharp images, which render the first floor for a month full of bright light night, but behind the joy, the tears hidden with Acacia. "Yuemanxilou" wrote Moonlit Wang Tiao think women lean on a railing. West Ramp month demonstration of her first long-standing floor, which shows her deeper feelings Siv, worry more extreme. She looked forward to his head and sighed, looking audio, actually had a goose foot back to the book's reverie. No wonder she was cold despite the dew soaked, standing staring blankly until Yuemanxilou without perception.
  Under the tie down "Huazipiaoling water gravity", the words in front of whatever your mood may be routed and how, naturally drifting eastward course. In fact, this sentence has two meanings: "Huazipiaoling" is that like the flower of her youth as an empty self fades: "artesian water" is that her husband travels, and like a lengthy river air gravity. As long as we carefully pondering, it is not difficult to find, not only for their own roots Qingzhao old and feeling vulnerable, not even her husband and their shared youth and let it die in vain and sad. This complex and delicate feelings, it is from the two "from" word shown. This is the reason why she laments, "Huazipiaoling artesian water," the key, as well as her sincere love of the specific performance of both. Of course, it's all metaphor of the human world, such as leaving, are to give people a sense of helplessness. "A kind of Acacia, 2 Spare Melancholy." Themselves and by the people who miss each other, it is the lovers of telepathy, mutual love, kind, and equipment caused, she thought her husband must have the same frustration because of parting with. This unique concept reflects the couple Li Qing Zhao Mingcheng heart to heart, feeling deep affection for deep, but not in each other's frustration Acacia thoughts streaming from his writings. "No account of this situation can be removed only under the brow, but the heart." Shrouded heart this Acacia feeling, not distraction, Organisation, with the distress had just stretch, and then my heart thoughts, their inner Amid the sadness of not command to, removal of not going. "Only under the", "but on" the two words are used very well to a sincere feeling from the exposed turn inward, swift mood changes to break the calm of mind pretending to suffer from the performance of Acacia were extremely true image, expression Amid the endless longing and unhappy love, jealously guarding its availability between the lines full of loneliness and loneliness, moving. This is Li Yu, "Wu Yeti", "helpless and chaotic, is sadness, do a general feeling among us," is similar in wonderland, as eternal Masterpiece.
  In short, "Yi Jianmei" style fresh, delicate style, a scene with emotion, King language that Emotion, scene shows her feelings, show her the image of the feature. Ci empathy into the King, by King lyrical scenes and intriguing. (Woolly-headed)

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