guó zuòzhělièbiǎo
luò 杜洛 doswéi yōng Francois Villon · bèi lāi Joachim du Bellay
gāo nǎi Pierre Corneillewéi duō · guǒ Victor Hugoxià 'ěr · lāi 'ěr Charles Baudelaire
fāng · měi Stephane Mallarmewèi 'ěr lún Paul-Marie Veriaineluò léi 'ā méng Comte de Lautréamont
lán Arthur Rimbaud 'ěr méng Remy de Gourmontbǎo 'ěr - ràng · lāi Paul-Jean Toulet
lǎng · Francis Jammes 'ěr Léon-Paul Fargue luò dài 'ěr Paul Claudel
bǎo 'ěr · léi Paul Valeryxià 'ěr · pèi Charles Peguy pèi wéi 'āi 'ěr Jules Supervielle
luò dōng André Bretonài Paul Eluardā nài 'ěr Guillaume Apollinaire
· lāi wéi 'ěr Jacques Prévertā gòng Louis Aragonbǎo 'ěr · 'ěr Paul Fort
hēng · xiū Henri Michauxāi léi José Maria de Herediaā 'ěr tuō Antonin Artaud
wéi Pierre Reverdybài Saint-John Perse duō Sully Prudhomme
nèi · xià 'ěr René Char fán · 'ěr Yvan Goll kǎi Alain Bosquet
Yves Bonnefoy nèi · sài Rene Groussetā lán · pèi léi fěi Alain Peyrefitte
xiē 'ěr · wèi - wēi 'ěr Michelle David - Willbái jìn Joachim Bouvet lín · nài Katrina resistant
ruò · léi shí José Frèches xiē 'ěr - shī nài Michelle - Schneider · Nicolas Sarkozy
ā · níng Anaïs Ninràng · duō · bào Jean-Dominique Bauby xiē 'ěr - ān tuō · Michel-Antoine Burnier
xiē 'ěr · kǒng Michel Contatāi lāi · Hélène Grimaud · Tarita Teriipaia
ràng · fěi To Philip · zhā 'ěr 尼玛扎玛尔 luò wéi shì Clovis I
luò tài 'ěr shì Clothaire Ier 'ěr sān shì Childeric III píng Pepin III
chá Charlemagne shì Louis the Piouschá 'èr shì Charles II (le Chauve)
'èr shì Louis II sān shì Louis III luò màn 'èr shì Carloman II
shèng mén Henri de Saint-Simon
guó bàng wáng cháo   (1760niánshíyuè17rì1825niánwǔyuè19rì)
Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon
láo · áng liè · shèng mén

Henri de Saint-Simon

克劳德·昂列·圣西门Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon,常简称为Henri de Saint-Simon ,1760年10月17日 - 1825年5月19日)是法国哲学家经济学家空想社会主义者。与实证主义创始人奥古斯特·孔德相熟,曾聘其为秘书



  1. ^ Horowitz, Irving Louis, Veblen's Century: A Collective Portrait (2002), p142

Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon, often referred to as Henri de Saint-Simon (French: [ɑ̃ʁi də sɛ̃ simɔ̃]; 17 October 1760 – 19 May 1825), was a French political, economic and socialist theorist and businessman whose thought had a substantial influence on politics, economics, sociology and the philosophy of science.

Saint-Simon created a political and economic ideology known as Saint-Simonianism that claimed that the needs of an industrial class, which he also referred to as the working class, needed to be recognized and fulfilled to have an effective society and an efficient economy. Unlike conceptions within industrializing societies of a working class being manual labourers alone, Saint-Simon's late-18th century conception of this class included all people engaged in productive work that contributed to society such as businesspeople, managers, scientists and bankers, along with manual labourers, amongst others.

Saint-Simon said the primary threat to the needs of the industrial class was another class he referred to as the idling class, that included able people who preferred to be parasitic and benefit from the work of others while seeking to avoid doing work. Saint-Simon stressed the need for recognition of the merit of the individual and the need for hierarchy of merit in society and in the economy such as society having hierarchical merit-based organizations of managers and scientists to be the decision-makers in government. Saint-Simon strongly criticized any expansion of government intervention into the economy beyond ensuring no hindrances to productive work and reducing idleness in society, regarding intervention beyond these as too intrusive.

Saint Simon's conceptual recognition of broad socio-economic contribution, and his Enlightenment valorization of scientific knowledge, soon inspired and influenced utopian socialism, liberal political theorist John Stuart Mill, anarchism through its founder Pierre-Joseph Proudhon who was inspired by Saint-Simon's thought and Marxism with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels identifying Saint-Simon as an inspiration to their ideas and classifying him among the utopian socialists. Saint-Simon's views also influenced 20th century sociologist and economist Thorstein Veblen, including Veblen's creation of institutional economics that has included prominent economists as adherents.


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