míng dài zuòzhělièbiǎo
liú chén Liu Chen(míng dài)tānɡ xiǎn Tang Xianzu(míng dài) róng Liu Rong(míng dài)
zhū quán Zhu Quan(míng dài)míng shì zōng Ming Shizong(míng dài)xià wán chún Xia Wanchun(míng dài)
wèi Xu Wei(míng dài)táng yín Tang Yin(míng dài)chén Chen Jiru(míng dài)
zhào yǒu tóng Zhao Youtong(míng dài)fāng xiào Fang Xiaoru(míng dài)chén dào Chen Daofu(míng dài)
xuē xuān Xue Xuan(míng dài)tōng rùn Tong Run(míng dài) huá Li Rihua(míng dài)
gāo Gao Qi(míng dài)wáng 'ào Wang Ao(míng dài)liú Liu Ji(míng dài)
chén lóng Chen Zilong(míng dài)yáng shèn Yang Shen(míng dài)wáng shì zhēn Wang Shizhen(míng dài)
guān Gu Qiguan(míng dài)xiè zhēn Xie Zhen(míng dài) yòu Qu You(míng dài)
biàn Yu Bian(míng dài) Dou Mu(míng dài) dōng yáng Li Dongyang(míng dài)
shí yōng Liu Shiyong(míng dài) zhēn qīng Xu Zhenqing(míng dài)wáng shì mào Wang Shimao(míng dài)
zhū chéng jué Zhu Chengjue(míng dài) yuán qìng Gu Yuanqing(míng dài)jiǎn Jian Yi(míng dài)
xiàng gāo She Xianggao(míng dài)sòng lián Song Lian(míng dài)zhāng líng Zhang Daling(míng dài)
wén shēng Ma Wensheng(míng dài)jiāo hóng Jiao Hong(míng dài)dǒng yuè Dong Yue(míng dài)
hóng Xu Hongzu(míng dài) shū Xi Shu(míng dài)zhū jiā xiāng Zhu Guxiang(míng dài)
gāo Gao Ju(míng dài)tián chéng Tian Rucheng(míng dài)luó guàn zhōng Luo Guanzhong(míng dài)
shī nài 'ān Shi Naian(míng dài) chéng 'ēn Wu Chengen(míng dài)lán líng xiào xiào shēng Lan Lingxiaoxiaosheng(míng dài)
zhòng lín Xu Zhonglin(míng dài)féng mèng lóng Feng Menglong(míng dài)líng méng chū Ling Mengchu(míng dài)
bào wèng lǎo rén Bao Wenglaoren(míng dài)hóng pián Hong Pian(míng dài)zhōu Zhou Ji(míng dài)
rén lóng Liu Renlong(míng dài)xiè zhào zhè Xie Zhaozhe(míng dài)zhāng dài Zhang Dai(míng dài)
kūn Lv Kun(míng dài)wáng xiù chǔ Wang Xiuchu(míng dài) míng Yi Ming(míng dài)
chéng 'ēn Wu Chengen
míng dài  (1500nián1582nián)
zì: zhōng
wǎngbǐhào: shè yáng shān rén
jíguàn: huái 'ān shān yáng xiàn

zhōng guó jīng diǎn Chinese classic yóu
huì píng zhèng dào yóu

yuèdòu chéng 'ēn Wu Chengenzài小说之家dezuòpǐn!!!
   zhōnghào shè yáng shān rénhuái 'ān shān yáng xiànjīn jiāng shěng huái 'ān shì chǔ zhōu rénmíng dài xiǎo shuō jiāchū shēng yóu xià guān lún luò wéi xiǎo shāng rén de jiā tíng de qīn ruì xìng guān kuàng fèng xíng cháng zhé xuéwéi 'ér míng chéng 'ēn zhōng wàng néng shū zuò guānshàng chéng huáng 'ēnxià mínzuò qīng shǐ liú míng de zhōng chén chéng 'ēn xiǎo shí hòu qín fèn hàoxué shí xíngguò chéng sòng jīng huì huàshàn cháng shū àihào tián duì wéi hěn jīng tōnghái huān shōu cáng míng rén de shū huà tiēshàonián shí dài jiù yīn wéi wén cái chū zhòng 'ér zài xiāng chū liǎo míngshòu dào rén men de shǎng shírèn wéi shí jiè 。《 huái 'ān zhìzài xìng mǐn 'ér duō huì qún shūwéi shī wén xià chéng。” chú fèn hàoxué wài bié huān sōu liè guàiài kàn shén xiān guǐ guài yāo hóu jīng zhī lèi de shū bǎi guài 》、《 yǒu yáng zhī lèi de xiǎo shuō shǐzhè lèi guāng shí de shén huà shì jièqián huà zhōng yǎng chéng liǎo sōu liè guài de shì hǎosuí zhe nián líng de zēng zhè zhǒng 'àihào yòu zēng jiǎnzhè duì chuàng zuò yóu yòu zhe zhòng de yǐng xiǎng。 30 suì hòu sōu qiú de wén zhù mǎn xiōng zhōngliǎobìng qiě yòu liǎo chuàng zuò de suàn。 50 suì zuǒ yòu xiě liǎo yóu de qián shí huíhòu lái yīn zhōng duàn liǎo duō niánzhí dào wǎn nián guān rèn huí dào cái zuì hòu wán chéng yóu de chuàng zuò shí 7 nián qīng nián shí dài de chéng 'ēn shì kuáng fàng qīng shì 'ào de nián qīng rénshè huì wèi de xiàpín qióng kùn de chǔjìngshǐ zhè wèi cái kuáng fàng zhāo lái liǎo fēn zhì lái de xiào shēngbèi rén jiāo kǒu chēng de fǎn liǎo chéng 'ēn yuē 'èr shí suì shí tóng xiāng wèi xìng de niàn jié hūnhūn hòu gǎn qíng shèn chéng 'ēn suī rán kuáng fàng dàn pǐn xíng duān zhèngzhōng de shìjiā jìng shí nián chéng 'ēn zài xué suì kǎo kǎo zhōng huò liǎo yōu chéng liǎo shēng yuán de péng yǒu jié bàn nán jīng yìng xiāng shìrán 'ér cái huá de tóng bàn kǎo liǎo zhè wèi mǎn xiāng de cái jìng míng luò sūn shān 'èr nián chūn tiān de qīn huái zhe hàn shì liǎojiē shòu chū shī bài de jiào xùn chéng 'ēn zài hòu sān nián nèizhuān xīn zhì zài shí wén shàng xià liǎo fān gōngzài jiā jìng shí sān nián qiū de kǎo shì zhōng què réng rán méi yòu kǎo zhōng chéng 'ēn xiū hèn jiāo jiāzhè nián dōng tiānjìng bìng dǎo liǎoliǎng xiāng shì de shī zài jiā shàng qīn de shìduì chéng 'ēn de shì chén zhòng dezài kàn láikǎo rén jǐn yóuér qiě kuì duì yòu xiān réndàn bìng wéi méi kǎo shì méi běn shìér zhǐ shì mìng yùn rèn wéigōng míng guì yòu mìng zhī nǎi chī?” chéng 'ēn shēng tóng liú gāng zhí bùē zhī suǒ cái gāo 'ér shì hěn néng yuàn zuò wéi xīn zhī lùn tǎo hǎo shàng guān yòu guān yàn 'è bài de guān chǎng yuàn wéi bèi běn xīnduì hēi 'àn de xiàn shí chí fǒu dìng tài zàièr láng sōu shān shī zhōng xiě dào:“ mín zāi fān chū guān zhōngbùwèi yuán wéi shā chóngzuò guān sòng shì yòng guǐ jiàn tíng zhū xiōng yòuhuái duō gǎn shì lín fēng sān tàn xiōng zhōng sǔn zhǎn xié dāo píng zhī hèn jiù yuè yòu shǐ jiù gōngshì jiān wèi yīng xióngshuí néng wèiwǒ zhì lín fèngcháng lìng wàn nián bǎo qīng níng gōng。” rèn wéimín zāide xíng chéngshè huì xiàn shí de chǒu 'èyuán yīn jiù zài tǒng zhì zhě yòng rén shànràng guǐ”“ xiōng yàng de huài rén dāng dào xiǎngzhì lín fèng”, xíngwáng dào”, niǔ zhuǎn qián kūndàn shì huái cái zhuàng zhì wèi chóuzhǐ néng kōng huái kāng kǎi shì lín fēng tàn shēng huó kùn dùn gěi chéng 'ēn dài lái de bìng xiǎo kǎo de shī qīn shì hòu yào cāo chí quán jiā de suǒ yòu kāi zhīdàn què méi yòu zhī chēng mén de néng gèng méi yòu yǎng jiā huó kǒu de shǒu duànjiā zhōng shēng huó lái yuánchú liǎo měi yuè cóng xué lǐng huí liù dǒu wàizhǐ néng zuò shí qīn suǒ liú chǎn liǎopǐn cháng liǎo shè huì rén shēng suān tián de chéng 'ēnkāi shǐ gèng jiā qīng xǐng shēn chén kǎo shè huì rén shēng de wèn bìng qiě yòng de shī wén xiàng de shè huì jìn xíng kàng zhēng
   chéng 'ēn jiā shì kǎo
  《 yóu de zuò zhě chéng 'ēn( 1506 héng 1582), zhōng zhōngmíng dài zhōng huái 'ān rénhuái 'ān zài hàn dài céng jiào shè yáng xiànxiàn de dōng nán yòu húpō jiào shè yáng suǒ chéng 'ēn shè yángwéi hàojīng cháng shǔ wéishè yáng shì”。 hòu dài yòu rén chēng wéishè yáng shān rén”, zhè yuē shì dāng nián de hàohuái 'ān chù huái shuǐ zhī nánqín hàn shí wéi huái yīn xiàntáng dài wéi chǔ zhōu shí céng gǎi chēng guò huái yīn jùn zài shǔ míng shíqián miàn wǎng wǎng guànyǐhuái yīnèr zhè shì míng qīng shí dài liǎng huái wén rén de tōng fēng
   guān chéng 'ēn de jiā shì qián rén men liǎo jiě de hái shì hěn shǎoyīn wéi liào tài shǎo liǎo jīn wéi zhǐ gōng chá kǎo de liào zhù yào de zhǐ yòuxiān bīn zhì míng zhǒngxiàn zài jiù gēn zhè piān zhì míng xiē cái liàozuò xià xiē tuī
   chéng xiān shì lián shuǐ rénshì hòu lái qiān dào huái 'ān deshì shénme shí jiān qiān huái 'ān de méi yòu jiǎng cāi xiǎng zuì chí yìng wǎn míng chū yóu yòu 'èr
   cóng shí jiān shàng tuī suànyìng zài míng chū zhī qián。《 xiān bīn zhì míngyún
   xiān shì lián shuǐ rénrán shí shān yángzāo jiā qióng shī dié sān shì shàng néng xiáng zēngzǔ huì dǐng huì míng yáo xùn dǎohuáng kǎo huì zhēnrén jiào
   zhè suǒ shuō de zēngzǔhuáng kǎojūn shì chéng 'ēn de qīn ruì de shēn fèn lái shuō desuǒ wèisān shì shàng”, jiù shì zhǐ de zhè sān shìbìng bāo kuò chéng 'ēn ruò lián men suàndāng wéi shìzhè dài chéng 'ēn shì qīng chǔ decóng qīn de zēngzǔ dǐng xiàng shàng biàn néng xiáng ”。 chéng 'ēn shēng shí liù shì chū míng dài kāi guó 130 niánàn tōng cháng 30 nián wéi shì de shuō lái suàn chéng 'ēn xiàng shàng dài wéi 120 niánshí jiān zhèng hǎo shì míng chū。“ sān shì shàng néng xiáng de míng xiǎn shì shuō dǐng bìng fēi qiān huái shǐ qiān huái shì qián de shìèr wèi shèn zhì shì de shìzhǐ guò shì yīn wéi méi yòu dié chéng 'ēn shuō qīng chǔ liǎosuǒ shì qiān huái dāng wǎn míng chū
   'èryuán cháo nián zhàn zhēng pín rénghuái 'ān suǒ zāo zhàn huò yóu wéi yán zhòng zhù mín sàn dài jìnrén kǒu ruì jiǎn huáng zhōu wéi huái 'ān yáng shì jié zuò de chuán cáo biāohuái chéng xìn jīn 》、 yáng qìng zhīchūn xiāo shèngděng jìzǎi,“ míng chū shuí rén cún zhě zhǐ jiā”。“ huái rén gài zhǐ de shì chéng nèi mín,“ jiā néng shì zhǐ xìng shuō zhè xìng shì jié xiào )、 huái shù méi huā liúqiē miàn zhāngmiàn wángbiǎo bèi wángnán mén pānxūn)” děng jiā wàihái yòu rén shuō xìng zhōng yòu xìng dedàn shì zhǐ de shì hòu lái zhōng jìn shì zuò guò shǐ de jié jiā chéng 'ēn bìng guā chéng 'ēn de xiān shì huái 'ān yuán dài mínér shì yuán míng chū cóng lián shuǐ qiān demíng chūmíng tài zhēn duì jiāng běi mín shǎo de zhuàng kuàng shí xíng mín zhèng lái shuí de mín duō qiān jiāng nánér qiě duō wéi huò jūn guānzhì jīn huái 'ān duō rén hái shì dài xiāng chuán shuō lǎo jiā shì jiāng nán zhōu huò shénme fāng chéng 'ēn jiā yóu běi xiàng nán rán shǔ zhè cháo liúyīnggāi shì yuán míng chū chǎn nóng mín de liú qiān
   chéng 'ēn xiān qiān huái hòu shì cóng shì shénme zhí de ?《 xiān bīn zhì míngzhōng méi yòu tán dāng shí qiān huái de rén zhōng yòu de shì jūn róng huái 'ān wèi wèikuān wèi děng wèi suǒyòu de shì shāng cóng shì shāng huó dòng yòu xiē rén shì xiān rén zài huái zuò guān 'ér dìng xià lái deyòu xiē rén jiā cóng shì pān jiā jiāhái yòu hěn duō rén jiā cóng shì kào shū zuò guān chī fànděng děng chéng 'ēn jiā shì jūn shì zuò guān rén jiā de hòu xiàng kāi shǐ jiù shì dexiān bīn zhì míngjìzǎi chéng 'ēn jiā chū guò liǎng dài xué guānzēngzǔ míng zuò guò zhè jiāng yáo xiàn de xùn dǎo zhēn yóu gòng zuò guò zhè jiāng rén xiànjīn háng zhōu shìde jiào tóng zhìshān yáng xiàn zhìjuàn jiǔguāng háng zhōu zhìjuàn 0 èr de jìzǎi jūn wéi xùn dǎo)。 xùn dǎo jiào dōushì guān wēi fèng de lěng guānyuǎn jiā xiāngdiān pèi liú 'ér wǎng wǎng néng tuán zài dāng chéng 'ēn de qīn ruì suì shí liáng shìdài zhe rén tuán xiǎng tiān lún zhī tuán yuán de hái wèi guò shù yuè xìng de shì qíng shēng liǎo ruì de qīn chéng 'ēn de zhēn jìng bìng shì rèn suǒliáng shì nàizhǐ yòu dài zhe suì de 'ér ruì huí huáiyóu jiā liǎng dài jīng yíng de shìjiǔ shí gàideqióng ”, shénme gèng shōu suǒ jiā jìng yuè lái yuè qióngyīn wéi qióngyòu qīn yǒu jiē ruì dào liǎo shàng xué de nián líng néng shàng xué bié rén jiā hái chí liǎo hǎo niáncái kāi shǐ jìn shè xué shūyīn wéi qián gěi shè xué xiān shēng sòng xiān shēng jiù zěn me jiào ruìdàn shì ruì hěn cōng míngzài bàng biān zhuān xīn tīng xiān shēng gěi bié rén jiǎng rán xué dào liǎo suǒ yòu de bìng qiě xué hěn hǎo ruì de cōng huì gǎn dòng liǎo shè xué xiān shēng dào liǎo xiān shēng de zàn shǎngtuī jiàn dào xiāng xué shūdàn zhōng yīn jiā jiā kùn nán 'ér méi yòu chéngliáng rén tòng xīn shǒu shuō:“ shì xiū wén 'èr shì ruò 'ěr ruò nài !” xiān shì liáng rén jiē zhe ruì gēn zhe bào tóu tòng yīcháng liǎo shì ruì shī xué hòu gān xiē shénme men zhī dàodàn dào 'èr shí suì de shí hòubiàn liǎo xiǎo shāng rén jiā de 'ér chéng liǎo jiā jiā shì dài mài huā biān huā xiàn lèi xiǎo shāng pǐn shuō biàn chéng liǎo jiā de hángyèzuò zài diàn táng chéng liǎo xiǎo shāng réncóng zhè duàn jìzǎi zhōng men kàn chū chéng jiā de xiē lǎo suǒ wèixiū wén 'èr shì”, gài jiù shì zhǐ de chéng 'ēn de céng míng zhēnzài jìn zhuó zhè huà jiā de jǐn liǎng dài xiān shì bìng shì shū rén jiā jiā xiān shì fēi yòu fēi jūn gèng fēi guān huàn wài yào me jiù shì cóng shì nóng yào me jiù shì jīng yíng shāng liǎng xiāng jiào rèn wéi jiā chū qiān huái shí jīng yíng de shì xiǎo shāng néng gèng xiàng xiēzhè yòu liǎng tiáo yóu
   chéng 'ēn jiā bìng chǎn shōu yòu rén shuō jiā qiān huái hòu yuán zhù zài 'èr guàn gōucóng shì de shì nóng men de gēn shì yīn wéi chéng 'ēn hòu zàng zài bìng chēng 'ér wéixiān lǒng”。 zhè zhèng shì bùzúwèi píng de。“ lǒngjiù shì ,“ xiān lǒngshì xiān rén de bìng shuō míng jiā zài 'ér yòu duō shǎo chéng rén liǎo zǒng néng mái zài chéng zàng dào xiāng xià shì rán dezài xiāng xià mǎi kuài zuò wéi shì zhèng cháng de shì qíngdāng rán jiā kāi shǐ jiù zhì xià zhè kuài chǎn rán yòng zhe zài mǎi dedàn xiǎng yàng shì néng de jiā yóu lián shuǐ qiān lái guǒ yuán lái jiù shì zhù jiù huì fàng yuán yòu de pāo kāi jiā yuán dào zhè 'ér lái zhòng zhì tián chǎn guǒ shì chǎn nóng mín qiān lái gèng huì yòu qián dào huái 'ān xiāng xià mǎi tiánmíng chū cóng jiāng nán xiàng jiāng běi mínshì yīn wéi jiāng běi duō rén dòng yuán jiāng nán dào jiāng běi kěn huāngshì yòu kāi jiāng běi de de dedāng shí shì yòng xíng zhèng shǒu duàngǎnlái dehuái 'ān zhì jīn nóng mín zhōng réng yòuhóng gǎn sànde shuō míng chū lián shuǐ de jīng zhuàng kuàng huì huái 'ān hǎo jiā qiān huái jué shì yīn wéi shì 'ér bèigǎnlái de
   cóng lìng fāng miàn lái jiǎng guǒ jiā yōng yòu dìng de chǎndàngzuò jiào de zhēn hòu jiā zhì qióng dào zhòngdì chéng 'ēn de qīn lián shè xué shàng chí liǎo nián cái shàngshàng liǎo shè xué yòu qián gěi xiān shēng sòng zhì shòu rén shìdào liǎo zuì hòu hái shì chuò xué liǎo shì de tuī jiā jiǎn zhí méi yòu shénme chǎn jiā xiān bèi qiān huái hòu gēn běn shì nóng mín
   èr rèn wéi jiā lái huái hòu jiù zhù zài xiàdāng shí xià zài huái dāng shí jiào huáng huáng duó huái hòuzhè dài huái xià yóu shì huáng de xià yóu。), biān shì yùn xià chù zài liǎng zhī jiānshì shāng dāng shí cóng lái de shāng rén zhǒng zhí de rén hěn duō zài zhè zhè xiē rén hòu zhú jiàn liǎo shān yáng jiā qiān huái hòu luò jiǎo xiàchù zài jiā jiā jīng shāng de jiē shì zhī zhōngcóng 'ér shòu yǐng xiǎngcóng shì mǒu zhǒng xiǎo shāng lái móu shēng shì hěn rán de shì qíngcóng xiàn zài jiā zài xià de zhōu wéi huán jìng lái kànzhèng shì zhè yàng de qíng kuàng tóng xiàngdīng tiě xiàngfěn zhāng xiànggùyī jiē bāo wéi zài jiā de zhōuzhè xiē xiàng de mín běn shàng jīng yíng zhe xiàng míng zhōng suǒ liè de hángdāngdāng jīng shāng yòu liǎo shēng huó zhuàng kuàng yòu suǒ gǎi shànjiù xiàng shū zuò guān de fāng xiàng jìn bìng qiě yòu liǎo xiē chéng xiàochū xiàn liǎo liǎng dài xué gōngjìn guǎn zhēn shì gòng shēng chū shēn néng yào chū diǎn qiándàn zhèng hǎo zhèng míng jiā yòu shū jīng shàng yòu xiǎo yòu )。 zhè shí jiā biàn pāo liǎo yuán lái suǒ jīng yíng de xiàn zài zuò guānsuī rán shì liú de xiǎo guānshēn fèn xiāngchèn de shāng shēng huó lái yuán jiù kào zuò xué guān de wēi fèng lái wéi chí dàn zhè tiáo dào chū liǎo wèn jiù huì chū xiàn fánguǒ rán zhēn liǎoméi yòu guān fèng liǎoquán jiā shēng huó chū xiàn wēi lián shuō shàng shè xué shū kùn nán guǒ shì guān liáo jiān zhù de jiā tíngshì huì chū xiàn zhè yàng de wèn de jiā méi yòu chǎnshēng huó jiān nánshì xiǎng jiàn dezhè shí wéi shēng huó suǒ ,“ xiū wén 'èr shìde shū xiāng zhōng chuò xuénòng dào diàn táng zuò xiǎo shēng lái xià yòu tuì huí dào liǎo xiǎo shāng rén de wèizhè duì jiā lái shuō shàng jīng yíng guò de zhí hòu rén chóngxīn shí qīng chē shú dào bān qíng kuàng xià shì hěn rán 'ér de
   chéng 'ēn shuō jiā de jìng kuàngqióng ”。“ qióng shì jiā shì de zhù yào zhēngsuǒ wèiqióng”, zhù yào shì zhǐ jīng shàng kùn nán qián suǒ shù jiā què shí yòu shí jiào jiān nánlìng wài néng jiān yòu zhǐ mìng yùn tài hǎo de dài lái zhé zhé méi yòu jiāo shàngdàng guān cái de hǎo yùn jīng zuò liǎo liǎng dài xiǎo guān liǎojiēguǒ dàn méi yòu shàng shēngfǎn 'ér yòu huí dào liǎo yuán lái de wèixiàn jiān nán kùn jìngsuǒ wèi”, gài zhǐ rén dīng xīng wàng dài dān chuánshì dān rén kǒu duō jiā kùn nán liǎo rén zhùshòu rén liǎo méi yòu rén wèitā chēng yāo chéng 'ēn de qīn shòu jìn liǎo guān de qiāo zhà suǒ méi rén wèitā shuō gōng dào huàzhè xiē míng xiǎn kàn chū de jiā shì duō meqióng ”、 hán wēijiā nèi méi yòu zuò guān zuàn qián de rén zuò wéi jiā zhèng zhì shàng huò jīng shàng de kào shānkǒng běn zhōng de xiōng shū dōuhěn shǎoxiàn zài hái méi xiàn de jiā zhōng rén de jìzǎizhǒng zhǒng xiàng biǎo míng jiā néng dài dān chuán
   chéng 'ēn de qīn guān zhōng méi yòu shénme zhí xuàn yào de shàng de qīn chéng 'ēn méi yòu tán dào guò gài chēng dào liáng shì niàn jiā chù qīng chǔ chéng shì huái 'ān réndāng shí huái 'ān liáng jiā xiǎn yàojiù de qíng kuàng zhī dàowèi jiàn yòu de jìzǎi cóng tán shì shì shāng rén de 'érshēng zhāng shì rén gèng suǒ zhīguān jiù jiā jiājìng lián piàn yán zhǐ wèi jiànhuò zhě gān cuì jiù méi yòu chéng 'ēn de bèi shàng qīn shǔ qíng kuàngjiǎn zhí shì
   yòu rén chēng dào chéng 'ēn zhè dài zhōng de liǎng mén qīn shì jiě shěn jiālìng shì jiù jiā men fēn bié shì shěn de hòu shěn 'èr rénfēn bié zài jǐng tài nián jiān hóng zhì nián jiān rèn guò nánběi shàng shūzhè liǎng jiā zài huái 'ān dōuhěn yòu wèidàn shì chéng 'ēn de jiě gài zhǐ shì zhè liǎng jiā de rénbìng fēi zhè liǎng wèi shàng shū rén de chuán sūnrán 'ér zǒng suàn shì zhān qīn dài yòu diǎn qīn guān xiàn zài men jiù lái kàn kàn zhè liǎng mén qīn de qíng kuàng
   xiān shuō jiě shěn jiā。《 xiān bīn zhì míngyún:“ rén shēng chéng jiāshì tóng jùn shěn shān。” zhī chéng 'ēn de jiě jiào shěn shānzěn me zhī dào shěn shān shěn shì běn jiā de zhè shì shěn shān de 'ér de 'ér wài sūn jiù shì chéng 'ēn de biǎo wài sūn qiū wèitā de zhuàn xiě de zhì míng zhōng fǎn yìng chū lái degāi zhì míng yún。“ xiàng huái jùn chēng xìng zhěxiān shàng shū shěn gōng zhī nǎi gōng zhī tóng zhī gōng zhī sūn 。” zhì míng yòu yún wài shì tài rén”,“ shè yáng gōng jiù ”。 yóu zhīqiū de qīn shěn shì shì chéng 'ēn de wài shēng tài rén chéng jiā de 'ér me chéng 'ēn de jiě shěn shān dāng wéixiān shàng shū shěn gōng zhī ”。 huái 'ān dāng shí xìng shěn de shàng shū zhǐ yòu shěn rénsuǒ shěn shān shì shěn de rén wàiqiū de zhōng biǎo xiōng zài shěn de zhōng jūn yòu míng què jìzǎiér qiě shěn shì zhōng hái qiū zuò wéi zhòng yào qīn jìzǎi jìn zhè xiē dōushì què zhèng
   qiū píng gōng zhì míng》, shěn shìxiān shì jiā dōng guó chū shǐ gōng bīng shān yángsuì jiā yānhòu xiǎn zhàn jiá yòu huì zhělěi gōng nán jīng shàng shūzhèng tǒng jiān yòu gōnghuì bǎo zhěguān jǐshìzhōngshēng tài shǎo qīngzhí shēng tái shèng huì chún zhělěi guān zhì chuān yòu zhènggōng zài shēng mín guān yīn míng chán lián huái shù xìng huàn zhǐ shǒu shěn。” zhè què shí shì xiǎn de jiā rán 'ér shěn shì zhōng jìng rán méi yòu shěn shān de míng gèng méi shì de jìzǎiàn zhào qiū shěn shì jiā de guān shěn shān yīngshì shěnshěn huò zhě jiù shì shěn shān de mínghòu gǎi míngzhè yòu xià gēn
   qiū zhuànpíng gōng zhì míngyún:“ shěn nǎi huái zhī qiáo jiù jiā chì fēng zèng gōng rén xiù zhī ménér píng gōng yòu biǎo xiōng zhī zhě 。” píng gōng míng shěn zhì bié hào píng cháng qiū sān suì
   èrshěn qiànshàng lín yuàn jiān shǔ chéng xiǎn jūn xíng lüèyún:“ qiū gōng zhèn gāngqiū zhèn gāng), xiān zhōng biǎo kūn 。” shěn qiàn de xiān shěn
   sānshěn péi kuān jūn xíng shùyún:“ céng wáng jiàn bèi shíwáng wán bái gōng nián shí 'èrtuō biǎo xiōng zhèn gāng qiū gōng。” shěn péi kuān de zēngzǔ hái shì shěn
   shàng zhè xiē jìzǎi jūn jiàn shěn de
   ànshěn de qīn jiào shěn tiān jiào shěnzēngzǔ jiào shěn xuāngāo hàn míng shěn wéi shěn zhī 'èr xiōng rán shěn qiū wéi zhōng biǎo xiōng meshěn tiān yìng wéi qiū zhī jiù qiū qīn shěn shì wéi qīn xiōng mèi huò qīn jiě tiān zhī shěn dāng wéi qiū de wài chéng jiā suǒ jià zhī míng shěn shān zhě xiǎng zhè shì gǎi de tuī lùnshěn shì zhōng míng shěn shān 'ér jiào shěn 5 yíng néng shěn shān shì chū yòng mínghòu lái gǎi zuò shěnyíng de yuán shěn shì jìzǎishěn cháo yòngpèi nìngshìwáng shìdàn shì méi yòu shì de jìzǎizhè gài yīn wéi jiāqióng ”, chéng jiā jià dào shěn jiā jǐn jǐn shì shìshèn huò shì qièér qiě néng méi yòu shēng nán hái de yuán shěn shān de nián líng néng chéng jiā duōshěn xíng sānshēng 1392 nián 'èr xiōng shěn de shēng nián dāng gèng zǎo xiēshěn shān wéi shěn shěn xuān zhī shì shěn zhī sān dàishēng nián dāng wǎn 'èr shì guǒ 30 nián wéi shì 'èr shì wéi 60 niándāng wéi 1450 nián qǐng guǒ zài jiā shàng néng yòu de xiē shū qíng kuàngzài jiā cháng xiē shí jiānzhì jìn yìng wéi 1460 nián huò 1470 nián qǐngér de zhǎngzǐ shěn tiān shēng 1500 niánliǎng zhě chā jiào suǒ shěn shān de shēng nián néng jiào zǎoshèn zhì chéng 'ēn de qīn ruì de shēng nián jiē jìn ruì shēng 1461 nián)。 gēn shàng shù qíng kuàng fēn shěn shān jǐn shì shěn shàng shū de zhí sūnchéng 'ēn de jiě jiě chéng jiā yòu fēi shěn shān de yuán pèi rénjǐn shì shàng míng de pèi 'ǒusuǒ zhè mén qīn chēng dàojiā zhī shěn shì dào liǎo shěn shān zhè dài méi yòu chū guān guì réngèng méi yòu shénme zhí xuàn yào deyīn chéng 'ēn jǐn zài zhì míng zhōngàn tōng cháng guàn liǎo xià shěn shān de míng bìng wèi zuò jìn de jiè shàozài fāng jué wèi hòu lái qiū zhōng liǎo jìn shì zuò liǎo guānqiū de xuè guǎn liú yòu shěn shì de xuè suǒ shěn shì qiū jiā de guān cái zēng qiángér lián dài de shěn jiā jiā de guān cái bèi kàn zhòngcóng zhè men kàn chū chéng 'ēn jiā dāng chū de shè huì wèi shì de xià
   chéng 'ēn de yuè jiā de qíng kuàng yòu diǎn xiāng lèi shì xiān wéi nán sòng chū nián zǎixiàng héngshì zhè jiāng zhī jīn huá zēngzǔ yóngzài yuán dài shī míng shìzhù yòuqiáo yún chàng》, liánhóng chū shù huáisuì wéi huái 'ān wèi rén。《 míng shǐjuàn yòu chuán chuán běn qīngjǐng tài nián jìn shòu shǐchéng huà zhōng lěi guān zhì tóng xún hóng zhì nián wéi shàng shūxún jiā tài tài bǎo zhì míng wéi dōng yáng zhuàn zhì shēng 1426 nián 1501 niáncháng shēn xiū ránjiàn zhě zhī wéi wěi ,”“ pèi shìzèng rén jué kǒng shìfēng rénjiē yòu nèi xíng”。 shì shì xiángkǒng shì chéng 'ēn wéi zhī zhuànshòu tài lǎo rén shí sòng tài wǎn shī 》( jiànshè yáng xiān shēng cún gǎojuàn juàn 'èrde lǎo rén tài ”。 chéng 'ēn zài zhè liǎng piān wén zhāng zhōng shuō:“ xiān shàng shū guó zhù chénkāng hǎi nèizhèn gōng bǎo ”,“ tài rén xiù zhōng jué wéi xiān shī shí dài zhī zhēn ”。 yòu shuō;“ chéng 'ēn dāo tiǎn hūn yīnbān tài zēngsūn zhī ”。 suī rán chéng 'ēn zàixiān bīn zhì míngzhōng jǐn yán shì”, wèi míng yán shì chū jiādàn men cóng zhè liǎng piān wén zhāng biàn zhī dào shì shì de hòu shì zēngsūn bèi de rén tài kǒng shì shēng 1468 nián zhàng xiǎo shí 'èr suì shì shí nián jǐn sān shí suìcóng shí jiān shàng tuī suànchéng 'ēn shì gēn běn néng shì kǒng shì qīn zēngsūn jǐn zài zēngsūn zhè bānzhōngér qiě yòu shì”。 kàn lái chéng 'ēn shì bìng fēi de chuán sūn dōng yáng suǒ zhuàn de zhì zhōng guān kǒng shì de jìzǎijǐn zài míng běnhuái táng wén hòu gǎojuàn 'èr shí zhōng yòu zhīdào liǎo shū de qīng běn zhōng,“ jué kǒng shìfēng rénjiē yòu nèi xíng bèi shān liǎozhè jiù shǐ xiǎng chéng 'ēn de jiě jiě chéng jiā lái gài jià zuò shì shìhuò zhě wèi shēng 'ér dejiù shì zhè yàng de mìng yùnbèi fēng wéi rén de kǒng shì shàng qiě píng mín bǎi xìng de chéng jiā shěn shì hái yòu shénme de shuō xiōng 'èr rén míng yángyáng zhì chóng tiān shùn gēng chén jìn tiān huái 'ān zhìjuàn shí liù jìzǎidāng guān wài nèi yánshù yuán qǐng dìng rén gǎn gān shǒu sān jùn jìn zhí qíng zhāo yuàn yāo mínglěi gōngxíng 'èr shì láng”。 shū zhí 'èr rén shì dāng shí shì de zhòng yào rén zhì quánhào wéi chéng 'ēn de shū zhàng rén。《 shè yáng xiān shēng cún gǎojuàn shī tài wén》、 juàn wēng tài zhàng zhì zhàng 》, wéi suǒ zuò quán jiā tíng tiáo jiàn shí fēn yōu yuè qīn wéi cháo tíng chéng yìn wéi guāng diǎn tóng zhìshān yáng xiàn zhìjuàn jiǔ)。 shū shū bǎo hěn yòu qián shuō zhì guān zhì guī yǐn shí niánchū gōng fèi jiē chū zhàng zhōng shuō quánchù wéi guì gōng chū wéi xián shì juàn 'ér guī wéi xiāng kānshàonián shí huān jiāo jié zhǒng rén,“ jiāng yóu xiáshí hòu mén duān fāng liè qián”。 'ér gǎi biàn shēng huó fāng shìjié jiāo jiē hǎi nèi míng shì:“ xuán 'ér yòu qín huī jīn shōu shū huàhéng cháng zhuàn xiǎo xún chūn zhī tíng shuǐ zhī guǎn”。 dàn zhōng shēn qīng cái zhòng ,“ fāng cháo chǔ wàng cānshí fēng shí bèi jiā zhòng”。 chéng 'ēn suī rán shì de zhí qiàndàn yīn wèishì dāng shí de míng shìréng rán bèi zhī wéi shàng ”。 men de yǒu qíng shì hěn hǎo dedāng quán zài jīng chéng shíchéng 'ēn zuò shī tài zhàng》, chū qíng xuán jiù shǎng mèng rào cāng de gǎn gàiyào quányìng niàn shān luó”。 shí quán chéng 'ēn liǎo suìzhàng shuōlóng qìng nián( 1570 niánshì quán de shí shòu chén me dāng shēng 1501 nián chéng 'ēn de nián líng xiāng fǎng zhàng hái shuō,“ chéng 'ēn yīn mén xià shí nián”。 zhè huà yào zuò xiē zhēn zhuó。“ dāng wéizhī zhídàn shū shuō”、“ xiāng tōng rén huān yòng tōng jiǎ zhè qiě zhì zhī lùn。“ shí niánzài hàn zhòngyì wéichuí shí nián”、“ jiē jìn shí nián”, yīn zhè huà hěn chéng wèn men jiāng shí niánjìn liàng shuō xiēwéi sān shí jiǔ niándào 1570 nián chéng cái jié hūn sān shí jiǔ nián me jié hūn de shí jiān dāng wéi 1532 nián qǐngzhè nián chéng 'ēn qīn gāng gāng shì wèitā qīn zhuàn xiě zhì zhōng gāng hǎo gǎn shàng shàng shì”, zhè wèi miǎn guò xuán liǎo xiēér qiě chéng 'ēn nián jiāng jìn sān shí suì liǎoduì dài dān chuán shí duō suì fāng shēng de jiā tíng lái shuōkǒng jué huì ràng hái dào liǎo sān shí suì dào liǎo shí duō jiē jìn cái ràng hái jié hūn chéng jiāyīn rèn wéi zhè shí niándāng wéi shí niánzhī zhè yàng de huàchéng 'ēn de jié hūn nián líng zài 'èr shí lái suìfāng shuō guò
   quán de 'ér 'ēnwéi jiā qīng 'èr shí jiǔ nián jìn guān shǐsūn yǔn zhōng wàn 'èr shí nián huì shì zhè shì chéng 'ēn shēn hòu de shì liǎozǒng zhī chéng 'ēn de zhè mén qīn jiù shì zhè yàng de zhuàng kuàng yào shěn shì jiā hǎo xiē
   chéng 'ēn yòu méi yòu jìzǎi yòu guò 'ér míng jiào fèng máodàn hěn zǎo jiù shì liǎoyòu méi yòu zhī dàochén wén zhú wèitā zuò dehuā cǎo xīn biān zhōng shuō chéng 'ēn shì hòu jiā jiā chuī huǒ ”。 gēn zhè huà lái kàn chéng 'ēn shì jiā zuì hòu shì de rén gài shì méi yòu liǎo hòuyān cōng jiù mào yān liǎocóng biàn duàn liǎo yān huǒ shǐ yòu 'ér de huà gài zǎo chū jià liǎodàn shì méi yòu cái liào zhèng míng zhè diǎn
   fèng máo de qíng kuàng zhǐ yòu liǎng chù dào guò shìjiè shè bānzhōng shuō:“ chéng 'ēn lìng zhī píng shēng fèi jiāo yòu zhòng hūn yīn zhī ”。 lìng chù shì wéi shěn kūn zuò de zhì míng zhōng shuō:“ guàn yǒu tōng jiā wáng fèng máo jiǔ yòu cháng hūn ”。 qián piān wén zhāng shì jiā jìng 'èr shí sān nián( 1544) shěn kūn zhòngzhuàngyuán mǎn sān nián kǎohuáng zèng fēng shì féng shěn liù shí suì shòu chénzuò wéi zhī qìng dejiā jìng 'èr shí sān nián duì shěn kūn lái shuōshì shì lián lián de shí jiā jìng 'èr shí nián zhōng liǎo zhuàng yuánzhè nián huáng shàng gào mìng zèng fēng mèi zhāng kǎn nián zhōng liǎo jìn de jiā zhèng chù zài shàng shēng shí shí néng chéng 'ēn dìng 'ér qìngjiāquè shí shì shěn kūn wàng yǒu qíng hěn kàn chéng 'ēn de shì qíngdàn guǒ shuō dìng qīn shì qián nián shěn kūn zhòngzhuàngyuán qián de shì gèng yòu dìng de xìng mefèng máo shēng nián dāng zài jiā jìng shí nián zhì jiā jìng 'èr shí nián zhī jiān 'èr piān wén zhāng zuò jiā jìng sān shí nián dōng( 1556), wén zhāng zhōng chēng fèng máo wéiwáng ”, shuō míng jīng liǎoér qiě néng jīng yòu liǎo duàn shí jiān liǎoyīn wéi zhì zhōng shuō shěn kūn de sān sūn jià liǎo zhōu xué lìng liǎng pìn liǎo rén jiāzhè sān rén dāng zhōngdāng rán bāo kuò céng jīng pìn fèng máo de shěn kūn de 'ér zài nèiyīn wéi fèng máo liǎobiàn yòu lìng liǎo bié réndàn shì guò de shí jiān yòu huì tài chángyīn wéi zài chéng de yìn xiàng zhōng hái yóu xīnbìng zhè jiàn shì xiě dào shěn kūn de zhì míng zhōng fèng máo jiù zài qián 'èr nián cái shìdàn zhè xiē dōushì tuī jiū jìng fèng máo shēng nián niánhuó liǎo duō hái nán shuō qīng chǔ
   shàng shì duì chéng 'ēn de jiā shì yòu guān qíng kuàng suǒ zuò de jiǎn dān kǎo shù de shì gōng yán jiū yóu chéng 'ēn de xué rén men cān kǎo duō fāng shì dǎn de tuī hái yòu dài xiàn xīn de liào lái jiū zhèng chōng shí

  Word Ru Zhong, No. Sheyang Shanren, Huai House Shanyang County (now Huaian Chuzhou district) people. Ming novelist. Born in a lower-level officials reduced to a small business family, his father, Wu Rui optimistic personality help one pursue the regular music philosophy, named for his son Cheng'en, Ru Zhong word meaning hope that he can read official, deck mercy next Zeli people, to be a legacy of unnamed loyal. Wu Cheng-en studious child, Yimushihang, Guomuchengsong. He specializes in painting, good at calligraphy, love song lyrics degree, on the Go is also very proficient, but also collections of famous paintings like the paste method. Youth because of his outstanding literary talent made a name in the home, appreciated by people, that his third examination, "who finds a mustard." "Huai House" carries his "sexual sensitivity and multi-Hui, Po-polar group of books for poetry write into legislation." Excited than he was studious, the particular strange hunting like the strange, supernatural like to watch, like Fox Spirit Houjing books. Such as "Weirdo recorded", "Exposition of" unofficial history of the novel class of such bright lights of the mythological world, had formed the potential Mohua strange the strange habit of hunting, increased with age, this hobby increase, which he created "Journey to the West" has a major impact. After 30 years of age, Hunting for the anecdote that he had been "in storage Manxiong", and how has creative plans. 50 years old, he wrote "Journey to the West" back to the first dozen, and later interruptions for many years, until his resignation on the departure of old age back to hometown, he was able to finally complete the "Journey to the West," the creation, last 7 years. Wu Cheng-en into the youth, is unrestrained, light the world Aowu young people. The low social status, the situation of poverty, so that the large unrestrained wit, elicited an avalanche of laughter, be gone are the days Jiaokou reputation. Wu Cheng-en about 20 years of age, and hometown girl surnamed Ye married, marriage, very deep feelings. Although unrestrained Wu Cheng-en, but he behaved, loyal to his wife. Jiajing years in the House of Wu-year-old test and the expedition in the school received excellent results, students gained the qualification examination, and a group of friends to be examinations held in Nanjing. However, talented as his companion who has passed, the world-famous village of wit he actually Mingluosunshan. The following spring, his father died with regret. Initial failure to accept the lessons of Wu in the next three years to concentrate on the text up and down in time to pay tribute to the painstaking efforts Jiajing 10 years in the autumn is still not sitting the exam. Cross shame hate Wu Cheng-en, this winter, actually ill. Two examinations held in the defeat, coupled with his father's death, and Wu Cheng's crackdown is heavy. In his view, the test does not take lifts, not only without the payment of capital, and unworthy of their parents, have a negative ancestor. But he did not think they did not qualify is not capable, but only fate of the poor, he believes that "fame rich own life, we must have the free is crazy?" Life of Wu different prevalent custom and outspoken. Reason he was not high and repeated the first test, it may not want to make against one of his to please Shangguan of the. He was sick of corrupt officialdom, unwilling to go against the original mind, the reality of the dark negative attitude. In his "search Erlang Mountain Map Song" in a poem, wrote: "China pulls out dressed in the disaster, not to ape crane to the trouble. Sitting Song Imperial Households with Goki but not punish Si Xiong Yu Ting. Wild husband are pregnant with more grateful, honestly do lament the Wind 3. wear the chest cut the evil sword, want to hate from the level of weakness. save the day on a vector to save the bow, but does that saying no hero world? who for me To Lin Feng, long years to make security cooperation Qing Ning Gong. "that" people disaster, "the formation of the ugly social reality, reason is that the rulers of poor employment, so that" Goki "" Si Xiong, "as the bad guys in power. He wanted to "To Lin Feng," OK "kingly", to turn things around, but underappreciated, cut down, only left with generous, ask things Rinpu sigh. Live in poverty to not less than the pressure of Wu's lost expedition. After his father died, he needs to manage all the family expenses, but he did not support the portal's capabilities, nor the means to raise a family. Family life, apart from the university in a month fighting to reclaim six meters away, can only sit eating father left a legacy. Enjoy the ups and downs of the social life of Wu began to more clearly, consider the deep questions of social life, and his own poetry to the unreasonable social struggle.
  Family history of Wu
  "Journey to the West" author Wu Cheng (1506-1582), the word Yu Zhong, word to loyalty, in the mid Huai'an people. Huai had told Sheyang County in the Han Dynasty, the county has a lake called the South East Sheyang Lake, so as to Wu Cheng-en "Sheyang" as the number, often from the Department "Sheyang lay." Generations have called it the "Hermit Sheyang" This is not about numbers in his old self. Located south of Huai Huai Shui, the Qin and Han period Huaiyin County. Tang is Chuzhou, once the period has been renamed Huaiyin County, so he signed, the front is often dubbed "Huaiyin" word. This is the era of Ming literati general atmosphere of Salt.
  On Wu Cheng's family background, or very few people knew about the present. Because too little information to date information available to examine the main only the "first government guest epitaph" A. Now, I am under this epitaph, and other materials, as follows some speculation.
  Wu Chengsi Lianshui bloods who was later moved to Huai'an. What time is moved to Huai'an for? He did not say, I guess no later than not later than the early Ming. The reasons:
  First, from the time the projections should be before the early Ming. "First the government guest epitaph," says:
  Lianshui bloods who, however not as good as when the resettlement Sanyo. Isolated by poor families, loss of genealogy, it admitted of III above details are. Ancestor taboo Ding; ancestral taboo Ming, Yuyao discipline; August Ones taboo Chen, Ren didactic.
  Second, the Yuan Dynasty fighting frequently, Huaian the war was particularly serious, indigenous peoples scattered dead and exhausted, the population plummeted. Pineapple Island for the Huai Yang Shijie, according to the biography, and Cao darts "Huai City recorded a letter today," Yang of "Spring Night Dreamer left" and other records, "who kept the early Ming were only seven." "Huai" and probably refers to the city residents, "seven" could refer to seven names. It is said that seven names is a "Piety Xu (product), Ash Lee, plum Liu, cut sheets, comprehensive cooperation king, mounted back the king, South Gate Pan (Xun)," and so few. In addition, there were seven names have surnamed Wu said, but that must mean that the Censor was done in the chin-shih, Wu Festival, Miss that one, and there is no connection Wu Cheng-en. The ancestors of Wu Huai Yuan Dynasty was not, but Lianshui moved in from the Yuan and Ming. Early Ming-tsu Jiangbei residents for scarce state in immigration policy. To many immigrants who move from the south, and mostly well-off or officers. Huai many generations has also said that he was born in Suzhou, or any other places south. Wu Cheng-en home from north to south, nature does not belong to this trend, Yuan and Ming bankruptcy should be the migration of farmers.
  Huai-Wu Cheng-en ancestors moved to after it is engaged in what occupations? "First the government guest epitaph" is not mentioned. Some of those who were dishonorably discharged move Huai, attached at the Huai Wei Rong, Ho Wei, Wei Wei, wide river; Some business membership, engaged in commercial activities; also have some official and the ancestors settled in the Huai River; some people in Medical industry, such as Pan, Lu home; there are many people in Confucian industry, relying on official school meals, and so on. Wu Cheng-en home, not a military status, nor do Tai Guanren family descendants, not as the start sector and Confucianism. According to "First House guest epitaph," recorded over two generations of a family of Wu School official: Yuyao County, Zhejiang Province has Zuwu Ming did the discipline, his grandfather from the case of Gong Wu Chen did Zhejiang Renhe County (now Hangzhou) of didactic (Tongzhi "Sanyo County" Book Nine, Guang Xu, "Hangzhou government records) are recorded in Volume 0 2 discipline). Discipline and the didactic are the official micro-thin cold pension officials, far from home, displaced, his wife and children often can not join you. When the father of Wu Wu Rui-year-old, the mother Liang, took him to Ren, the couple father and son reunion with families. Happy days not several months, the unfortunate happened: Wu Rui's father or grandfather of Wu Jing Wu Chen died either by. Liang helpless, only with a sharp back-year-old orphan Wu Huai. As the two generations of his family business is "9 Ru 10" Basically the "poor Confucianism", neither have any savings, but no other income, so his family getting poorer. Because of the poor, nor friends, philanthropic, Wu Rui to school age can not go to school than children of someone's home a few years later, began to enter the social science study. Mr. money to community schools as a gift, not how to teach, Mr. Wu Rui. However, Wu Rui very smart, in the next President to concentrate on listening to others speak, actually learned all the lessons, and learn well. Wu Rui's intelligence agency moved Mr. Science, has been President of appreciation, recommended him to the village school to continue studying. But the end result of the Wu family did not go into his family difficulties. Ms. Liang said bitterly: "Wu Xiuwen II men, and if this ear, Sri defencelessness do nothing!" First, Ms. Liang cry, then cry Wu Rui also followed, mother cried a trouble. Wu Rui doing after school we can not know, but when he went to 2 years old, they married the daughter of Alex became a small business family. Buddhist generation selling lace flowers line a class of small commodities, Wu said that his family would inherit the industry, sitting in stores, became a small businessman. From this record, we can see that Wu Chengsi some tell your family. The so-called "Revised text of II", probably referring to Cheng'en and grandfather had worked Zuwu Ming Wu Zhen. Further refinement of this statement, it seems the Wu family business has only the two generations of Confucianism, his bloods are not reading people. Wu Ru-bloods neither industry, but also non-military status, more non-elite government officials, in addition to or is engaged in agriculture, or is carrying on business. Comparing the two, I think that when his family first moved to Huai business is a small business may be more like these. There are two reasons.
  First, there is no property of Wu family income. Some say that the Wu family moved to after the origin of Huai irrigation ditch in the second shop, engaged in agriculture. They are based because of Wu's death was buried there, saying there was "the first ridge." This evidence is relied upon to. "Ridge" is the cemetery, "the first ridge," meaning the ancestors graveyard, does not mean his home, where the number of sites. The city can not bury dead in the city, buried into the country is inevitable, in the countryside to buy a piece of land as a cemetery is a normal thing. Of course, the Wu family home under the outset, this piece of property, have no need then to buy the. But I think that would be unlikely. Wu moved to the Lianshui, if the original is the well-off landlord, he will not give up their land, put aside their homes here to reset the land, if the bankrupt farmers to move to, he will not have money Tian Huai country to buy. Jiangbei from the south to the early Ming immigrants, because many rare Jiangbei to mobilize the Jiangnan Fu households to Jiangbei reclamation, is the purpose of developing Jiangbei. At that time, by administrative means "drive" to the, so far the farmers are still Huai'an "Hongwu forced out" argument. The economic situation of the early Ming Lianshui no better than the Huai, Wu Huai not move because of well-off was a "rush" to the.
  From another perspective, it has a certain property if the Wu family, as a didactic after the death of Wu Zhen, Wu Bu Zhiyu poor to that stage, of Wu's father with a social science are not afford to go, a few years behind Only on; on the Social Studies has no money to Mr. gift, so that the subject of discrimination; to eventually drop out of school trouble. In my guess, just not what his family estate, after his family ancestors moved to the Huai is not farmers.
  Second, I think the Wu family after living in the Huai River to the next. At that time, under the Huaihe River (then also known as the Yellow, Huai-Yellow wins after this with the Huaihe River is downstream of the Yellow River.), The west is the canal, the river under the river in between the two is a commercial port. At that time merchants from all over the many and various occupations, most live in here. After the meters are moving these people into the Sanyo membership. After moving his family settled in the Huai River, the markets are in a family was among the business, which affected, in a small business to make a living is very natural. From now on, under his home in the river around the environment, it is this: The fight copper Lane, nail iron Lane, Powder Chapter Lane, Gu Yi Street, surrounded by his family around. Basically, these residents of the alley runs Lane were listed in the line of business. When doing business with Yuli, living conditions improved, the school official to the direction of progress, and with some success, there have been two generations of science Palace (although Gong Wu Ching is the case of students origin, may be out of money, but shows that his son home to study both economically small, have surplus). At this time, he would abandon the original family business and is now an official (although it is not a small inflow official) status does not match the commercial, sources of livelihood by doing science officer on the meager Salary to maintain. Once a problem with this road there will be trouble. Sure enough, Wu Zhen dead, no official salary, and family life, a crisis immediately, Wu said that the community schools even have difficulty reading. If the landlord's family and the bureaucracy is not such a problem. Wu is not real estate, life is hard, one might guess. Then for the life force, "Revised text of II", sophisticated children, dropped out of school, start a small business to get entrance hall, once a throwback to the small business status. This is the Wu family, the ancestors ran a professional, later generations to reconstruct it, LRT familiar road, in general, is natural and not unexpected.
  Wu Cheng-en's relative relationship, there is not much to show off. Ancestors of the pro, Wu Cheng-en is not talked about, probably not enough praise. Liang grandmother where her family is not clear Eighty per cent of people are Huai'an. Huai Ka was renowned not, uncle did not know the situation of the motherland. There was no record of ancestral aunt, out of the question. Di Mu Xu is a businessman's daughter, mother Zhang sort of person is more ignorant. About Jiu Jia and aunt's house to notice a word is observed, or simply no aunt. Of Wu's father over family situation, is simply a mystery.
  Wu Cheng-en was happy to praise his generation in the two relatives: one brother Sim, and the other is the brother-leaf family. They are the Shen Qi's descendants wing and leaves. Ye Qi Shen wing and two, respectively, and Hongzhi Jingtai between years than any of North and South Book of the Ministry, the two are standing in the Huai. However, the husband and wife, Wu Cheng-en, only about two of the tribe, not two lineal Yi Sun Shang adults. Finally, however, is related to him, it is related. Now let's look at the situation of two relatives.
  A, Qiu degree Piece "level career public epitaph," saying: "Fu Shen Huai family is one of the old family tree, Wumuchifeng gift Gongren Yuk Sau door, and level career public and I have cousins who are also the elegant." Ya Ping Shen Pu public name, the word quality husband, alias Ya Ping, Qiu degrees year-old.
  Second, Shen Qian, "Pi-Cheng Shanglin Parkland Supervisor Department was Fujunxinglue" saying: "Kang Qiu public shock (Chen Gang Qiu degree word), table Kundi ancestors also." Shen Qian ancestors that Shen Pu.
  3, Shen Pei Kuan, "Fu Jun-line state," saying: "has been Wang Fu see the back, the Wang Fu completed 12 years of white public, Tuogu cousin Chen Gang Qiu in public." Shen Pei Shen wide or great-grandfather also Park.
  These records are see Shen wing of genealogy.
  By: Shen Shen Pu's father called talent, his grandfather called the sink, ancestor called Shen Xuan, high Chinese name Shen Xu, Xu Shen wings for the Second Brother. Since Shen Qiu degree in Park and cousins, then Shen degree of talent should be the mother of Confucius, and Confucius degree Shen's mother, brother and sister for the pro-or pro-siblings, the father of talent Shen Qiu degrees when the grandfather, that Wu Chengjia are married to husbands who were Shen mountains. I think this is not Gaiyi inference. Shen's family tree does not name the name of Shen Shan Ying Shen 5, may be used Shen Shan is the beginning of the name was later used as Shen! The sake of profit. According to Shen's genealogical records, the Journal of the DPRK to use the word, with Ning's, Wang, but no record of Wu. This is probably because of the Wu family, "poor orphans" simply Ce Shi Shen Wu Chengjia married, or even a concubine, and may not have birth to the male's sake. Shen Shan Wu Chengjia much larger than the age. Shen-wing line of three, was born in 1392, and the second brother Shen Xu's date of birth as earlier. Shen shan Shen Xuan Shen Xu fourth son of an only child, is the third generation Shen Xu, date of birth that night II. If the 30 years I, a II 60, when the 1450 hectares. Possible if coupled with some other special circumstances, coupled with longer time to close should be in 1460 or 1470 hectares. Shen and his eldest son, was born in 1500 and talent, the gap between the two relatively large, so may be an earlier date of birth Shen Shan, and even the father of Wu Rui Wu date of birth close to the (Wu Ruisheng in 1461). Based on the above analysis, only Shen Shen Shan Shang's grandniece, Cheng'en's sister Shen Shan Cheng Ka nor the first wife, only the genealogy of the de facto spouse, so that the door was no less commendable relatives. In addition to Shen Shan Shen's not the VIPs of this generation, but nothing worth showing off. Thus, the epitaph of his father, Wu Cheng-en only by the usual practice to mention the name of a mountain sinking, not further introduction, must not mentioned elsewhere. Later, in the highest imperial examination degree hill made official, Qiu degree Shen's veins are the blood flow, so Shen's relationship with the Hill family was able to increase, while the associated relationship between Shen and Wu Cai Bei value. From here, we can see that the original home of Wu is how low social status.
  Of Wu's father leaves home situation is somewhat similar. Yip ancestral value for the Southern Song Dynasty prime minister leaves, native of Jinhua, Zhejiang. Ye Ye Yong Ki Fifth-and Sixth, in the Yuan dynasty poetry shi, author of "Qiao Yun solo" grandfather leaves earth honest, the early Hongwu Shu Huai Huai Wei were therefore abandoned. "Ming Dynasty" with Ye Qi Chuan Volume 5 August. Reportedly, the word of the Qing Qi, Jingtai five years into the soil, Professor defying Chenghua tired rose to the rank of governor of Datong, Hongzhi four years the Ministry of Shang, Canada Prince Edward Taibao search. Li Dongyang epitaph as essays. According to epitaphs, Ye Qi, born in 1426 and died in 1501. He "long body repair bearded, see who knows the Wei device," "with Ho, gift wife, following confucius his charm, sealing his wife, there are experts." Ho matter is unknown, his charm, that of Wu whom Piece "Ode to Life Ms. Ye Tailao 80" and "Mrs Ip mother elegy sequence" (see "Sheyang first draft of survival," Volume, Volume II) of the "leaf Tate's Lady "and" Mrs Ip mother. " Cheng'en In two articles, said: "First Shangshu Guo-chu Chen, Kang Yi in at home and, shock Kung Pao Yi," "Que Chung Tai Furen show, the first division 40 Five of the true origin." Said; "Cheng'en hundred honor of the marriage ban is too great-grandson of the late mother." Although Wu Cheng-en, "the first House guest epitaph," only the words he was "Yip married", which is not explicitly a leaf out of home, but we can know from articles Ye Qi Ye is the seed, leaf Ki-great-grandchildren of a generation of Serbs. Mrs Ip said she was born in 1468 Mother his charm, than her husband, a small 40-year-old Ye Qi, Ye Qi's death, she was only 30-year-old. Calculated from the time Cheng'en wife Yip simply can not be pro-Confucianism and great granddaughter, great-grandson of this only in the "class", but also is "at the end." It seems Cheng'en wife leaves Qi Ye is not lineal descendants. Ye Qi Li Dongyang epitaph written by the records on his charm, only Ming dynasty "after the draft text of Huai Tong Lu," Volume II 14 in the, to the Qing edition of the book, "Following the palace where his charm, Mrs. closure, there are experts, "the words were deleted. This reminds me of Wu's sister Wu Chengjia to. About women married to second wife, Ce Shi, son or not there is such a fate. Been called the Kong wife like this, ordinary people would not join the women's Wucheng Jia Shen's family tree, what's to say? Ye Qi two brothers, his brother name Ye Yang. Yoko Ye Zhi, Yu Chongli, Tianshun the Dragon into the soil. According to revelation, "Huai Fu Zhi" volume 16 records, he was "an official external and internal Yan, Shu prison edge please titration, were not dried to private. Li Shou-three counties, diligently due diligence, do not whisk love to innocuous neither to stand in order to invite name. tired workers, criminal two vice-presidents. " The nephew and uncle duo Yip was an important figure. Cotyledon leaf Zhi Quan, whistle River, as Cheng'en tert wife's father. "Sheyang first draft of survival," Volume poem "Send flute River Yetai Wen", volume IV, "He Divone too Joshichi Zhi impaired word", that is, that he made. Ye Quan Family conditions are favorable, father towards Ting Dali, bearing his own shadow to guanglu Temple Code Book (chih "Sanyo County" Book Nine). Very rich uncle Ip, said that Ye Zhi into the official to return home to more than four decades, access for all expenses out of him. Impaired word said, Ye Quan "Office was your son, the Yin Kotoo was, was too tired and go Rural Society survey. A young man like a knot in all kinds of people," Wild Ranger, when its doors; heresy party trick Japan out of its front. "subsequently change the way of life, make all Haineimingshi:" hanging foil while chess, calligraphy and painting command payment to income. Transverse flute, essays and small words, look for odd spring of booths, to avoid the water west of the Museum of Folk. "Financial re-light his life meaning," side of its lack, in the direction of Chu almost forgot lunch; when their abundance, are patrons times at home the public. "Wu Cheng Qian, though his nephew, but because of the celebrities was still by his" gift of the pick-up. "Their friendship is very good. When Ye Quan in Beijing, the Cheng'en poem" Send Di River Habuto husband, "issued" material conditions reward the old hanging from a dream around the T.-P. "deep feeling, to leaf bamboo fish trap" should be read so Son La. "In fact, the leaf Quan Wu Cheng-en big deal than the old. impairment that says Khanh four years (1570) Ye Quan's 70 birthday, then he was born in 1501 when, with the age-Wu Cheng-en if. impaired word said, "I studied under Cheng'en marriage ban four years." phrase it needs to be some discretion. "I" as the "other" in misspelled, but the book says the word "I", "remaining" connected, like the ancients with interchangeable characters, which can be ignored or not throw. "More than four decades "In ancient Chinese means" hanging four years "," close to four decades, "so this sentence is problematic. we will," more than four decades, "Try to be larger for the 38, nine to marry until 1570 Wucheng Si 38, nine, he married the time when the 1532 hectares. This year, the father of Wu had just died, he wrote epitaphs for his father in just to catch up with the "married Yip" This is a bit too mysterious. Moreover, nearly three-year-old Wu Cheng-en the years has had, for a several generations of single-pass, more than 40 years of age in families may only son, I am afraid not to let the kids go to three-year-old, to their own more than 70 close to the day of his death before the child got married. So I think that "more than four years" as the "40 years" mistake. In this case, Cheng'en of marriage age in their twenties before they can justify.
  En Ye Quan's son leaves for Ka Ching 20 hours into the soil, the official censor, grandson Yeyun Wu, Wanli twenty years in the military would try first. This is the behind of Wu things. In short, this door relatives of Wu is such a situation, it seems better than Shen's family.
  Wu Cheng-en have several children? Not recorded. He has a son, named Feng Mao, but it is already dead. There are no other children do not know. Chen candle for him as the "New Order flowers", said since the death of Wu, Wu has been "home cooking fire no lack carry on." According to this statement of view of Wu is his family who died last is probably no other children after his death, the chimney does not smoke the child will never be off the fireworks. Even her daughter, then it probably already married. But no material proof of this.
  Wu Feng Mao's case only the two mentioned first, "Introduction Agency awarded," said: "Cheng'en son of his life that cross the heart also, then re-marriage of friendship." The other is for parents to make the epitaph Shen Kun said: "He is my only restrain, consistent DFI home. I killed son Feng Mao, Ji Jiu You Chang Hsu faint to women." Jiajing 20 before an article is three years (1544) Shen Kun champion three years in the test, the Emperor donated letters to their parents, the mother 60-year-old birthday falls Shen, for whom this celebration. Jia Jing Shen Kun for twenty-three years, the period is the wedding again and again. Jiajing two decades a champion of his own in this year ordered the emperor Patent grant letters to parents and wife, Mei Xu Zhang Kan into this years is still in the soil, his family is in the rising. Wu Cheng-en at this time to provide their children with relatives by marriage, friendship is indeed very highly of Shen Kun Wu Cheng forget things. But if the pro is set several years ago that the former champion Shen Kun in the matter, and perhaps more certain rationality. Then, Feng Mao Birth When Jiajing 10 between one to two decades Jiajing. The second article for the winter in thirty-five years Jiajing (1556), the article has said Feng Mao as a "dead child", shows that he is dead, and may already have for some time. Shen Kun as Tablet, said the parents of three granddaughters, a married Zhouxue Li, the other two may engage the people. The three of them, including of course the man who appointed Wu Feng Xu Shen Kun Mao's daughter, because Feng Mao died, in turn another promise to others. But this past time seems not too long, because commitments also remember the impression of thinking, and this thing Shen Kun wrote the epitaph of the parents to go. Perhaps Feng Mao in 2012 had only just died. But these are all speculation, whether the Wu Feng Mao was born in what year, died in what year, live a little, it is difficult to clear.
  Above is of Wu's family background and the circumstances described by the simple test, is intended for research, "Journey to the West" and the people of Wu's study reference. Many places are bold speculation, has yet to be discovered new information to correct and full.

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