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皮特·J·鲍勒 Peter J. Bowler
皮特·J·鲍勒 Peter J. Bowler

生物学 Biology《进化思想史》

阅读皮特·J·鲍勒 Peter J. Bowler在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  彼特·鲍勒(Peter J. Bowler)是贝尔法斯特皇后大学的科学史家,他对进化论的历史所做的研究已经激起了广泛的关注和兴趣。在《非达尔文革命——重新解释一个历史神话》中,鲍勒对“达尔文革命”的正统形象提出了质疑。鲍勒论证说:达尔文主义不是19世纪进化论的主题,现代“综合理论”的产生也相对独立于达尔文所提出的自然选择学说,因此进化思想的发展线索与通常所理解的不同。本文将通过考察鲍勒的主要论点和论据,试图阐明他所提出的“非达尔文革命”的含义及其存在的问题。本文还试图表明,鲍勒对进化论历史的重建显示了“进步”的观念在19世纪进化思想的发展中所起的重要作用,因此对“进步”观念和进化思想之间关系的研究,对于理解进化论的历史来说是不可或缺的。

  Peter J. Bowler is a historian of biology who has written extensively on the history of evolutionary thought, the history of the environmental sciences, and on the history of genetics. His 1984 book, Evolution: The History of an Idea is a standard textbook on the history of evolution, and was substantially revised in 2003. His 1992 book The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900 describes the scientific and social challenges to Darwinism which led many to abandon the theory in the first part of the twentieth century.
  Peter Bowler holds a BA from the University of Cambridge an MSc from the University of Sussex and a PhD from the University of Toronto. In the 1970s he taught at the School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang. He is currently a professor in the history of science at Queen's University Belfast, and is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a corresponding member of the Académie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences. He was President of the British Society for the History of Science 2004-6.
  His current interests are in the development and implications of Darwinism, the history of the environmental sciences, science and religion (especially twentieth century), and popular science writing. Current research is on the production of popular science literature in early twentieth-century Britain, with particular emphasis on the role played by professional scientists. Bowler discusses the attempts by Victorian scientists to promote science for public understanding and the increasing accessibility of popular science works.
  Professor Bowler has been a vocal critic of creationism in Northern Ireland. He has made numerous appearances on local radio, including interviews with William Crawley on BBC Radio Ulster shows TalkBack and Sunday Sequence - here he defended evolution and highlighted the non-scientific nature of creationism.
   Select publication
   * Q&A Darwin: Off the Record (with foreword by Richard Dawkins) (Duncan Baird, 2010).
   * Science for All: The Popularization of Science in Early Twentieth-Century Britain (Chicago, 2009).
   * Evolution: the history of an idea (4th ed., California, 2009).
   * 'Darwin's Originality', in Science (9 January 2009: Vol. 323. no. 5911, pp. 223 – 226) DOI: 10.1126/science.1160332
   * 'Experts and publishers: writing popular science in early twentieth-century Britain' in British Journal for the History of Science, xxxix (2006).
   * (With I.R. Morus) Making modern science: a historical survey (Chicago, 2005).
   * 'The spectre of Darwinism: popular images of Darwinism in early twentieth-century Britain' in A. Lustig, R.J. Richards and M. Rose (eds), Darwinian Heresies (Cambridge, 2004).
   * Reconciling science and religion: the debate in early twentieth-century Britain (Chicago, 2001).
   * Life’s splendid drama: evolutionary biology and the reconstruction of life’s ancestry, 1860–1940 (Chicago, 1996).
   * Charles Darwin: the man and his influence (Cambridge, 1996).
   * The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992)
   1. ^ a b Peter Bowler's QUB staff page
   2. ^ a b PJ Bowler Science For All, Chicago Univ Press 2009
   3. ^ BBC Radio Ulster TalkBack, broadcast 15th September 2008
   4. ^ BBC Radio Ulster Sunday Sequence, broadcast 2nd December 2007
   5. ^ Darwin: Off The Record,2010
   6. ^ Darwin's Originality, in Science, 9 January 2009

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