君主 人物列表
嘉庆 Jia Qing乔治三世 George III
拿破仑·波拿巴 Napoléon Bonaparte拿破仑·波拿巴 Napoléon Bonaparte
拿破仑·波拿巴 Napoléon Bonaparte路易十八 Louis XVIII, the Desired
路易十八 Louis XVIII, the Desired亚历山大一世 Alexander I
约翰·亚当斯 John Adams托马斯·杰斐逊 Thomas Jefferson
乔治四世 George IV of the United Kingdom詹姆斯·门罗 James Monroe
拿破仑二世 Napoleon II,François Joseph Charles Bonaparte弗朗茨二世 Franz II
詹姆士·麦迪逊 James Madison查理十世 Charles X
威廉四世 William IV of the United Kingdom光格天皇
腓特烈·威廉三世 Friedrich Wilhelm III威廉·亨利·哈里森 William Henry Harrison
路易十九 Louis XIX安德鲁·杰克森 Andrew Jackson
仁孝天皇 Rensiao Emperor约翰·昆西·亚当斯 John Quincy Adams
詹姆斯·诺克斯·波尔克 James Knox Polk道光 Dao Guang
扎卡里·泰勒 Zachary Taylor路易-菲利普一世 Louis-Philippe of France
萧朝贵 Xiao Chaogui冯云山 Feng Yunshan
刘丽川 Liu Lichuan尼古拉一世 Nicholas I
杨秀清 Yang Xiuqing腓特烈·威廉四世 Friedrich Wilhelm IV von Preußen
马丁·范布伦 Martin Van Buren约翰·泰勒 John Tyler
洪秀全 Hong Xiuquan亚伯拉罕·林肯 Abraham Lincoln
詹姆斯·布坎南 James Buchanan富兰克林·皮尔斯 Franklin Pierce
拿破仑三世 Napoleon III拿破仑三世 Napoleon III
米勒德·菲尔莫尔 Millard Fillmore安德鲁·约翰逊 Andrew Johnson
路易·阿道夫·梯也尔 Louis Adolphe Thiers亚历山大二世 Alexander II
威廉大帝 Wilhelm I儒勒·格雷维 Francois Paul Jules Grévy
约翰·亚历山大·麦克唐纳 Sir John Alexander Macdonald帕特里斯·麦克马洪 Patrice MacMahon
维多利亚女王 Queen Victoria
嘉庆 Jia Qing
君主  (1760年11月13日1820年9月2日)
姓: 爱新觉罗
名: 颙琰
网笔号: 受天兴运敷化绥猷崇文经武孝恭勤俭端敏英哲睿皇帝
庙号: 仁宗
陵墓: 昌陵

  清仁宗睿皇帝嘉庆 名爱新觉罗·颙琰(公元1760-1820年),原名爱新觉罗·永琰,乾隆皇帝第十五子,乾隆给他皇位,为清代入关后第五帝,在位25年(1796年到1821)。病死,终年61岁。卒谥“受天兴运敷化绥猷崇文经武孝恭勤俭端敏英哲睿皇帝”。庙号仁宗。道光帝即位,于“孝恭”前加“光裕”二字。葬河北易县清西陵昌陵。
  嘉庆皇帝是清朝入关之后的第五代皇帝,姓名为爱新觉罗·永琰(后因避皇帝名讳,改为颙琰)。生于公元1760年,卒于公元1820年。他三十七岁即位,在位二十五年,享年六十一岁。庙号仁宗,谥号睿皇帝。与父亲乾隆帝相比,嘉庆帝是一位既没有政治胆略,又缺乏革新精神;既没有理政才能,又缺乏果敢作为的平庸天子。而嘉庆帝的时代,正是大清王朝由康雍乾盛世走向衰落的时期,因此,嘉庆帝本人被历史性地赋予了大清帝国由极盛转为衰败的悲剧命运。 乾隆皇帝在位时,为什么会在自己众多的十七个儿子中,偏偏选择平庸的永琰继承皇位呢?最终脱颖而出的永琰,到底有着怎样的个人特点呢?
  父亲 乾隆帝
  母亲 孝仪纯皇后魏佳氏
  皇后 孝淑睿皇后喜塔腊氏
  皇贵妃 恭顺皇贵妃钮祜禄氏
  妃 华妃侯佳氏
  嫔 简嫔关佳氏
  皇子 皇长子(早殇,母和裕皇贵妃)
  皇女 皇长女(早殇,母简嫔)

  The Jiaqing Emperor (Chinese: 嘉慶帝; pinyin: Jiāqìngdì; Mongolian: Sayishiyaltu Yirugertu Khaan, 13 November 1760 – 2 September 1820) was the seventh emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and the fifth Qing emperor to rule over China, from 1796 to 1820.
  He was the son of the Qianlong Emperor. During his reign, he prosecuted Heshen (和珅) (the corrupt favourite of Qianlong) and attempted to restore the state and curb the smuggling of opium inside China.
  Early yearsHe was born at the Old Summer Palace (圆明园/圓明園), 8 km (5 mi) northwest of the walls of Beijing, and was given the name Yongyan (永琰), changed into Yongyan (顒琰) when he became emperor: the first character of his private name was changed from 永 to 顒, both pronounced Yong, as the former is used commonly. This novelty was introduced by his father the Qianlong Emperor who thought it not proper to use a common character in the emperor's private name due to the long-standing practice of naming taboo.
  He was the fifteenth son of the Qianlong Emperor. His mother was a Han Chinese concubine of the second rank Ling (令贵妃/令貴妃), who became a favorite of Qianlong. She was posthumously made Empress Xiaoyichun (孝仪纯皇后/孝儀純皇后) when her son became emperor. She was the daughter of Wei Qingtai (魏清泰), an official in the Qing administration whose Han Chinese family had long been integrated in the Manchu elites. In 1818 Emperor Jiaqing made his mother's family officially Manchu, and changed their Chinese family name Wei into the Manchu clan name Weigiya.
  After the first two original choices for heir to the throne succumbed early to disease, in December 1773 Yongyan was secretly chosen by Qianlong to be the next emperor. In 1789 he was made Prince of the 1st rank Jia (嘉亲王/嘉親王).
  At the end of his reign, Qianlong worked closely with a Manchu government minister called Heshen. Prince Jia hated the notoriously corrupt Heshen for his abuse of power, and vowed to punish the minister once he became emperor.
   Accession to the throne
  Portrait of the Jiaqing Emperor in his studyIn October 1795, in the 60th year of his reign, Emperor Qianlong announced his intention to abdicate in favor of Prince Jia: he did not think it proper to rule longer than his grandfather, the late Kangxi Emperor. Prince Jia acceded to the throne and proclaimed the era name of Jiaqing (Chinese: 嘉慶; Manchu: ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ saicungga fengšen) in February 1796. For the next three years however, Jiaqing ruled as Emperor in name only. Decisions were made by his father, the Retired Emperor Qianlong.
  With the death of Qianlong at the beginning of February 1799, Jiaqing took control of the government and prosecuted Heshen. Heshen was charged with corruption and abuse of power. He was stripped of his titles and properties, and ordered to commit suicide. Heshen's daughter-in-law, Princess He Xiao, a sister of the new emperor, was spared from punishment and given a few properties from Heshen's estates.
  At the time the empire faced internal disorder, most importantly the large-scale White Lotus (1796–1804) and Miao Rebellions (1795–1806), as well as an empty treasury. Emperor Jiaqing engaged in the pacification of the empire and the quelling of rebellions. He endeavored to bring China back to its 18th-century prosperity and power. However, due in part to large outflows of silver from the country as payment for the opium smuggled into China from British India, the economy declined.
   Court intrigues and incidentsMembers of the Qing royal family (relatives of Jiaqing) tried to assassinate him twice – in 1803 and in 1813. The princes involved in the attempts on his life were executed. Other members of the imperial family, numbering in the hundreds, were exiled.
   Opposition to ChristianityThe Great Qing Code includes one statute titled "Prohibitions Concerning Sorcerers and Sorceresses" (禁止師巫邪術). In 1811 a clause was added to it with reference to Christianity. It was modified in 1815 and 1817, settled in its final form in 1839 under the Daoguang Emperor, and abrogated in 1870 under the Tongzhi Emperor. It sentenced Europeans to death for spreading Catholicism among Chinese and Manchus. Christians who would not repent their conversion were sent to Muslim cities in Xinjiang, to be given as slaves to Muslim leaders and beys.
   FamilySee also: Qing Dynasty nobility and Ranks of Imperial Consorts in China#Qing
   EmpressesPer imperial regulations, there was only one Empress at any given time. However, that did not prevent others from being elevated to that position after the death of an existing empress. During Jiaqing's reign, there were two empresses, each serving in different periods of time:
  Lady Hitara of the Hitara (Manchu) clan, who became Empress when Jiaqing ascended the throne in 1796. She was the mother of Daoguang Emperor (2nd son of Jiaqing) She is known posthumously as Empress Xiaoshurui (孝淑睿皇后).
  Empress Xiaoherui, of the Niohuru clan (孝和睿皇后) (1776–1849), elevated after Empress Xiaoshurui died in 1798.
   Imperial Noble ConsortsPer imperial regulations, only two Imperial Noble Consorts are allowed at any given time.
  Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun, of the Niohuru clan (恭順皇貴妃) (1787–1860).
  Imperial Noble Consort Heyu (d. 1833) of the Lugiya clan.
   ConsortsPer imperial regulations, only four Consorts are allowed at any given time. Not counting those who were later elevated to higher titles and those who were elevated posthumously, there was effectively only two consorts during Jiaqing's reign.
  Consort Hua (d. 1808) of the Hougiya clan.
  Consort Zhuang (d. 1811) of the Wang clan.
  Consort Shu of the Wanyan clan (Posthumously elevated. Never served as Consort in life)
   Imperial ConcubinesPer imperial regulations, only six Imperial Concubines are allowed at any given time.
  Imperial Concubine En (d. 1846) of the Wuya clan
  Imperial Concubine Xuan of the Chengiya clan
  Imperial Concubine Jian (d. 1780) of the Guangiya clan
  Imperial Concubine Rong (d. 1826) of the Liang clan
  Imperial Concubine Chun (d. 1819) of the Dongiya clan
  Imperial Concubine An (d. 1837) of the Guargiya clan
   SonsFirst son: Mianmu, son of Imperial Noble Consort Heyu.
  Second son: Mianning (綿寧) ( 16 September 1782 – 25 February 1850), son of Empress Xiaoshurui (Lady Hitara), succeeded his father as the Daoguang Emperor in 1820
  Third son: Miankai (绵恺), son of Empress Xiaoherui, of the Niohuru clan
  Fourth son: Mianxin (绵忻), son of Empress Xiaoherui, of the Niohuru clan
  Fifth son: Mianyu (绵愉) (1814–1865). Son of Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun, of the Niohuru clan
   DaughtersFirst daughter (1780–1783) her mother was Imperial Concubine Xuan.
  Second daughter (1780–1783) her mother was Empress Xiaoshurui.
  Heshuo Princess Zhuangjing [庄敬和硕公主] (1781–1811) daughter of Imperial Noble Consort Heyu.
  Kurun Princess Zhuangjing [庄静固伦公主] (1784–1811) daughter of Empress Xiaoshurui.
  Princess Hui'an (1786–1795).
  Sixth daughter (1789–1790) daughter of Consort Hua.
  Seventh daughter (1793–1795) daughter of Empress Xiaoherui.
  Eighth daughter (1805) daughter of Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun.
  Ninth daughter (1811–1815) Kurun Princess Huimin (慧悯固伦公主) posthumously in 1820, daughter of Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun.
   Death and burialOn 2 September 1820, the Jiaqing Emperor died at the Rehe (Jehol) Traveling Palace (熱河行宫), 230 km (140 mi) northeast of Beijing, where the imperial court was in summer quarters. The Draft History of Qing did not record a cause of death. Some have alleged that he died after being struck by lightning, but others prefer the theory that he died of a stroke as the emperor was quite obese. He was succeeded by his second son, the Daoguang Emperor.
  Renzong was interred amidst the Western Qing Tombs, 120 km (75 mi) southwest of Beijing, in the Changling (昌陵 – meaning "Splendid tomb") mausoleum complex.
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