Emperor List of Authors
Jia QingGeorge IIINapoléon Bonaparte
Napoléon BonaparteNapoléon BonaparteLouis XVIII, the DesiredLouis XVIII, the Desired
Alexander IJohn AdamsThomas JeffersonGeorge IV of the United Kingdom
James MonroeFranz IIJames MadisonCharles X
William IV of the United KingdomFriedrich Wilhelm IIIWilliam Henry Harrison
Louis XIXAndrew JacksonRensiao EmperorJohn Quincy Adams
James Knox PolkDao GuangZachary TaylorLouis-Philippe of France
Nicholas IFriedrich Wilhelm IV von PreußenMartin Van BurenJohn Tyler
Abraham LincolnJames BuchananFranklin PierceNapoleon III
Napoleon IIIMillard FillmoreAndrew JohnsonLouis Adolphe Thiers
Wilhelm IPatrice MacMahon
After the Emperor Sakuramachi
Emperor  (September 23, 1740 ADDecember 24, 1813 AD)
Tomb: 月轮陵
Reign1762 AD1770 AD
明和1764 AD1771 AD

  Emperor Sakuramachi after a very literary grace of the Emperor, leaving his life on the 1000 poem, diary 41, and a book called "middle-aged in the things forbidden" books. Died 1813, buried in the tomb on wheels.
  * Ming and June 2, 1764 ─ 1772 年 11 月 16 日
  Edo era
  Taboo Tomoko
  Born September 23, 1740 (1740-09-23)
  Father, the Emperor Sakuramachi
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