前哥倫比亞的墨西哥 Pre-Columbian Mexico   西班牙徵服阿茲提剋帝國 panish conquest of the Aztec Empire   墨西哥殖民地時期 Colonial Mexico   墨西哥獨立 Mexican war of independence   美墨戰爭 War with the United States   墨西哥改革戰爭 The struggle for liberal reforms   法國干涉和恢復共和 French intervention and the Second Mexican Empire   迪亞斯獨裁 Order, progress and the Díaz dictatorship   革命和民主憲政 Revolution and PRI   當代墨西哥 Mexico today   

  1519年,西班牙入侵墨西哥,1521年,阿茲特剋首都 Tenochtitlan被西班牙和阿茲提剋的主要敵人Tlaxcaltecs徵服。但是西班牙並沒有完全徵服阿茲提剋,而是在兩世紀後纔完成,有兩個主要原因使西班牙人勝利。
   1. 阿茲提剋人因為相信要有恆定的活人犧牲,宇宙纔會持續運作,所以每一年都犧牲了許多人,這一些人大多來自戰爭的戰俘。但在和平的時候,阿茲提剋人訴諸一種形式上的“禮戰”,已獲得戰俘。因此Tlaxcalteca纔會心甘情願加入西班牙對付阿茲提剋人的的部隊 。
   2. 另一個重要因素,西班牙人帶入各種瘟疫和傳染病帶到美洲,天花、流感、鼠疫、麻疹,數以十萬計的土人受到感染,這些流行病可能造成大約八百萬當地人死亡。

  In 1519, the Aztec civilization of what now is known as Mexico was invaded by Spain, and two years later in 1521, the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan was conquered by an alliance between Spanish and Tlaxcaltecs (the main enemies of Aztecs). Francisco Hernández de Córdoba explored the shores of South Mexico in 1517, followed by Juan de Grijalva in 1518. The most important of the early Conquistadores was Hernán Cortés, who entered the country in 1519 from a native coastal town which he renamed "Puerto de la Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz" (today's Veracruz).
  Contrary to popular opinion, Spain did not conquer all the empire when Cortes conquered Tenochtitlan in 1521. It would take another two centuries after the Siege of Tenochtitlan before the Conquest of the Aztec Empire would be complete, as rebellions, attacks, and wars continued against the Spanish by other native peoples.
  Role of religion in the fall of the Aztec Empire
  The Aztecs' religious beliefs were based on a great fear that the universe would cease functioning without a constant offering of human sacrifice. They sacrificed thousands of people on special occasions. This belief is thought to have been common throughout Nahuatl people. In order to acquire captives in times of peace, the Aztec resorted to a form of "ritual warfare", or flower war. Tlaxcalteca and other Nahuatl nations were forced into such wars, and, not particularly liking the idea of being a perpetual source of human sacrifices, they willingly joined the Spaniard forces against the Aztecs. The small Spanish force, consisting of 508 men schooled in European warfare and equipped with steel weapons and armor, was reinforced with thousands of indigenous Indian allies. Their use of ambush during indigenous ceremonies allowed the Spanish to avoid fighting the best native warriors in direct armed battle, such as during The Feast of Huitzilopochtli.

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