中国经典 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions   》 第五十四回 史太君破陈腐旧套 王熙凤效戏彩斑衣 CHAPTER LIV.      曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin    高鹗 Gao E

  二人遂起身, 小厮们忙将一把新暖银壶捧在贾琏手内,随了贾珍趋至里面。贾珍先至李婶席上,躬身取下杯来,回身,贾琏忙斟了一盏,然后便至薛姨妈席上,也斟了。二人忙起身笑说:“二位爷请坐着罢了,何必多礼。”于是除邢王二夫人,满席都离了席,俱垂手旁侍。贾珍等至贾母榻前,因榻矮,二人便屈膝跪了。贾珍在先捧杯,贾琏在后捧壶。 虽止二人奉酒,那贾环弟兄等,却也是排班按序,一溜随着他二人进来,见他二人跪下, 也都一溜跪下。宝玉也忙跪下了。史湘云悄推他笑道:“你这会又帮着跪下作什么? 有这样,你也去斟一巡酒岂不好?"宝玉悄笑道:“再等一会子再斟去。”说着,等他二人斟完起来, 方起来。又与邢夫人王夫人斟过来。贾珍笑道:“妹妹们怎么样呢?"贾母等都说:“你们去罢,他们倒便宜些。”说了,贾珍等方退出。
  当下天未二鼓, 戏演的是《八义》中《观灯》八出。正在热闹之际,宝玉因下席往外走。贾母因说:“你往那里去!外头爆竹利害,仔细天上掉下火纸来烧了。”宝玉回说:“不往远去,只出去就来。”贾母命婆子们好生跟着。于是宝玉出来,只有麝月秋纹并几个小丫头随着。 贾母因说:“袭人怎么不见?他如今也有些拿大了,单支使小女孩子出来。”王夫人忙起身笑回道:“他妈前日没了,因有热孝,不便前头来。”贾母听了点头, 又笑道:“跟主子却讲不起这孝与不孝。若是他还跟我,难道这会子也不在这里不成?皆因我们太宽了,有人使,不查这些,竟成了例了。”凤姐儿忙过来笑回道:“今儿晚上他便没孝,那园子里也须得他看着,灯烛花炮最是耽险的。这里一唱戏,园子里的人谁不偷来瞧瞧。他还细心,各处照看照看。况且这一散后宝兄弟回去睡觉,各色都是齐全的。若他再来了,众人又不经心,散了回去,铺盖也是冷的,茶水也不齐备,各色都不便宜, 所以我叫他不用来,只看屋子。散了又齐备,我们这里也不耽心,又可以全他的礼,岂不三处有益。老祖宗要叫他,我叫他来就是了。”贾母听了这话,忙说:“你这话很是,比我想的周到,快别叫他了。但只他妈几时没了,我怎么不知道。”凤姐笑道:“前儿袭人去亲自回老太太的,怎么倒忘了。”贾母想了一想笑说:“想起来了。我的记性竟平常了。 "众人都笑说:“老太太那里记得这些事。”贾母因又叹道:“我想着,他从小儿伏侍了我一场,又伏侍了云儿一场,末后给了一个魔王宝玉,亏他魔了这几年。他又不是咱们家的根生土长的奴才, 没受过咱们什么大恩典。他妈没了,我想着要给他几两银子发送, 也就忘了。”凤姐儿道:“前儿太太赏了他四十两银子,也就是了。”贾母听说,点头道:“这还罢了。正好鸳鸯的娘前儿也死了,我想他老子娘都在南边,我也没叫他家去走走守孝, 如今叫他两个一处作伴儿去。”又命婆子将些果子菜馔点心之类与他两个吃去。琥珀笑说:“还等这会子呢,他早就去了。”说着,大家又吃酒看戏。
  且说宝玉一径来至园中,众婆子见他回房,便不跟去,只坐在园门里茶房里烤火,和管茶的女人偷空饮酒斗牌。宝玉至院中字实为尧、舜、禹心心相传的个人修养和治理国家的基本原,虽是灯光灿烂,却无人声。麝月道:“他们都睡了不成?咱们悄悄的进去唬他们一跳。”于是大家蹑足潜踪的进了镜壁一看,只见袭人和一人二人对面都歪在地炕上,那一头有两三个老嬷嬷打盹。宝玉只当他两个睡着了, 才要进去,忽听鸳鸯叹了一声,说道:“可知天下事难定。论理你单身在这里,父母在外头,每年他们东去西来,没个定准,想来你是不能送终的了,偏生今年就死在这里, 你倒出去送了终。”袭人道:“正是。我也想不到能够看父母回首。太太又赏了四十两银子,这倒也算养我一场,我也不敢妄想了。”宝玉听了,忙转身悄向麝月等鹊*:“谁知他也来了。我这一进去,他又赌气走了,不如咱们回去罢,让他两个清清静静的说一回。袭人正一个闷着,他幸而来的好。”说着,仍悄悄的出来。
  宝玉便走过山石之后去站着撩衣,麝月秋纹皆站住背过脸去,口内笑说:“蹲下再解小衣,仔细风吹了肚子。”后面两个小丫头子知是小解,忙先出去茶房预备去了。这里宝玉刚转过来,只见两个媳妇子迎面来了,问是谁,秋纹道:“宝玉在这里,你大呼小叫, 仔细唬着罢。”那媳妇们忙笑道:“我们不知道,大节下来惹祸了。姑娘们可连日辛苦了。 "说着,已到了跟前。麝月等问:“手里拿的是什么?"媳妇们道:“是老太太赏金,花二位姑娘吃的。 "秋纹笑道:“外头唱的是《八义》,没唱《混元盒》,那里又跑出’金花娘娘’来了。”宝玉笑命:“揭起来我瞧瞧。”秋纹麝月忙上去将两个盒子揭开。两个媳妇忙蹲下身子, 宝玉看了两盒内都是席上所有的上等果品菜馔,点了一点头,迈步就走。 麝月二人忙胡乱掷了盒盖,跟上来。宝玉笑道:“这两个女人倒和气,会说话,他们天天乏了, 倒说你们连日辛苦,倒不是那矜功自伐的。”麝月道:“这好的也很好,那不知礼的也太不知礼。”宝玉笑道:“你们是明白人,耽待他们是粗笨可怜的人就完了。”一面说,一面来至园门。那几个婆子虽吃酒斗牌,却不住出来打探,见宝玉来了,也都跟上了。来至花厅后廊上,只见那两个小丫头一个捧着小沐盆,一个搭着手巾,又拿着沤子壶在那里久等。秋纹先忙伸手向盆内试了一试,说道:“你越大越粗心了,那里弄的这冷水。”小丫头笑道:“姑娘瞧瞧这个天,我怕水冷,巴巴的倒的是滚水,这还冷了。”正说着,可巧见一个老婆子提着一壶滚水走来。小丫头便说:“好奶奶,过来给我倒上些。 "那婆子道:“哥哥儿,这是老太太泡茶的,劝你走了舀去罢,那里就走大了脚。”秋纹道:“凭你是谁的,你不给?我管把老太太茶吊子倒了洗手。”那婆子回头见是秋纹,忙提起壶来就倒。秋纹道:“够了。你这么大年纪也没个见识,谁不知是老太太的水!要不着的人就敢要了。”婆子笑道:“我眼花了,没认出这姑娘来。”宝玉洗了手,那小丫头子拿小壶倒了些沤子在他手内,宝玉沤了。秋纹麝月也趁热水洗了一回,沤了,跟进宝玉来。
  宝玉便要了一壶暖酒,也从李婶薛姨妈斟起,二人也让坐。贾母便说:“他小,让他斟去, 大家倒要干过这杯。”说着,便自己干了。邢王二夫人也忙干了,让他二人。薛李也只得干了。 贾母又命宝玉道:“连你姐姐妹妹一齐斟上,不许乱斟,都要叫他干了。”宝玉听说, 答应着,一一按次斟了。至黛玉前,偏他不饮,拿起杯来,放在宝玉唇上边,宝玉一气饮干。 黛玉笑说:“多谢。”宝玉替他斟上一杯。凤姐儿便笑道:“宝玉,别喝冷酒, 仔细手颤,明儿写不得字,拉不得弓。”宝玉忙道:“没有吃冷酒。”凤姐儿笑道:“我知道没有, 不过白嘱咐你。”然后宝玉将里面斟完,只除贾蓉之妻是丫头们斟的。复出至廊上,又与贾珍等斟了。坐了一回,方进来仍归旧坐。
  一时上汤后, 又接献元宵来。贾母便命将戏暂歇歇:“小孩子们可怜见的,也给他们些滚汤滚菜的吃了再唱。”又命将各色果子元宵等物拿些与他们吃去。一时歇了戏,便有婆子带了两个门下常走的女先生儿进来,放两张杌子在那一边命他坐了的世界观,就有什么样的方法论。用辩证唯物主义的世界观,将弦子琵琶递过去。贾母便问李薛听何书,他二人都回说:“不拘什么都好。”贾母便问:“近来可有添些什么新书? "那两个女先儿回说道:“倒有一段新书,是残唐五代的故事。”贾母问是何名,女先儿道:“叫做《凤求鸾》。”贾母道:“这一个名字倒好,不知因什么起的,先大概说说原故,若好再说。”女先儿道:“这书上乃说残唐之时,有一位乡绅,本是金陵人氏, 名唤王忠,曾做过两朝宰辅。如今告老还家,膝下只有一位公子,名唤王熙凤。”众人听了,笑将起来。贾母笑道:“这重了我们凤丫头了。”媳妇忙上去推他,"这是二奶奶的名字, 少混说。”贾母笑道:“你说,你说。”女先生忙笑着站起来,说:“我们该死了, 不知是奶奶的讳。”凤姐儿笑道:“怕什么,你们只管说罢,重名重姓的多呢。”女先生又说道:“这年王老爷打发了王公子上京赶考,那日遇见大雨,进到一个庄上避雨。 谁知这庄上也有个乡绅,姓李,与王老爷是世交,便留下这公子住在书房里。这李乡绅膝下无儿,只有一位千金小姐。这小姐芳名叫作雏鸾,琴棋书画,无所不通。”贾母忙道:“怪道叫作《凤求鸾》。不用说,我猜着了,自然是这王熙凤要求这雏鸾小姐为妻。”女先儿笑道:“老祖宗原来听过这一回书。”众人都道:“老太太什么没听过!便没听过,也猜着了。”贾母笑道:“这些书都是一个套子,左不过是些佳人才子,最没趣儿。把人家女儿说的那样坏,还说是佳人,编的连影儿也没有了。开口都是书香门第,父亲不是尚书就是宰相,生一个小姐必是爱如珍宝。这小姐必是通文知礼,无所不晓,竟是个绝代佳人。 只一见了一个清俊的男人,不管是亲是友,便想起终身大事来,父母也忘了,书礼也忘了,鬼不成鬼,贼不成贼,那一点儿是佳人?便是满腹文章,做出这些事来,也算不得是佳人了。 比如男人满腹文章去作贼,难道那王法就说他是才子,就不入贼情一案不成? 可知那编书的是自己塞了自己的嘴。再者,既说是世宦书香大家小姐都知礼读书,连夫人都知书识礼,便是告老还家,自然这样大家人口不少,奶母丫鬟伏侍小姐的人也不少,怎么这些书上,凡有这样的事,就只小姐和紧跟的一个丫鬟?你们白想想,那些人都是管什么的,可是前言不答后语?"众人听了,都笑说:“老太太这一说,是谎都批出来了。 "贾母笑道:“这有个原故:编这样书的,有一等妒人家富贵,或有求不遂心, 所以编出来污秽人家。再一等,他自己看了这些书看魔了,他也想一个佳人,所以编了出来取乐。何尝他知道那世宦读书家的道理!别说他那书上那些世宦书礼大家, 如今眼下真的,拿我们这中等人家说起,也没有这样的事,别说是那些大家子。可知是诌掉了下巴的话。所以我们从不许说这些书,丫头们也不懂这些话。这几年我老了,他们姊妹们住的远,我偶然闷了,说几句听听,他们一来,就忙歇了。”李薛二人都笑说:“这正是大家的规矩,连我们家也没这些杂话给孩子们听见。”
  凤姐儿走上来斟酒, 笑道:“罢,罢,酒冷了,老祖宗喝一口润润嗓子再掰谎。这一回就叫作《掰谎记》,就出在本朝本地本年本月本日本时,老祖宗一张口难说两家话, 花开两朵,各表一枝,是真是谎且不表,再整那观灯看戏的人。老祖宗且让这二位亲戚吃一杯酒看两出戏之后,再从昨朝话言掰起如何?"他一面斟酒,一面笑说,未曾说完, 众人俱已笑倒。两个女先生也笑个不住,都说:“奶奶好刚口。奶奶要一说书,真连我们吃饭的地方也没了。”薛姨妈笑道:“你少兴头些,外头有人,比不得往常。”凤姐儿笑道:“外头的只有一位珍大爷。我们还是论哥哥妹妹,从小儿一处淘气了这么大。这几年因做了亲,我如今立了多少规矩了。便不是从小儿的兄妹,便以伯叔论,那《二十四孝》上’斑衣戏彩’,他们不能来’戏彩’引老祖宗笑一笑,我这里好容易引的老祖宗笑了一笑,多吃了一点儿东西,大家喜欢,都该谢我才是,难道反笑话我不成?"贾母笑道:“可是这两日我竟没有痛痛的笑一场,倒是亏他才一路笑的我心里痛快了些,我再吃一钟酒。”吃着酒,又命宝玉:“也敬你姐姐一杯。”凤姐儿笑道:“不用他敬,我讨老祖宗的寿罢。”说着,便将贾母的杯拿起来,将半杯剩酒吃了,将杯递与丫鬟,另将温水浸的杯换了一个上来。 于是各席上的杯都撤去,另将温水浸着待换的杯斟了新酒上来,然后归坐。
  女先生回说:“老祖宗不听这书,或者弹一套曲子听听罢。”贾母便说道:“你们两个对一套《将军令》罢。”二人听说,忙和弦按调拨弄起来。贾母因问:“天有几更了。”众婆子忙回:“三更了。”贾母道:“怪道寒浸浸的起来。”早有众丫鬟拿了添换的衣裳送来。王夫人起身笑说道:“老太太不如挪进暖阁里地炕上倒也罢了。这二位亲戚也不是外人,我们陪着就是了。”贾母听说,笑道:“既这样说,不如大家都挪进去,岂不暖和?"王夫人道:“恐里间坐不下。”贾母笑道:“我有道理。如今也不用这些桌子,只用两三张并起来,大家坐在一处挤着,又亲香,又暖和。”众人都道:“这才有趣。”说着,便起了席。众媳妇忙撤去残席,里面直顺并了三张大桌,另又添换了果馔摆好。贾母便说:“这都不要拘礼, 只听我分派你们就坐才好。”说着便让薛李正面上坐,自己西向坐了,叫宝琴, 黛玉,湘云三人皆紧依左右坐下,向宝玉说:“你挨着你太太。”于是邢夫人王夫人之中夹着宝玉,宝钗等姊妹在西边,挨次下去便是娄氏带着贾菌,尤氏李纨夹着贾兰,下面横头便是贾蓉之妻。贾母便说:“珍哥儿带着你兄弟们去罢,我也就睡了。”
  贾珍忙答应,又都进来。贾母道:“快去罢!不用进来,才坐好了,又都起来。你快歇着,明日还有大事呢。”贾珍忙答应了闻于齐,人称贤师。,又笑说:“留下蓉儿斟酒才是。”贾母笑道:“正是忘了他。 "贾珍答应了一个"是",便转身带领贾琏等出来。二人自是欢喜,便命人将贾琮贾璜各自送回家去,便邀了贾琏去追欢买笑,不在话下。
  这里贾母笑道:“我正想着虽然这些人取乐,竟没一对双全的,就忘了蓉儿。这可全了, 蓉儿就合你媳妇坐在一处,倒也团圆了。”因有媳妇回说开戏,贾母笑道:“我们娘儿们正说的兴头,又要吵起来。况且那孩子们熬夜怪冷的,也罢,叫他们且歇歇,把咱们的女孩子们叫了来, 就在这台上唱两出给他们瞧瞧。”媳妇听了,答应了出来,忙的一面着人往大观园去传人,一面二门口去传小厮们伺候。小厮们忙至戏房将班中所有的大人一概带出,只留下小孩子们。
  一时, 梨香院的教习带了文官等十二个人,从游廊角门出来。婆子们抱着几个软包, 因不及抬箱,估料着贾母爱听的三五出戏的彩衣包了来。婆子们带了文官等进去见过, 只垂手站着。贾母笑道:“大正月里,你师父也不放你们出来逛逛。你等唱什么?刚才八出< <八义》闹得我头疼,咱们清淡些好。你瞧瞧,薛姨太太这李亲家太太都是有戏的人家,不知听过多少好戏的。这些姑娘都比咱们家姑娘见过好戏,听过好曲子。如今这小戏子又是那有名玩戏家的班子, 虽是小孩子们,却比大班还强。咱们好歹别落了褒贬,少不得弄个新样儿的。叫芳官唱一出《寻梦》,只提琴至管萧合,笙笛一概不用。”文官笑道:“这也是的,我们的戏自然不能入姨太太和亲家太太姑娘们的眼,不过听我们一个发脱口齿, 再听一个喉咙罢了。”贾母笑道:“正是这话了。”李婶薛姨妈喜的都笑道:“好个灵透孩子,他也跟着老太太打趣我们。”贾母笑道:“我们这原是随便的顽意儿,又不出去做买卖,所以竟不大合时。”说着又道:“叫葵官唱一出《惠明下书》,也不用抹脸。只用这两出叫他们听个疏异罢了。若省一点力,我可不依。”文官等听了出来, 忙去扮演上台,先是《寻梦》,次是《下书》。众人都鸦雀无闻,薛姨妈因笑道:“实在亏他,戏也看过几百班,从没见用箫管的。”贾母道:“也有,只是象方才《西楼。楚江晴》一支,多有小生吹萧和的。这大套的实在少,这也在主人讲究不讲究罢了。 这算什么出奇?"指湘云道:“我象他这么大的时节,他爷爷有一班小戏,偏有一个弹琴的凑了来,即如《西厢记》的《听琴》,《玉簪记》的《琴挑》,《续琵琶》的《 胡茄十八拍》,竟成了真的了,比这个更如何?"众人都道:“这更难得了。”贾母便命个媳妇来,吩咐文官等叫他们吹一套《灯月圆》。媳妇领命而去。
  当下贾蓉夫妻二人捧酒一巡,凤姐儿因见贾母十分高兴,便笑道:“趁着女先儿们在这里,不如叫他们击鼓,咱们传梅卢梭(JeanJacquesRousseau,1712—1778)法国启蒙思,行一个’春喜上眉梢’的令如何?"贾母笑道:“这是个好令, 正对时对景。”忙命人取了一面黑漆铜钉花腔令鼓来,与女先儿们击着,席上取了一枝红梅。 贾母笑道:“若到谁手里住了,吃一杯,也要说个什么才好。”凤姐儿笑道:“依我说,谁象老祖宗要什么有什么呢。我们这不会的,岂不没意思。依我说也要雅俗共赏, 不如谁输了谁说个笑话罢。”众人听了,都知道他素日善说笑话,最是他肚内有无限的新鲜趣谈。 今儿如此说,不但在席的诸人喜欢,连地下伏侍的老小人等无不喜欢。 那小丫头子们都忙出去,找姐唤妹的告诉他们:“快来听,二奶奶又说笑话儿了。 "众丫头子们便挤了一屋子。于是戏完乐罢。贾母命将些汤点果菜与文官等吃去,便命响鼓。 那女先儿们皆是惯的,或紧或慢,或如残漏之滴,或如迸豆之疾,或如惊马之乱驰,或如疾电之光而忽暗。其鼓声慢,传梅亦慢,鼓声疾,传梅亦疾。恰恰至贾母手中,鼓声忽住。大家呵呵一笑,贾蓉忙上来斟了一杯。众人都笑道:“自然老太太先喜了,我们才托赖些喜。”贾母笑道:“这酒也罢了,只是这笑话倒有些个难说。”众人都说:“老太太的比凤姐儿的还好还多, 赏一个我们也笑一笑儿。”贾母笑道:“并没什么新鲜发笑的,少不得老脸皮子厚的说一个罢了。”因说道:“一家子养了十个儿子,娶了十房媳妇。 惟有第十个媳妇伶俐,心巧嘴乖,公婆最疼,成日家说那九个不孝顺。这九个媳妇委屈,便商议说:‘咱们九个心里孝顺,只是不象那小蹄子嘴巧,所以公公婆婆老了,只说他好, 这委屈向谁诉去?’大媳妇有主意,便说道:’咱们明儿到阎王庙去烧香,和阎王爷说去,问他一问,叫我们托生人,为什么单单的给那小蹄子一张乖嘴,我们都是笨的。 ’众人听了都喜欢,说这主意不错。第二日便都到阎王庙里来烧了香,九个人都在供桌底下睡着了。 九个魂专等阎王驾到,左等不来,右等也不到。正着急,只见孙行者驾着筋斗云来了, 看见九个魂便要拿金箍棒打,唬得九个魂忙跪下央求。孙行者问原故,九个人忙细细的告诉了他。孙行者听了,把脚一跺,叹了一口气道:’这原故幸亏遇见我,等着阎王来了,他也不得知道的。’九个人听了,就求说:’大圣发个慈悲,我们就好了。’孙行者笑道:’这却不难。那日你们妯娌十个托生时,可巧我到阎王那里去的, 因为撒了泡尿在地下,你那小婶子便吃了。你们如今要伶俐嘴乖,有的是尿,再撒泡你们吃了就是了。”说毕,大家都笑起来。凤姐儿笑道:“好的,幸而我们都笨嘴笨腮的,不然也就吃了猴儿尿了。 "尤氏娄氏都笑向李纨道:“咱们这里谁是吃过猴儿尿的,别装没事人儿。”薛姨妈笑道:“笑话儿不在好歹,只要对景就发笑。”说着又击起鼓来。小丫头子们只要听凤姐儿的笑话,便悄悄的和女先儿说明,以咳嗽为记。须臾传至两遍,刚到了凤姐儿手里, 小丫头子们故意咳嗽,女先儿便住了。众人齐笑道:“这可拿住他了。 快吃了酒说一个好的,别太逗的人笑的肠子疼。”凤姐儿想了一想,笑道:“一家子也是过正月半, 合家赏灯吃酒,真真的热闹非常,祖婆婆,太婆婆,婆婆,媳妇,孙子媳妇,重孙子媳妇,亲孙子,侄孙子,重孙子,灰孙子,滴滴搭搭的孙子,孙女儿,外孙女儿,姨表孙女儿,姑表孙女儿,……嗳哟哟,真好热闹!"众人听他说着,已经笑了,都说:“听数贫嘴,又不知编派那一个呢。”尤氏笑道:“你要招我,我可撕你的嘴。”凤姐儿起身拍手笑道:“人家费力说,你们混,我就不说了。”贾母笑道:“你说你说,底下怎么样?"凤姐儿想了一想,笑道:“底下就团团的坐了一屋子,吃了一夜酒就散了。”众人见他正言厉色的说了, 别无他话,都怔怔的还等下话,只觉冰冷无味。史湘云看了他半日。凤姐儿笑道:“再说一个过正月半的。几个人抬着个房子大的炮仗往城外放去,引了上万的人跟着瞧去。有一个性急的人等不得,便偷着拿香点着了。只听’噗哧’一声,众人哄然一笑都散了。这抬炮仗的人抱怨卖炮仗的П的不结实,没等放就散了。”湘云道:“难道他本人没听见响?"凤姐儿道:“这本人原是聋子。”众人听说,一回想,不觉一齐失声都大笑起来。 又想着先前那一个没完的,问他:“先一个怎么样?也该说完。”凤姐儿将桌子一拍,说道:“好罗唆,到了第二日是十六日,年也完了,节也完了,我看着人忙着收东西还闹不清,那里还知道底下的事了。”众人听说,复又笑将起来。凤姐儿笑道:“外头已经四更,依我说,老祖宗也乏了,咱们也该’聋子放炮仗——散了’罢。”尤氏等用手帕子握着嘴,笑的前仰后合,指他说道:“这个东西真会数贫嘴。”贾母笑道:“真真这凤丫头越发贫嘴了。”一面说,一面吩咐道:“他提炮仗来,咱们也把烟火放了解解酒。”
  贾蓉听了, 忙出去带着小厮们就在院内安下屏架,将烟火设吊齐备。这烟火皆系各处进贡之物,虽不甚大,却极精巧,各色故事俱全,夹着各色花炮。林黛玉禀气柔弱,不禁毕驳之声, 贾母便搂他在怀中。薛姨妈搂着湘云。湘云笑道:“我不怕。”宝钗等笑道:“他专爱自己放大炮仗,还怕这个呢。”王夫人便将宝玉搂入怀内。凤姐儿笑道:“我们是没有人疼的了。”尤氏笑道:“有我呢,我搂着你。也不怕臊,你这孩子又撒娇了,听见放炮仗, 吃了蜜蜂儿屎的,今儿又轻逛起来。”凤姐儿笑道:“等散了,咱们园子里放去。 我比小厮们还放的好呢。”说话之间,外面一色一色的放了又放,又有许多的满天星,九龙入云,一声雷,飞天十响之类的零碎小爆竹。放罢,然后又命小戏子打了一回"莲花落",撒了满台钱,命那孩子们满台抢钱取乐。又上汤时,贾母说道:“夜长,觉的有些饿了。”凤姐儿忙回说:“有预备的鸭子肉粥。”贾母道:“我吃些清淡的罢。”凤姐儿忙道:“也有枣儿熬的粳米粥,预备太太们吃斋的。”贾母笑道:“不是油腻腻的就是甜的。” 凤姐儿又忙道:“还有杏仁茶,只怕也甜。”贾母道:“倒是这个还罢了。”说着,又命人撤去残席,外面另设上各种精致小菜。大家随便随意吃了些,用过漱口茶,方散。
  十七日一早, 又过宁府行礼,伺候掩了宗祠,收过影像,方回来。此日便是薛姨妈家请吃年酒。十八日便是赖大家,十九日便是宁府赖升家,二十日便是林之孝家,二十一日便是单大良家,二十二日便是吴新登家。这几家,贾母也有去的,也有不去的,也有高兴直待众人散了方回的,也有兴尽半日一时就来的。凡诸亲友来请或来赴席的,贾母一概怕拘束不会,自有邢夫人,王夫人,凤姐儿三人料理。连宝玉只除王子腾家去了, 余者亦皆不会,只说贾母留下解闷。所以倒是家下人家来请,贾母可以自便之处,方高兴去逛逛。闲言不提,且说当下元宵已过___

  Dowager lady Chia, nee Shih, does away with rotten old customs. Wang Hsi-feng imitates in jest (the dutiful son), by getting herself up in gaudy theatrical clothes.
   Chia Chen and Chia Lien had, we will now explain, secretly got ready large baskets of cash, so the moment they heard old lady Chia utter the word 'tip,' they promptly bade the pages be quick and fling the money. The noise of the cash, running on every side of the stage, was all that fell on the ear. Dowager lady Chia thoroughly enjoyed it.
   The two men then rose to their feet. The pages hastened to lay hold of a silver kettle, newly brought in with fresh wine, and to deposit it in Chia Lien's hands, who followed Chia Chen with quick step into the inner rooms. Chia Chen advanced first up to 'sister-in-law' Li's table, and curtseying, he raised her cup, and turned round, whereupon Chia Lien quickly filled it to the brim. Next they approached Mrs. Hsueeh's table, and they also replenished her cup.
   These two ladies lost no time in standing up, and smilingly expostulating. "Gentlemen," they said, "please take your seats. What's the use of standing on such ceremonies?"
   But presently every one, with the exception of the two ladies Mesdames Hsing and Wang, quitted the banquet and dropping their arms against their bodies they stood on one side. Chia Chen and his companion then drew near dowager lady Chia's couch. But the couch was so low that they had to stoop on their knees. Chia Chen was in front, and presented the cup. Chia Lien was behind, and held the kettle up to her. But notwithstanding that only these two offered her wine, Chia Tsung and the other young men followed them closely in the order of their age and grade; so the moment they saw them kneel, they immediately threw themselves on their knees. Pao-yue too prostrated himself at once.
   Hsiang-yuen stealthily gave him a push. "What's the use of your now following their lead again and falling on your knees?" she said. "But since you behave like this, wouldn't it be well if you also went and poured wine all round?"
   Pao-yue laughed. "Hold on a bit," he rejoined in a low tone, "and I'll go and do so."
   So speaking, he waited until his two relatives had finished pouring the wine and risen to their feet, when he also went and replenished the cups of Mesdames Wang and Hsing.
   "What about the young ladies?" Chia Chen smilingly asked.
   "You people had better be going," old lady Chia and the other ladies unanimously observed. "They'll, then, be more at their ease."
   At this hint Chia Chen and his companions eventually withdrew. The second watch had not, at the time, yet gone. The play that was being sung was: 'The eight worthies look at the lanterns,' consisting of eight acts; and had now reached a sensational part.
   Pao-yue at this stage left the feast and was going out. "Where are you off to?" inquired his grandmother Chia. "The crackers outside are dreadful. Mind, the lighted pieces of paper falling from above might burn you."
   Pao-yue smiled. "I'm not going far," he answered. "I'm merely going out of the room, and will be back at once."
   Dowager lady Chia directed the matrons to "be careful and escort him."
   Pao-yue forthwith sallied out; with no other attendants however than She Yueeh, Ch'iu Wen and several youthful maids.
   "How is it," his grandmother Chia felt obliged so ask, "that I don't see anything of Hsi Jen? Is she too now putting on high and mighty airs that she only sends these juvenile girls here?"
   Madame Wang rose to her feet with all haste. "Her mother," she explained, "died the other day; so being in deep mourning, she couldn't very well present herself."
   Dowager lady Chia nodded her head assentingly. "When one is in service," she smilingly remarked, "there should be no question of mourning or no mourning. Is it likely that, if she were still in my pay, she wouldn't at present be here? All these practices have quite become precedents!"
   Lady Feng crossed over to her. "Had she even not been in mourning to-night," she chimed in with a laugh, "she would have had to be in the garden and keep an eye over that pile of lanterns, candles, and fireworks, as they're most dangerous things. For as soon as any theatricals are set on foot in here, who doesn't surreptitiously sneak out from the garden to have a look? But as far as she goes, she's diligent, and careful of every place. Moreover, when the company disperses and brother Pao-yue retires to sleep, everything will be in perfect readiness. But, had she also come, that bevy of servants wouldn't again have cared a straw for anything; and on his return, after the party, the bedding would have been cold, the tea-water wouldn't have been ready, and he would have had to put up with every sort of discomfort. That's why I told her that there was no need for her to come. But should you, dear senior, wish her here, I'll send for her straightway and have done."
   Old lady Chia lent an ear to her arguments. "What you say," she promptly put in, "is perfectly right. You've made better arrangements than I could. Quick, don't send for her! But when did her mother die? How is it I know nothing about it?"
   "Some time ago," lady Feng laughed, "Hsi Jen came in person and told you, worthy ancestor, and how is it you've forgotten it?"
   "Yes," resumed dowager lady Chia smiling, after some reflection, "I remember now. My memory is really not of the best."
   At this, everybody gave way to laughter. "How could your venerable ladyship," they said, "recollect so many matters?"
   Dowager lady Chia thereupon heaved a sigh. "How I remember," she added, "the way she served me ever since her youth up; and how she waited upon Yuen Erh also; how at last she was given to that prince of devils, and how she has slaved away with that imp for the last few years. She is, besides, not a slave-girl, born or bred in the place. Nor has she ever received any great benefits from our hands. When her mother died, I meant to have given her several taels for her burial; but it quite slipped from my mind."
   "The other day," lady Feng remarked, "Madame Wang presented her with forty taels; so that was all right."
   At these words, old lady Chia nodded assent. "Yes, never mind about that," she observed. "Yuan Yang's mother also died, as it happens, the other day; but taking into consideration that both her parents lived in the south, I didn't let her return home to observe a period of mourning. But as both these girls are now in mourning, why not allow them to live together? They'll thus be able to keep each other company. Take a few fruits, eatables, and other such things," continuing she bade a matron, "and give them to those two girls to eat."
   "Would she likely wait until now?" Hu Po laughingly interposed. "Why, she joined (Hsi Jen) long ago."
   In the course of this conversation, the various inmates partook of some more wine, and watched the theatricals.
   But we will now turn our attention to Pao-yue. He made his way straight into the garden. The matrons saw well enough that he was returning to his rooms, but instead of following him in, they ensconced themselves near the fire in the tea-room situated by the garden-gate, and made the best of the time by drinking and playing cards with the girls in charge of the tea. Pao-yue entered the court. The lanterns burnt brightly, yet not a human voice was audible. "Have they all, forsooth, gone to sleep?" She Yueeh ventured. "Let's walk in gently, and give them a fright!"
   Presently, they stepped, on tiptoe, past the mirrored partition-wall. At a glance, they discerned Hsi Jen lying on the stove-couch, face to face with some other girl. On the opposite side sat two or three old nurses nodding, half asleep. Pao-yue conjectured that both the girls were plunged in sleep, and was just about to enter, when of a sudden some one was heard to heave a sigh and to say: "How evident it is that worldly matters are very uncertain! Here you lived all alone in here, while your father and mother tarried abroad, and roamed year after year from east to west, without any fixed place of abode. I ever thought that you wouldn't have been able to be with them at their last moments; but, as it happened, (your mother) died in this place this year, and you could, after all, stand by her to the end."
   "Quite so!" rejoined Hsi Jen. "Even I little expected to be able to see any of my parents' funeral. When I broke the news to our Madame Wang, she also gave me forty taels. This was really a kind attention on her part. I hadn't nevertheless presumed to indulge in any vain hopes."
   Pao-yue overheard what was said. Hastily twisting himself round, he remarked in a low voice, addressing himself to She Yueeh and her companions: "Who would have fancied her also in here? But were I to enter, she'll bolt away in another tantrum! Better then that we should retrace our steps, and let them quietly have a chat together, eh? Hsi Jen was alone, and down in the mouth, so it's a fortunate thing that she joined her in such good time."
   As he spoke, they once more walked out of the court with gentle tread. Pao-yue went to the back of the rockery, and stopping short, he raised his clothes. She Yueeh and Ch'iu Wen stood still, and turned their faces away. "Stoop," they smiled, "and then loosen your clothes! Be careful that the wind doesn't blow on your stomach!"
   The two young maids, who followed behind, surmised that he was bent upon satisfying a natural want, and they hurried ahead to the tea-room to prepare the water.
   Just, however, as Pao-yue was crossing over, two married women came in sight, advancing from the opposite direction. "Who's there?" they inquired.
   "Pao-yue is here," Ch'ing Wen answered. "But mind, if you bawl and shout like that, you'll give him a start."
   The women promptly laughed. "We had no idea," they said, "that we were coming, at a great festive time like this, to bring trouble upon ourselves! What a lot of hard work must day after day fall to your share, young ladies."
   Speaking the while, they drew near. She Yueeh and her friends then asked them what they were holding in their hands.
   "We're taking over," they replied, "some things to the two girls: Miss Chin and Miss Hua."
   "They're still singing the 'Eight Worthies' outside," She Yueeh went on to observe laughingly, "and how is it you're running again to Miss Chin's and Miss Hua's before the 'Trouble-first moon-box' has been gone through?"
   "Take the lid off," Pao-yue cried, "and let me see what there's inside."
   Ch'in Wen and She Yueeh at once approached and uncovered the boxes. The two women promptly stooped, which enabled Pao-yue to see that the contents of the two boxes consisted alike of some of the finest fruits and tea-cakes, which had figured at the banquet, and, nodding his head, he walked off, while She Yueeh and her friend speedily threw the lids down anyhow, and followed in his track.
   "Those two dames are pleasant enough," Pao-yue smiled, "and they know how to speak decently; but it's they who get quite worn out every day, and they contrariwise say that you've got ample to do daily. Now, doesn't this amount to bragging and boasting?"
   "Those two women," She Yueeh chimed in, "are not bad. But such of them as don't know what good manners mean are ignorant to a degree of all propriety."
   "You, who know what's what," Pao-yue added, "should make allowances for that kind of rustic people. You should pity them; that's all."
   Speaking, he made his exit out of the garden gate. The matrons had, though engaged in drinking and gambling, kept incessantly stepping out of doors to furtively keep an eye on his movements, so that the moment they perceived Pao-yue appear, they followed him in a body. On their arrival in the covered passage of the reception-hall, they espied two young waiting-maids; the one with a small basin in her hand; the other with a towel thrown over her arm. They also held a bowl and small kettle, and had been waiting in that passage for ever so long.
   Ch'iu Wen was the first to hastily stretch out her hand and test the water. "The older you grow," she cried, "the denser you get! How could one ever use this icy-cold water?"
   "Miss, look at the weather!" the young maid replied. "I was afraid the water would get cold. It was really scalding; is it cold now?"
   While she made this rejoinder, an old matron was, by a strange coincidence, seen coming along, carrying a jug of hot water. "Dear dame," shouted the young maid, "come over and pour some for me in here!"
   "My dear girl," the matron responded, "this is for our old mistress to brew tea with. I'll tell you what; you'd better go and fetch some yourself. Are you perchance afraid lest your feet might grow bigger by walking?"
   "I don't care whose it is," Ch'iu Wen put in. "If you don't give me any, I shall certainly empty our old lady's teapot and wash my hands."
   The old matron turned her head; and, catching sight of Ch'iu Wen, she there and then raised the jug and poured some of the water.
   "That will do!" exclaimed Ch'iu Wen. "With all your years, don't you yet know what's what? Who isn't aware that it's for our old mistress? But would one presume to ask for what shouldn't be asked for?"
   "My eyes are so dim," the matron rejoined with a smile, "that I didn't recognise this young lady."
   When Pao-yue had washed his hands, the young maid took the small jug and filled the bowl; and, as she held it in her hand, Pao-yue rinsed his mouth. But Ch'iu Wen and She Yueeh availed themselves likewise of the warm water to have a wash; after which, they followed Pao-yue in.
   Pao-yue at once asked for a kettle of warm wine, and, starting from sister-in-law Li, he began to replenish their cups. (Sister-in-law Li and his aunt Hsueeh) pressed him, however, with smiling faces, to take a seat; but his grandmother Chia remonstrated. "He's only a youngster," she said, "so let him pour the wine! We must all drain this cup!"
   With these words, she quaffed her own cup, leaving no heel-taps. Mesdames Hsing and Wang also lost no time in emptying theirs; so Mrs. Hsueeh and 'sister-in-law' Li had no alternative but to drain their share.
   "Fill the cups too of your female cousins, senior or junior," dowager lady Chia went on to tell Pao-yue. "And you mayn't pour the wine anyhow. Each of you must swallow every drop of your drinks."
   Pao-yue upon hearing her wishes, set to work, while signifying his assent, to replenish the cups of the several young ladies in their proper gradation. But when he got to Tai-yue, she raised the cup, for she would not drink any wine herself, and applied it to Pao-yue's lips. Pao-yue drained the contents with one breath; upon which Tai-yue gave him a smile, and said to him: "I am much obliged to you."
   Pao-yue next poured a cup for her. But lady Feng immediately laughed and expostulated. "Pao-yue!" she cried, "you mustn't take any cold wine. Mind, your hand will tremble, and you won't be able to-morrow to write your characters or to draw the bow."
   "I'm not having any cold wine," Pao-yue replied.
   "I know you're not," lady Feng smiled, "but I simply warn you."
   After this, Pao-yue finished helping the rest of the inmates inside, with the exception of Chia Jung's wife, for whom he bade a maid fill a cup. Then emerging again into the covered passage, he replenished the cups of Chia Chen and his companions; after which, he tarried with them for a while, and at last walked in and resumed his former seat.
   Presently, the soup was brought, and soon after that the 'feast of lanterns' cakes were handed round.
   Dowager lady Chia gave orders that the play should be interrupted for a time. "Those young people," (she said) "are be to pitied! Let them too have some hot soup and warm viands. They then can go on again. Take of every kind of fruit," she continued, "'feast of lanterns' cakes, and other such dainties and give them a few."
   The play was shortly stopped. The matrons ushered in a couple of blind singing-girls, who often came to the house, and put two benches, on the opposite side, for them. Old lady Chia desired them to take a seat, and banjos and guitars were then handed to them.
   "What stories would you like to hear?" old lady Chia inquired of 'sister-in-law' Li and Mrs. Hsueeh.
   "We don't care what they are;" both of them rejoined with one voice. "Any will do!"
   "Have you of late added any new stories to your stock?" old lady Chia asked.
   "We've got a new story," the two girls explained. "It's about an old affair of the time of the Five Dynasties, which trod down the T'ang dynasty."
   "What's its title?" old lady Chia inquired.
   "It's called: 'A Feng seeks a Luan in marriage': (the male phoenix asks the female phoenix in marriage)," one of the girls answered.
   "The title is all very well," dowager lady Chia proceeded, "but why I wonder was it ever given to it. First tell us its general purport, and if it's interesting, you can continue."
   "This story," the girl explained, "treats of the time when the T'ang dynasty was extinguished. There lived then one of the gentry, who had originally been a denizen of Chin Ling. His name was Wang Chun. He had been minister under two reigns. He had, about this time, pleaded old age and returned to his home. He had about his knees only one son, called Wang Hsi-feng."
   When the company heard so far, they began to laugh.
   "Now isn't this a duplicate of our girl Feng's name?" old lady Chia laughingly exclaimed.
   A married woman hurried up and pushed (the girl). "That's the name of your lady Secunda," she said, "so don't use it quite so heedlessly!"
   "Go on with your story!" dowager lady Chia shouted.
   The girl speedily stood up, smiling the while. "We do deserve death!" she observed. "We weren't aware that it was our lady's worthy name."
   "Why should you be in such fear and trembling?" lady Feng laughed. "Go on! There are many duplicate names and duplicate surnames."
   The girl then proceeded with her story. "In a certain year," she resumed, "his honour old Mr. Wang saw his son Mr. Wang off for the capital to be in time for the examinations. One day, he was overtaken by a heavy shower of rain and he betook himself into a village for shelter. Who'd have thought it, there lived in this village, one of the gentry, of the name of Li, who had been an old friend of his honour old Mr. Wang, and he kept Mr. Wang junior to put up in his library. This Mr. Li had no son, but only a daughter. This young daughter's worthy name was Ch'u Luan. She could perform on the lute; she could play chess; and she had a knowledge of books and of painting. There was nothing that she did not understand."
   Old lady Chia eagerly chimed in. "It's no wonder," she said, "that the story has been called: 'A Feng seeks a Luan in marriage,' '(a male phoenix seeks a female phoenix in marriage).' But you needn't proceed. I've already guessed the denouement. There's no doubt that Wang Hsi-feng asks for the hand of this Miss Ch'u Luan."
   "Your venerable ladyship must really have heard the story before," the singing-girl smiled.
   "What hasn't our worthy senior heard?" they all exclaimed. "But she's quick enough in guessing even unheard of things."
   "All these stories run invariably in one line," old lady Chia laughingly rejoined. "They're all about pretty girls and scholars. There's no fun in them. They abuse people's daughters in every possible way, and then they still term them nice pretty girls. They're so concocted that there's not even a semblance of truth in them. From the very first, they canvass the families of the gentry. If the paterfamilias isn't a president of a board; then he's made a minister. The heroine is bound to be as lovable as a gem. This young lady is sure to understand all about letters, and propriety. She knows every thing and is, in a word, a peerless beauty. At the sight of a handsome young man, she pays no heed as to whether he be relation or friend, but begins to entertain thoughts of the primary affair of her life, and forgets her parents and sets her books on one side. She behaves as neither devil nor thief would: so in what respect does she resemble a nice pretty girl? Were even her brain full of learning, she couldn't be accounted a nice pretty girl, after behaving in this manner! Just like a young fellow, whose mind is well stored with book-lore, and who goes and plays the robber! Now is it likely that the imperial laws would look upon him as a man of parts, and that they wouldn't bring against him some charge of robbery? From this it's evident that those, who fabricate these stories, contradict themselves. Besides, they may, it's true, say that the heroines belong to great families of official and literary status, that they're conversant with propriety and learning and that their honourable mothers too understand books and good manners, but great households like theirs must, in spite of the parents having pleaded old age and returned to their natives places, contain a great number of inmates; and the nurses, maids and attendants on these young ladies must also be many; and how is it then that, whenever these stories make reference to such matters, one only hears of young ladies with but a single close attendant? What can, think for yourselves, all the other people be up to? Indeed, what is said before doesn't accord with what comes afterwards. Isn't it so, eh?"
   The party listened to her with much glee. "These criticisms of yours, venerable ancestor," they said, "have laid bare every single discrepancy."
   "They have however their reasons," old lady Chia smilingly resumed. "Among the writers of these stories, there are some, who begrudge people's wealth and honours, or possibly those, who having solicited a favour (of the wealthy and honorable), and not obtained the object, upon which their wishes were set, have fabricated lies in order to disparage people. There is moreover a certain class of persons, who become so corrupted by the perusal of such tales that they are not satisfied until they themselves pounce upon some nice pretty girl. Hence is it that, for fun's sake, they devise all these yarns. But how could such as they ever know the principle which prevails in official and literary families? Not to speak of the various official and literary families spoken about in these anecdotes, take now our own immediate case as an instance. We're only such a middle class household, and yet we've got none of those occurrences; so don't let her go on spinning these endless yarns. We must on no account have any of these stories told us! Why, even the maids themselves don't understand any of this sort of language. I've been getting so old the last few years, that I felt unawares quite melancholy whenever the girls went to live far off, so my wont has been to have a few passages recounted to me; but as soon as they got back, I at once put a stop to these things."
   'Sister-in-law' Li and Mrs. Hsueeh both laughed. "This is just the rule," they said, "which should exist in great families. Not even in our homes is any of this confused talk allowed to reach the ears of the young people."
   Lady Feng came forward and poured some wine. "Enough, that will do!" she laughed. "The wine has got quite cold. My dear ancestor, do take a sip and moisten your throat with, before you begin again to dilate on falsehoods. What we've been having now can well be termed 'Record of a discussion on falsehoods.' It has had its origin in this reign, in this place, in this year, in this moon, on this day and at this very season. But, venerable senior, you've only got one mouth, so you couldn't very well simultaneously speak of two families. 'When two flowers open together,' the proverb says, 'one person can only speak of one.' But whether the stones be true or fictitious, don't let us say anything more about them. Let's have the footlights put in order, and look at the players. Dear senior, do let these two relatives have a glass of wine and see a couple of plays; and you can then start arguing about one dynasty after another. Eh, what do you say?"
   Saying this, she poured the wine, laughing the while. But she had scarcely done speaking before the whole company were convulsed with laughter. The two singing girls were themselves unable to keep their countenance.
   "Lady Secunda," they both exclaimed, "what a sharp tongue you have! Were your ladyship to take to story-telling, we really would have nowhere to earn our rice."
   "Don't be in such overflowing spirits," Mrs. Hsueeh laughed. "There are people outside; this isn't like any ordinary occasion."
   "There's only my senior brother-in-law Chen outside," lady Feng smiled. "And we've been like brother and sister from our youth up. We've romped and been up to every mischief to this age together. But all on account of my marriage, I've had of late years to stand on ever so many ceremonies. Why besides being like brother and sister from the time we were small kids, he's anyhow my senior brother-in-law, and I his junior sister-in-law. (One among) those twenty four dutiful sons, travestied himself in theatrical costume (to amuse his parents), but those fellows haven't sufficient spirit to come in some stage togs and try and make you have a laugh, dear ancestor. I've however succeeded, after ever so much exertion, in so diverting you as to induce you to eat a little more than you would, and in putting everybody in good humour; and I should be thanked by one and all of you; it's only right that I should. But can it be that you will, on the contrary, poke fun at me?"
   "I've truly not had a hearty laugh the last few days," old lady Chia smiled, "but thanks to the funny things she recounted just now, I've managed to get in somewhat better spirits in here. So I'll have another cup of wine." Then having drunk her wine, "Pao-yue," she went on to say, "come and present a cup to your sister-in-law!"
   Lady Feng gave a smile. "There's no use for him to give me any wine," she ventured. "(I'll drink out of your cup,) so as to bring upon myself your longevity, venerable ancestor."
   While uttering this response, she raised dowager lady Chia's cup to her lips, and drained the remaining half of the contents; after which, she handed the cup to a waiting-maid, who took one from those which had been rinsed with tepid water, and brought it to her. But in due course, the cups from the various tables were cleared, and clean ones, washed in warm water, were substituted; and when fresh wine had been served round, (lady Feng and the maid) resumed their seats.
   "Venerable lady," a singing-girl put in, "you don't like the stories we tell; but may we thrum a song for you?"
   "You two," remarked old lady Chia, "had better play a duet of the 'Chiang Chuen ling' song: 'the general's command.'"
   Hearing her wishes, the two girls promptly tuned their cords, to suit the pitch of the song, and struck up on their guitars.
   "What watch of the night is it?" old lady Chia at this point inquired.
   "It's the third watch," the matrons replied with alacrity.
   "No wonder it has got so chilly and damp!" old lady Chia added.
   Extra clothes were accordingly soon fetched by the servants and maids.
   Madame Wang speedily rose to her feet and forced a smile. "Venerable senior," she said, "wouldn't it be prudent for you to move on to the stove couch in the winter apartments? It would be as well. These two relatives are no strangers. And if we entertain them, it will he all right."
   "Well, in that case," dowager lady Chia smilingly rejoined, "why shouldn't the whole company adjourn inside? Wouldn't it be warmer for us all?"
   "I'm afraid there isn't enough sitting room for every one of us," Madame Wang explained.
   "I've got a plan," old lady Chia added. "We can now dispense with these tables. All we need are two or three, placed side by side; we can then sit in a group, and by bundling together it will be both sociable as well as warm."
   "Yes, this will be nice!" one and all cried.
   Assenting, they forthwith rose from table. The married women hastened to remove the debandade of the banquet. Then placing three large tables lengthways side by side in the inner rooms, they went on to properly arrange the fruits and viands, some of which had been replenished, others changed.
   "You must none of you stand on any ceremonies!" dowager lady Chia observed. "If you just listen while I allot you your places, and sit down accordingly, it will be all right!"
   Continuing, she motioned to Mrs. Hsueeh and 'sister-in-law' Li to take the upper seats on the side of honour, and, making herself comfortable on the west, she bade the three cousins Pao-ch'in, Tai-yue and Hsian-yuen sit close to her on the left and on the right. "Pao-yue," she proceeded "you must go next to your mother." So presently she put Pao-yue, and Pao-ch'ai and the rest of the young ladies between Mesdames Hsing and Wang. On the west, she placed, in proper gradation, dame Lou, along with Chia Lan, and Mrs. Yu and Li Wan, with Chia Lan, (number two,) between them. While she assigned a chair to Chia Jung's wife among the lower seats, put crosswise. "Brother Chen," old lady Chia cried, "take your cousins and be off! I'm also going to sleep in a little time."
   Chia Chen and his associates speedily expressed their obedience, and made, in a body, their appearance inside again to listen to any injunctions she might have to give them.
   "Bundle yourself away at once!" shouted dowager lady Chia. "You needn't come in. We've just sat down, and you'll make us get up again. Go and rest; be quick! To-morrow, there are to be some more grand doings!" Chia Chen assented with alacrity. "But Jung Erh should remain to replenish the cups," he smiled; "it's only fair that he should."
   "Quite so!" answered old lady Chia laughingly. "I forgot all about him."
   "Yes!" acquiesced Chia Chen. Then twisting himself round, he led Chia Lien and his companions out of the apartment.
   (Chia Chen and Chia Lien) were, of course, both pleased at being able to get away. So bidding the servants see Chia Tsung and Chia Huang to their respective homes, (Chia Chen) arranged with Chia Lien to go in pursuit of pleasure and in quest of fun. But we will now leave them to their own devices without another word.
   "I was just thinking," meanwhile dowager lady Chia laughed, "that it would be well, although you people are numerous enough to enjoy yourselves, to have a couple of great-grandchildren present at this banquet, so Jung Erh now makes the full complement. But Jung Erh sit near your wife, for she and you will then make the pair complete."
   The wife of a domestic thereupon presented a play-bill.
   "We, ladies," old lady Chia demurred, "are now chatting in high glee, and are about to start a romp. Those young folks have, also, been sitting up so far into the night that they must be quite cold, so let the plays alone. Tell them then to have a rest. Yet call our own girls to come and sing a couple of plays on this stage. They too will thus have a chance of watching us a bit."
   After lending an ear to her, the married women assented and quitted the room. And immediately finding some servant to go to the garden of Broad Vista and summon the girls, they betook themselves, at the same time, as far as the second gate and called a few pages to wait on them.
   The pages went with hurried step to the rooms reserved for the players, and taking with them the various grown-up members of the company, they only left the more youthful behind. Then fetching, in a little time, Wen Kuan and a few other girls, twelve in all, from among the novices in the Pear Fragrance court, they egressed by the corner gate leading out of the covered passage. The matrons took soft bundles in their arms, as their strength was not equal to carrying boxes. And under the conviction that their old mistress would prefer plays of three or five acts, they had put together the necessary theatrical costumes.
   After Wen Kuan and the rest of the girls had been introduced into the room by the matrons, they paid their obeisance, and, dropping their arms against their sides, they stood reverentially.
   "In this propitious first moon," old lady Chia smiled, "won't your teacher let you come out for a stroll? What are you singing now? The eight acts of the 'Eight worthies' recently sung here were so noisy, that they made my head ache; so you'd better let us have something more quiet. You must however bear in mind that Mrs. Hsueeh and Mrs. Li are both people, who give theatricals, and have heard I don't know how many fine plays. The young ladies here have seen better plays than our own girls; and they have heard more beautiful songs than they. These actresses, you see here now, formed once, despite their youth, part of a company belonging to renowned families, fond of plays; and though mere children, they excel any troupe composed of grown-up persons. So whatever we do, don't let us say anything disparaging about them. But we must now have something new. Tell Fang Kuan to sing us the 'Hsuen Meng' ballad; and let only flutes and Pandean pipes be used. The other instruments can be dispensed with."
   "Your venerable ladyship is quite right," Wen Kuan smiled. "Our acting couldn't, certainly, suit the taste of such people as Mrs. Hsueeh, Mrs. Li and the young ladies. Nevertheless, let them merely heed our enunciation, and listen to our voices; that's all."
   "Well said!" dowager lady Chia laughed.
   'Sister-in-law' Li and Mrs. Hsueeh were filled with delight. "What a sharp girl!" they remarked smilingly. "But do you also try to imitate our old lady by pulling our leg?"
   "They're intended to afford us some ready-at-hand recreation," old lady Chia smiled. "Besides, they don't go out to earn money. That's how it is they are not so much up to the times." At the close of this remark, she also desired K'uei Kuan to sing the play: 'Hui Ming sends a letter.' "You needn't," she added, "make your face up. Just sing this couple of plays so as to merely let both those ladies hear a kind of parody of them. But if you spare yourselves the least exertion, I shall be unhappy."
   When they heard this, Wen Kuan and her companions left the apartment and promptly apparelled themselves and mounted the stage. First in order, was sung the 'Hsuen Meng;' next, '(Hui Ming) sends a letter;' during which, everybody observed such perfect silence that not so much as the caw of a crow fell on the ear.
   "I've verily seen several hundreds of companies," Mrs. Hsueeh smiled, "but never have I come across any that confined themselves to flutes."
   "There are some," dowager lady Chia answered. "In fact, in that play acted just now called: 'Love in the western tower at Ch'u Ch'iang,' there's a good deal sung by young actors in unison with the flutes. But lengthy unison pieces of this description are indeed few. This too, however, is purely a matter of taste; there's nothing out of the way about it. When I was of her age," resuming, she pointed at Hsiang-yuen, "her grandfather kept a troupe of young actresses. There was among them one, who played the lute so efficiently that she performed the part when the lute is heard in the 'Hsi Hsiang Chi,' the piece on the lute in the 'Yue Ts'an Chi,' and that in the supplementary 'P'i Pa Chi,' on the Mongol flageolet with the eighteen notes, in every way as if she had been placed in the real circumstances herself. Yea, far better than this!"
   "This is still rarer a thing!" the inmates exclaimed.
   Old lady Chia then shortly called the married women, and bade them tell Wen Kuan and the other girls to use both wind and string instruments and render the piece; 'At the feast of lanterns, the moon is round.'
   The women servants received her orders and went to execute them. Chia Jung and his wife meanwhile passed the wine round.
   When lady Feng saw dowager lady Chia in most exuberant spirits, she smiled. "Won't it be nice," she said, "to avail ourselves of the presence of the singing girls to pass plum blossom round and have the game of forfeits: 'Spring-happy eyebrow-corners-go-up,' eh?"
   "That's a fine game of forfeits!" Old lady Chia cried, with a smile. "It just suits the time of the year."
   Orders were therefore given at once to fetch a forfeit drum, varnished black, and ornamented with designs executed with copper tacks. When brought, it was handed to the singing girls to put on the table and rap on it. A twig of red plum blossom was then obtained. "The one in whose hand it is when the drum stops," dowager lady Chia laughingly proposed, "will have to drink a cup of wine, and to say something or other as well."
   "I'll tell you what," lady Feng interposed with a smile. "Who of us can pit herself against you, dear ancestor, who have ever ready at hand whatever you want to say? With the little use we are in this line, won't there be an absolute lack of fun in our contributions? My idea is that it would be nicer were something said that could be appreciated both by the refined as well as the unrefined. So won't it be preferable that the person, in whose hands the twig remains, when the drum stops, should crack some joke or other?"
   Every one, who heard her, was fully aware what a good hand she had always been at witty things, and how she, more than any other, had an inexhaustible supply of novel and amusing rules of forfeits, ever stocked in her mind, so her suggestion not only gratified the various inmates of the family seated at the banquet, but even filled the whole posse of servants, both old and young, who stood in attendance below, with intense delight. The young waiting-maids rushed with eagerness in search of the young ladies and told them to come and listen to their lady Secunda, who was on the point again of saying funny things. A whole crowd of servant-girls anxiously pressed inside and crammed the room. In a little time, the theatricals were brought to a close, and the music was stopped. Dowager lady Chia had some soup, fine cakes and fruits handed to Wen Kuan and her companions to regale themselves with, and then gave orders to sound the drum. The singing-girls were both experts, so now they beat fast; and now slow. Either slow like the dripping of the remnants of water in a clepsydra. Or quick, as when beans are being sown. Or with the velocity of the pace of a scared horse, or that of the flash of a swift lightning. The sound of the drum came to a standstill abruptly. The twig of plum blossom had just reached old lady Chia, when by a strange coincidence, the rattle ceased. Every one blurted out into a boisterous fit of laughter. Chia Jung hastily approached and filled a cup. "It's only natural," they laughingly cried, "that you venerable senior, should be the first to get exhilarated; for then, thanks to you, we shall also come in for some measure of good cheer."
   "To gulp down this wine is an easy job," dowager lady smiled, "but to crack jokes is somewhat difficult."
   "Your jokes, dear ancestor, are even wittier than those of lady Feng," the party shouted, "so favour us with one, and let's have a laugh!"
   "I've nothing out of the way to evoke laughter with," old lady Chia smilingly answered. "Yet all that remains for me to do is to thicken the skin of my antiquated phiz and come out with some joke. In a certain family," she consequently went on to narrate, "there were ten sons; these married ten wives. The tenth of these wives was, however, so intelligent, sharp, quick of mind, and glib of tongue, that her father and mother-in-law loved her best of all, and maintained from morning to night that the other nine were not filial. These nine felt much aggrieved and they accordingly took counsel together. 'We nine,' they said, 'are filial enough at heart; the only thing is that that shrew has the gift of the gab. That's why our father and mother-in-law think her so perfect. But to whom can we go and confide our grievance?' One of them was struck with an idea. 'Let's go to-morrow,' she proposed, 'to the temple of the King of Hell and burn incense. We can then tell the King our grudge and ask him how it was that, when he bade us receive life and become human beings, he only conferred a glib tongue on that vixen and that we were only allotted such blunt mouths?' The eight listened to her plan, and were quite enraptured with it. 'This proposal is faultless!' they assented. On the next day, they sped in a body to the temple of the God of Hell, and after burning incense, the nine sisters-in-law slept under the altar, on which their offerings were laid. Their nine spirits waited with the special purpose of seeing the carriage of the King of Hell arrive; but they waited and waited, and yet he did not come. They were just giving way to despair when they espied Sun Hsing-che, (the god of monkeys), advancing on a rolling cloud. He espied the nine spirits, and felt inclined to take a golden rod and beat them. The nine spirits were plunged in terror. Hastily they fell on their knees, and pleaded for mercy."
   "'What are you up to?' Sun Hsing-che inquired."
   "The nine women, with alacrity, told him all."
   "After Sun Hsing-che had listened to their confidences, he stamped his foot and heaved a sigh. 'Is that the case?' he asked. 'Well, it's lucky enough you came across me, for had you waited for the God of Hell, he wouldn't have known anything about it.'"
   "At these assurances, the nine women gave way to entreaties. 'Great saint,' they pleaded, 'if you were to display some commiseration, we would be all right.'"
   "Sun Hsing-che smiled. 'There's no difficulty in the way,' he observed. 'On the day on which you ten sisters-in-law came to life, I was, as luck would have it, on a visit to the King of Hell's place. So I (saw) him do something on the ground, and the junior sister-of-law of yours lap it up. But if you now wish to become smart and sharp-tongued, the remedy lies in water. If I too were therefore to do something, and you to drink it, the desired effect will be attained.'"
   At the close of her story, the company roared with laughter.
   "Splendid!" shouted lady Feng. "But luckily we're all slow of tongue and dull of intellect, otherwise, we too must have had the water of monkeys to drink."
   "Who among us here," Mrs. Yu and dame Lou smilingly remarked, addressing themselves to Li Wan, "has tasted any monkey's water. So don't sham ignorance of things!"
   "A joke must hit the point to be amusing," Mrs. Hsueeh ventured.
   But while she spoke, (the girls) began again to beat the drum. The young maids were keen to hear lady Feng's jokes. They therefore explained to the singing girls, in a confidential tone, that a cough would be the given signal (for them to desist). In no time (the blossom) was handed round on both sides. As soon as it came to lady Feng, the young maids purposely gave a cough. The singing-girl at once stopped short. "Now we've caught her!" shouted the party laughingly; "drink your wine, be quick! And mind you tell something nice! But don't make us laugh so heartily as to get stomachaches."
   Lady Feng was lost in thought. Presently, she began with a smile. "A certain household," she said, "was celebrating the first moon festival. The entire family was enjoying the sight of the lanterns, and drinking their wine. In real truth unusual excitement prevailed. There were great grandmothers, grandmothers, daughters-in-law, grandsons' wives, great grandsons, granddaughters, granddaughters-in-law, aunts' granddaughters, cousins' granddaughters; and ai-yo-yo, there was verily such a bustle and confusion!"
   While minding her story, they laughed. "Listen to all this mean mouth says!" they cried. "We wonder what other ramifications she won't introduce!"
   "If you want to bully me," Mrs. Yu smiled, "I'll tear that mouth of yours to pieces."
   Lady Feng rose to her feet and clapped her hands.
   "One does all one can to rack one's brain," she smiled, "and here you combine to do your utmost to confuse me! Well, if it is so, I won't go on."
   "Proceed with your story," old lady Chia exclaimed with a smile. "What comes afterwards?"
   Lady Feng thought for a while. "Well, after that," she continued laughingly, "they all sat together and crammed the whole room. They primed themselves with wine throughout the hours of night and then they broke up."
   The various inmates noticed in what a serious and sedate manner she narrated her story, and none ventured to pass any further remarks, but waited anxiously for her to go on, when they became aware that she coldly and drily came to a stop.
   Shih Hsiang-yuen stared at her for ever so long.
   "I'll tell you another," lady Feng laughingly remarked. "At the first moon festival, several persons carried a cracker as large as a room and went out of town to let it off. Over and above ten thousand persons were attracted, and they followed to see the sight. One among them was of an impatient disposition. He could not reconcile himself to wait; so stealthily he snatched a joss-stick and set fire to it. A sound of 'pu-ch'ih' was heard. The whole number of spectators laughed boisterously and withdrew. The persons, who carried the cracker, felt a grudge against the cracker-seller for not having made it tight, (and wondered) how it was that every one had left without hearing it go off."
   "Is it likely that the men themselves didn't hear the report?" Hsiang-yuen insinuated.
   "Why, the men themselves were deaf," lady Feng rejoined.
   After listening to her, they pondered for a while, and then suddenly they laughed aloud in chorus. But remembering that her first story had been left unfinished, they inquired of her: "What was, after all, the issue of the first story? You should conclude that too."
   Lady Feng gave a rap on the table with her hand. "How vexatious you are!" she exclaimed. "Well, the next day was the sixteenth; so the festivities of the year were over, and the feast itself was past and gone. I see people busy putting things away, and fussing about still, so how can I make out what will be the end of it all?"
   At this, one and all indulged in renewed merriment.
   "The fourth watch has long ago been struck outside," lady Feng smilingly said. "From what I can see, our worthy senior is also tired out; and we should, like when the cracker was let off in that story of the deaf people, be bundling ourselves off and finish!"
   Mrs. Yu and the rest covered their mouths with their handkerchiefs and laughed. Now they stooped forward; and now they bent backward. And pointing at her, "This thing," they cried, "has really a mean tongue."
   Old lady Chia laughed. "Yes," she said, "this vixen Feng has, in real truth, developed a meaner tongue than ever! But she alluded to crackers," she added, "so let's also let off a few fireworks so as to counteract the fumes of the wine."
   Chia Jung overheard the suggestion. Hurriedly leaving the room, he took the pages with him, and having a scaffolding erected in the court, they hung up the fireworks, and got everything in perfect readiness. These fireworks were articles of tribute, sent from different states, and were, albeit not large in size, contrived with extreme ingenuity. The representations of various kinds of events of antiquity were perfect, and in them were inserted all sorts of crackers.
   Lin Tai-yue was naturally of a weak disposition, so she could not stand the report of any loud intonation. Her grandmother Chia therefore clasped her immediately in her embrace. Mrs. Hsueeh, meanwhile, took Hsiang-yuen in her arms.
   "I'm not afraid," smiled Hsiang-yuen.
   "Nothing she likes so much as letting off huge crackers," Pao-ch'ai smilingly interposed, "and could she fear this sort of thing?"
   Madame Wang, thereupon, laid hold of Pao-yue, and pulled him in her lap.
   "We've got no one to care a rap for us," lady Feng laughed.
   "I'm here for you," Mrs. Yu rejoined with a laugh. "I'll embrace you. There you're again behaving like a spoilt child. You've heard about crackers, and you comport yourself as if you'd had honey to eat! You're quite frivolous again to-day!"
   "Wait till we break up," lady Feng answered laughing, "and we'll go and let some off in our garden. I can fire them far better than any of the young lads!"
   While they bandied words, one kind of firework after another was lighted outside, and then later on some more again. Among these figured 'fill-heaven-stars;' 'nine dragons-enter-clouds;' 'over-whole-land-a- crack-of-thunder;' 'fly-up-heavens;' 'sound-ten shots,' and other such small crackers.
   The fireworks over, the young actresses were again asked to render the 'Lotus-flowers-fall,' and cash were strewn upon the stage. The young girls bustled all over the boards, snatching cash and capering about.
   The soup was next brought. "The night is long," old lady Chia said, "and somehow or other I feel peckish."
   "There's some congee," lady Feng promptly remarked, "prepared with duck's meat."
   "I'd rather have plain things," dowager lady Chia answered.
   "There's also some congee made with non-glutinous rice and powder of dates. It's been cooked for the ladies who fast."
   "If there's any of this, it will do very well," old lady Chia replied.
   While she spoke, orders were given to remove the remnants of the banquet, and inside as well as outside; were served every kind of _recherche_ small dishes. One and all then partook of some of these refreshments, at their pleasure, and rinsing their mouths with tea, they afterwards parted.
   On the seventeenth, they also repaired, at an early hour, to the Ning mansion to present their compliments; and remaining in attendance, while the doors of the ancestral hall were closed and the images put away, they, at length, returned to their quarters.
   Invitations had been issued on this occasion to drink the new year wine at Mrs. Hsueeh's residence. But dowager lady Chia had been out on several consecutive days, and so tired out did she feel that she withdrew to her rooms, after only a short stay.
   After the eighteenth, relatives and friends arrived and made their formal invitations; or else they came as guests to the banquets given. But so little was old lady Chia in a fit state to turn her mind to anything that the two ladies, Madame Hsing and lady Feng, had to attend between them to everything that cropped up. But Pao-yue as well did not go anywhere else than to Wang Tzu-t'eng's, and the excuse he gave out was that his grandmother kept him at home to dispel her ennui.
   We need not, however, dilate on irrelevant details. In due course, the festival of the fifteenth of the first moon passed. But, reader, if you have any curiosity to learn any subsequent events, listen to those given in the chapter below.

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第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 CHAPTER I.第二回 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 CHAPTER II.
第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 CHAPTER III.第四回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 CHAPTER IV.
第五回 游幻境指迷十二钗 饮仙醪曲演红楼梦 CHAPTER V.第六回 贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府 CHAPTER VI.
第七回 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 CHAPTER VII.第八回 比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸 CHAPTER VIII.
第九回 恋风流情友入家塾 起嫌疑顽童闹学堂 CHAPTER IX.第十回 金寡妇贪利权受辱 张太医论病细穷源 CHAPTER X.
第十一回 庆寿辰宁府排家宴 见熙凤贾瑞起淫心 CHAPTER XI.第十二回 王熙凤毒设相思局 贾天祥正照风月鉴 CHAPTER XII.
第十三回 秦可卿死封龙禁尉 王熙凤协理宁国府 CHAPTER XIII.第十四回 林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王 CHAPTER XIV.
第十五回 王凤姐弄权铁槛寺 秦鲸卿得趣馒头庵 CHAPTER XV.第十六回 贾元春才选凤藻宫 秦鲸卿夭逝黄泉路 CHAPTER XVI.
第十七回 大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵 CHAPTER XVII.第十八回 隔珠帘父女勉忠勤 搦湘管姊弟裁题咏 CHAPTER XVIII.
第十九回 情切切良宵花解语 意绵绵静日玉生香 CHAPTER XIX.第二十回 王熙凤正言弹妒意 林黛玉俏语谑娇音 CHAPTER XX.
第二十一回 贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉 俏平儿软语救贾琏 CHAPTER XXI.第二十二回 听曲文宝玉悟禅机 制灯迷贾政悲谶语 CHAPTER XXII.
第二十三回 西厢记妙词通戏语 牡丹亭艳曲警芳心 CHAPTER XXIII.第二十四回 醉金刚轻财尚义侠 痴女儿遗帕惹相思 CHAPTER XXIV.
第   [I]   II   [III]   [IV]   [V]   页

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