中国经典 》 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions 》
第二十一回 贤袭人娇嗔箴宝玉 俏平儿软语救贾琏 CHAPTER XXI.
曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin
高鹗 Gao E
CHAPTER XXI. 话说史湘云跑了出来, 怕林黛玉赶上,宝玉在后忙说:“仔细绊跌了!那里就赶上了?"林黛玉赶到门前,被宝玉叉手在门框上拦住,笑劝道:“饶他这一遭罢。”林黛玉搬着手说道:“我若饶过云儿,再不活着!"湘云见宝玉拦住门,料黛玉不能出来,便立住脚笑道:“好姐姐,饶我这一遭罢。”恰值宝钗来在湘云身后,也笑道:“我劝你两个看宝兄弟分上,都丢开手罢。”黛玉道:“我不依。你们是一气的,都戏弄我不成!"宝玉劝道:“谁敢戏弄你!你不打趣他,他焉敢说你。”四人正难分解,有人来请吃饭,方往前边来。那天早又掌灯时分, 王夫人,李纨,凤姐,迎,探,惜等都往贾母这边来,大家闲话了一回,各自归寝。湘云仍往黛玉房中安歇。
宝玉送他二人到房,那天已二更多时,袭人来催了几次,方回自己房中来睡。次日天明时,便披衣и鞋往黛玉房中来,不见紫鹃,翠缕二人,只见他姊妹两个尚卧在衾内。那林黛玉严严密密裹着一幅杏子红绫被,安稳合目而睡。那史湘云却一把青丝拖于枕畔,被只齐胸,一弯雪白的膀子撂于被外,又带着两个金镯子。宝玉见了,叹道:“睡觉还是不老实!回来风吹了,又嚷肩窝疼了。”一面说,一面轻轻的替他盖上。林黛玉早已醒了, 觉得有人,就猜着定是宝玉,因翻身一看,果中其料。因说道:“这早晚就跑过来作什么?"宝玉笑道:“这天还早呢!你起来瞧瞧。”黛玉道:“你先出去,让我们起来。”宝玉听了,转身出至外边。
黛玉起来叫醒湘云, 二人都穿了衣服。宝玉复又进来,坐在镜台旁边,只见紫鹃,雪雁进来伏侍梳洗。湘云洗了面,翠缕便拿残水要泼,宝玉道:“站着,我趁势洗了就完了, 省得又过去费事。”说着便走过来,弯腰洗了两把。紫鹃递过香皂去,宝玉道:这盆里的就不少,不用搓了。”再洗了两把,便要手巾。翠缕道:“还是这个毛病儿,多早晚才改。 "宝玉也不理,忙忙的要过青盐擦了牙,嗽了口,完毕,见湘云已梳完了头,便走过来笑道:“好妹妹,替我梳上头罢。”湘云道:“这可不能了。”宝玉笑道:“好妹妹,你先时怎么替我梳了呢?"湘云道:“如今我忘了,怎么梳呢?"宝玉道:“横竖我不出门,又不带冠子勒子, 不过打几根散辫子就完了。”说着,又千妹妹万妹妹的央告。湘云只得扶过他的头来, 一一梳篦。在家不戴冠,并不总角,只将四围短发编成小辫,往顶心发上归了总,编一根大辫,红绦结住。自发顶至辫梢,一路四颗珍珠,下面有金坠脚。湘云一面编着,一面说道:“这珠子只三颗了,这一颗不是的。我记得是一样的,怎么少了一颗?"宝玉道:“丢了一颗。”湘云道:“必定是外头去掉下来,不防被人拣了去,倒便宜他。”黛玉一旁盥手,冷笑道:“也不知是真丢了,也不知是给了人镶什么戴去了!"宝玉不答,因镜台两边俱是妆奁等物,顺手拿起来赏玩,不觉又顺手拈了胭脂,意欲要往口边送,因又怕史湘云说。正犹豫间,湘云果在身后看见,一手掠着辫子,便伸手来"拍"的一下,从手中将胭脂打落,说道:“这不长进的毛病儿,多早晚才改过!”
一语未了, 只见袭人进来,看见这般光景,知是梳洗过了,只得回来自己梳洗。忽见宝钗走来布拉德雷(FrancisHerbertBradley,1846—1924)英国, 因问道:“宝兄弟那去了?"袭人含笑道:“宝兄弟那里还有在家的工夫!"宝钗听说,心中明白。又听袭人叹道:“姊妹们和气,也有个分寸礼节,也没个黑家白日闹的!凭人怎么劝,都是耳旁风。”宝钗听了,心中暗忖道:“倒别看错了这个丫头,听他说话, 倒有些识见。”宝钗便在炕上坐了,慢慢的闲言中套问他年纪家乡等语,留神窥察,其言语志量深可敬爱。
一时宝玉来了, 宝钗方出去。宝玉便问袭人道:“怎么宝姐姐和你说的这么热闹,见我进来就跑了? "问一声不答,再问时,袭人方道:“你问我么?我那里知道你们的原故。”宝玉听了这话,见他脸上气色非往日可比,便笑道:“怎么动了真气?"袭人冷笑道:“我那里敢动气!只是从今以后别再进这屋子了。横竖有人伏侍你,再别来支使我。我仍旧还伏侍老太太去。 "一面说,一面便在炕上合眼倒下。宝玉见了这般景况,深为骇异,禁不住赶来劝慰。那袭人只管合了眼不理。宝玉无了主意,因见麝月进来,便问道:“你姐姐怎么了?"麝月道:“我知道么?问你自己便明白了。”宝玉听说,呆了一回,自觉无趣, 便起身叹道:“不理我罢,我也睡去。”说着,便起身下炕,到自己床上歪下。袭人听他半日无动静,微微的打鼾,料他睡着,便起身拿一领斗蓬来,替他刚压上,只听"忽" 的一声,宝玉便掀过去,也仍合目装睡。袭人明知其意,便点头冷笑道:“你也不用生气,从此后我只当哑子,再不说你一声儿,如何?"宝玉禁不住起身问道:“我又怎么了?你又劝我。 你劝我也罢了,才刚又没见你劝我,一进来你就不理我,赌气睡了。我还摸不着是为什么,这会子你又说我恼了。我何尝听见你劝我什么话了。”袭人道:“你心里还不明白, 还等我说呢!"正闹着,贾母遣人来叫他吃饭,方往前边来,胡乱吃了半碗,仍回自己房中。 只见袭人睡在外头炕上,麝月在旁边抹骨牌。宝玉素知麝月与袭人亲厚,一并连麝月也不理,揭起软帘自往里间来。麝月只得跟进来。宝玉便推他出去,说:“不敢惊动你们。”麝月只得笑着出来,唤了两个小丫头进来。宝玉拿一本书,歪着看了半天,因要茶,抬头只见两个小丫头在地下站着。一个大l
些儿的生得十分水秀, 宝玉便问:“你叫什么名字?"那丫头便说:“叫蕙香。”宝玉便问:“是谁起的?"蕙香道:“我原叫芸香的,是花大姐姐改了蕙香。”宝玉道:“正经该叫‘晦气’罢了,什么蕙香呢!"又问:“你姊妹几个?"蕙香道:“四个。”宝玉道:“你第几?" 蕙香道:“第四。”宝玉道:“明儿就叫‘四儿’,不必什么‘蕙香’‘兰气’的。那一个配比这些花, 没的玷辱了好名好姓。”一面说,一面命他倒了茶来吃。袭人和麝月在外间听了抿嘴而笑。
谁知四儿是个聪敏乖巧不过的丫头, 见宝玉用他,他变尽方法笼络宝玉。至晚饭后,宝玉因吃了两杯酒,眼饧耳热之际,若往日则有袭人等大家喜笑有兴,今日却冷清清的一人对灯,好没兴趣。待要赶了他们去,又怕他们得了意,以后越发来劝,若拿出做上的规矩来镇唬,似乎无情太甚。说不得横心只当他们死了,横竖自然也要过的。便权当他们死了,毫无牵挂,反能怡然自悦。因命四儿剪灯烹茶,自己看了一回《南华经》。正看至《外篇。て箧》一则,其文曰:
玉之灵窍, 丧减情意,而闺阁之美恶始相类矣。彼含其劝,则无参商之虞矣,戕其仙姿,无恋爱之心矣,灰其灵窍,无才
思之情矣。彼钗,玉,花,麝者,皆张其罗而穴其隧,所以迷眩缠陷天下者也。续毕,掷笔就寝。头刚着枕便忽睡去,一夜竟不知所之,直至天明方醒。翻身看时,只见袭人和衣睡在衾上。 宝玉将昨日的事已付与度外,便推他说道:“起来好生睡,看冻着了。”原来袭人见他无晓夜和姊妹们厮闹,若直劝他,料不能改,故用柔情以警之,料他不过半日片刻仍复好了。不想宝玉一日夜竟不回转,自己反不得主意,直一夜没好生睡得。今忽见宝玉如此, 料他心意回转,便越性不睬他。宝玉见他不应,便伸手替他解衣,刚解开了钮子,被袭人将手推开,又自扣了。宝玉无法,只得拉他的手笑道:“你到底怎么了?"连问几声,袭人睁眼说道:“我也不怎么。你睡醒了,你自过那边房里去梳洗,再迟了就赶不上。 "宝玉道:“我过那里去?"袭人冷笑道:“你问我,我知道?你爱往那里去,就往那里去。 从今咱们两个丢开手,省得鸡声鹅斗,叫别人笑。横竖那边腻了过来,这边又有个什么‘四儿’‘五儿’伏侍。我们这起东西,可是白‘玷辱了好名好姓’的。”宝玉笑道:“你今儿还记着呢!"袭人道:“一百年还记着呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳旁风, 夜里说了,早起就忘了。”宝玉见他娇嗔满面,情不可禁,便向枕边拿起一根玉簪来,一跌两段, 说道:“我再不听你说,就同这个一样。”袭人忙的拾了簪子,说道:“大清早起,这是何苦来!听不听什么要紧,也值得这种样子。”宝玉道:“你那里知道我心里急!"袭人笑道:“你也知道着急么!可知我心里怎么样?快起来洗脸去罢。”说着,二人方起来梳洗。
不悔自己无见识, 却将丑语怪他人!写毕,也往上房来见贾母,后往王夫人处来。
谁知凤姐之女大姐病了, 正乱着请大夫来诊脉。大夫便说:“替夫人奶奶们道喜,姐儿发热是见喜了,并非别病。”王夫人凤姐听了,忙遣人问:“可好不好?"医生回道:“病虽险, 却顺,倒还不妨。预备桑虫猪尾要紧。”凤姐听了,登时忙将起来:一面打扫房屋供奉痘疹娘娘, 一面传与家人忌煎炒等物,一面命平儿打点铺盖衣服与贾琏隔房,一面又拿大红尺头与奶子丫头亲近人等裁衣。 外面又打扫净室,款留两个医生,轮流斟酌诊脉下药, 十二日不放家去。贾琏只得搬出外书房来斋戒,凤姐与平儿都随着王夫人日日供奉娘娘。
便暂将小厮们内有清俊的选来出火。 不想荣国府内有一个极不成器破烂酒头厨子,名叫多官,人见他懦弱无能,都唤他作"多浑虫"。因他自小父母替他在外娶了一个媳妇,今年方二十来往年纪,生得有几分人才,见者无不羡爱。他生性轻浮,最喜拈花惹草,多浑虫又不理论,只是有酒有肉有钱,便诸事不管了,所以荣宁二府之人都得入手。因这个媳妇美貌异常,轻浮无比,众人都呼他作"多姑娘儿"。如今贾琏在外熬煎,往日也曾见过这媳妇, 失过魂魄,只是内惧娇妻,外惧娈宠,不曾下得手。那多姑娘儿也曾有意于贾琏,只恨没空。今闻贾琏挪在外书房来,他便没事也要走两趟去招惹。惹的贾琏似饥鼠一般,少不得和心腹的小厮们计议,合同遮掩谋求,多以金帛相许。小厮们焉有不允之理, 况都和这媳妇是好友,一说便成。是夜二鼓人定,多浑虫醉昏在炕,贾琏便溜了来相会。进门一见其态,早已魄飞魂散,也不用情谈款叙,便宽衣动作起来。谁知这媳妇有天生的奇趣,一经男子挨身,便觉遍身筋骨瘫软,使男子如卧绵上,更兼淫态浪言,压倒娼妓,诸男子至此岂有惜命者哉。那贾琏恨不得连身子化在他身上。那媳妇故作浪语,在下说道:“你家女儿出花儿,供着娘娘,你也该忌两日,倒为我脏了身子。 快离了我这里罢。”贾琏一面大动,一面喘吁吁答道:“你就是娘娘!我那里管什么娘娘! "那媳妇越浪,贾琏越丑态毕露。一时事毕,两个又海誓山盟,难分难舍,此后遂成相契。
次日早起, 凤姐往上屋去后,平儿收拾贾琏在外的衣服铺盖,不承望枕套中抖出一绺青丝来。 平儿会意,忙拽在袖内,便走至这边房内来,拿出头发来,向贾琏笑道:“这是什么? "贾琏看见着了忙,抢上来要夺。平儿便跑,被贾琏一把揪住,按在炕上,掰手要夺, 口内笑道:“小蹄子,你不趁早拿出来,我把你膀子橛折了。”平儿笑道:“你就是没良心的。 我好意瞒着他来问,你倒赌狠!你只赌狠,等他回来我告诉他,看你怎么着。”贾琏听说,忙陪笑央求道:“好人,赏我罢,我再不赌狠了。”
一语未了, 只听凤姐声音进来。贾琏听见松了手,平儿刚起身,凤姐已走进来,命平儿快开匣子, 替太太找样子。平儿忙答应了找时,凤姐见了贾琏,忽然想起来,便问平儿:“拿出去的东西都收进来了么?"平儿道:“收进来了。”凤姐道:“可少什么没有?"平儿道:“我也怕丢下一两件,细细的查了查,也不少。”凤姐道:“不少就好,只是别多出来罢?"平儿笑道:“不丢万幸,谁还添出来呢?"凤姐冷笑道:“这半个月难保干净,或者有相厚的丢下的东西: 戒指,汗巾,香袋儿,再至于头发,指甲,都是东西。”一席话,说的贾琏脸都黄了。 贾琏在凤姐身后,只望着平儿杀鸡抹脖使眼色儿。平儿只装着看不见,因笑道:“怎么我的心就和奶奶的心一样!我就怕有这些个,留神搜了一搜,竟一点破绽也没有。奶奶不信时,那些东西我还没收呢,奶奶亲自翻寻一遍去。”凤姐笑道:“傻丫头,他便有这些东西,那里就叫咱们翻着了!"说着,寻了样子又上去了。
平儿指着鼻子,晃着头笑道:“这件事怎么回谢我呢?"喜的个贾琏身痒难挠,跑上来搂着,"心肝肠肉"乱叫乱谢。平儿仍拿了头发笑道:“这是我一生的把柄了。好就好,不好就抖露出这事来。”贾琏笑道:“你只好生收着罢,千万别叫他知道。”口里说着,瞅他不防,便抢了过来,笑道:“你拿着终是祸患,不如我烧了他完事了。”一面说着,一面便塞于靴掖内。 平儿咬牙道:“没良心的东西,过了河就拆桥,明儿还想我替你撒谎!"贾琏见他娇俏动情, 便搂着求欢,被平儿夺手跑了,急的贾琏弯着腰恨道:“死促狭小淫妇!一定浪上人的火来,他又跑了。”平儿在窗外笑道:“我浪我的,谁叫你动火了?难道图你受用一回,叫他知道了,又不待见我。”贾琏道:“你不用怕他,等我性子上来,把这醋罐打个稀烂,他才认得我呢!他防我象防贼的,只许他同男人说话,不许我和女人说话,我和女人略近些,他就疑惑,他不论小叔子侄儿,大的小的,说说笑笑,就不怕我吃醋了。 以后我也不许他见人!"平儿道:“他醋你使得,你醋他使不得。他原行的正走的正,你行动便有个坏心,连我也不放心,别说他了。”贾琏道:“你两个一口贼气。都是你们行的是,我凡行动都存坏心。多早晚都死在我手里!”
一句未了,凤姐走进院来,因见平儿在窗外,就问道:“要说话两个人不在屋里说,怎么跑出一个来, 隔着窗子,是什么意思?"贾琏在窗内接道:“你可问他,倒象屋里有老虎吃他呢。 "平儿道:“屋里一个人没有,我在他跟前作什么?"凤姐儿笑道:“正是没人才好呢。 "平儿听说,便说道:“这话是说我呢?"凤姐笑道:“不说你说谁?"平儿道:“别叫我说出好话来了。”说着,也不打帘子让凤姐,自己先摔帘子进来,往那边去了。凤姐自掀帘子进来, 说道:“平儿疯魔了。这蹄子认真要降伏我,仔细你的皮要紧!"贾琏听了, 已绝倒在炕上,拍手笑道:“我竟不知平儿这么利害,从此倒伏他了。”凤姐道:“都是你惯的他, 我只和你说!"贾琏听说忙道:“你两个不卯,又拿我来作人。我躲开你们。”凤姐道:“我看你躲到那里去。”贾琏道:“我就来。”凤姐道:“我有话和你商量。”不知商量何事,且听下回分解。正是:
The eminent Hsi Jen, with winsome ways, rails at Pao-yue, with a view to exhortation. The beauteous P'ing Erh, with soft words, screens Chia Lien.
But to resume our story. When Shih Hsiang-yuen ran out of the room, she was all in a flutter lest Lin Tai-yue should catch her up; but Pao-yue, who came after her, readily shouted out, "You'll trip and fall. How ever could she come up to you?"
Lin Tai-yue went in pursuit of her as far as the entrance, when she was impeded from making further progress by Pao-yue, who stretched his arms out against the posts of the door.
"Were I to spare Yuen Erh, I couldn't live!" Lin Tai-yue exclaimed, as she tugged at his arms. But Hsiang-yuen, perceiving that Pao-yue obstructed the door, and surmising that Tai-yue could not come out, speedily stood still. "My dear cousin," she smilingly pleaded, "do let me off this time!"
But it just happened that Pao-ch'ai, who was coming along, was at the back of Hsiang-yuen, and with a face also beaming with smiles: "I advise you both," she said, "to leave off out of respect for cousin Pao-yue, and have done."
"I don't agree to that," Tai-yue rejoined; "are you people, pray, all of one mind to do nothing but make fun of me?"
"Who ventures to make fun of you?" Pao-yue observed advisingly; "and hadn't you made sport of her, would she have presumed to have said anything about you?"
While this quartet were finding it an arduous task to understand one another, a servant came to invite them to have their repast, and they eventually crossed over to the front side, and as it was already time for the lamps to be lit, madame Wang, widow Li Wan, lady Feng, Ying Ch'un, T'an Ch'un, Hsi Ch'un and the other cousins, adjourned in a body to dowager lady Chia's apartments on this side, where the whole company spent a while in a chat on irrelevant topics, after which they each returned to their rooms and retired to bed. Hsiang-yuen, as of old, betook herself to Tai-yue's quarters to rest, and Pao-yue escorted them both into their apartment, and it was after the hour had already past the second watch, and Hsi Jen had come and pressed him several times, that he at length returned to his own bedroom and went to sleep. The next morning, as soon as it was daylight, he threw his clothes over him, put on his low shoes and came over into Tai-yue's room, where he however saw nothing of the two girls Tzu Chuean and Ts'ui Lu, as there was no one else here in there besides his two cousins, still reclining under the coverlets. Tai-yue was closely wrapped in a quilt of almond-red silk, and lying quietly, with closed eyes fast asleep; while Shih Hsiang-yuen, with her handful of shiny hair draggling along the edge of the pillow, was covered only up to the chest, and outside the coverlet rested her curved snow-white arm, with the gold bracelets, which she had on.
At the sight of her, Pao-yue heaved a sigh. "Even when asleep," he soliloquised, "she can't be quiet! but by and by, when the wind will have blown on her, she'll again shout that her shoulder is sore!" With these words, he gently covered her, but Lin Tai-yue had already awoke out of her sleep, and becoming aware that there was some one about, she promptly concluded that it must, for a certainty, be Pao-yue, and turning herself accordingly round, and discovering at a glance that the truth was not beyond her conjectures, she observed: "What have you run over to do at this early hour?" to which question Pao-yue replied: "Do you call this early? but get up and see for yourself!"
"First quit the room," Tai-yue suggested, "and let us get up!"
Pao-yue thereupon made his exit into the ante-chamber, and Tai-yue jumped out of bed, and awoke Hsiang-yuen. When both of them had put on their clothes, Pao-yue re-entered and took a seat by the side of the toilet table; whence he beheld Tzu-chuean and Hsueeh Yen walk in and wait upon them, as they dressed their hair and performed their ablutions. Hsiang-yuen had done washing her face, and Ts'uei Lue at once took the remaining water and was about to throw it away, when Pao-yue interposed, saying: "Wait, I'll avail myself of this opportunity to wash too and finish with it, and thus save myself the trouble of having again to go over!" Speaking the while, he hastily came forward, and bending his waist, he washed his face twice with two handfuls of water, and when Tzu Chuean went over to give him the scented soap, Pao-yue added: "In this basin, there's a good deal of it, and there's no need of rubbing any more!" He then washed his face with two more handfuls, and forthwith asked for a towel, and Ts'uei Lue exclaimed: "What! have you still got this failing? when will you turn a new leaf?" But Pao-yue paid not so much as any heed to her, and there and then called for some salt, with which he rubbed his teeth, and rinsed his mouth. When he had done, he perceived that Hsiang-yuen had already finished combing her hair, and speedily coming up to her, he put on a smile, and said: "My dear cousin, comb my hair for me!"
"This can't be done!" Hsiang-yuen objected.
"My dear cousin," Pao-yue continued smirkingly, "how is it that you combed it for me in former times?"
"I've forgotten now how to comb it!" Hsiang-yuen replied.
"I'm not, after all, going out of doors," Pao-yue observed, "nor will I wear a hat or frontlet, so that all that need be done is to plait a few queues, that's all!" Saying this, he went on to appeal to her in a thousand and one endearing terms, so that Hsiang-yuen had no alternative, but to draw his head nearer to her and to comb one queue after another, and as when he stayed at home he wore no hat, nor had, in fact, any tufted horns, she merely took the short surrounding hair from all four sides, and twisting it into small tufts, she collected it together over the hair on the crown of the head, and plaited a large queue, binding it fast with red ribbon; while from the root of the hair to the end of the queue, were four pearls in a row, below which, in the way of a tip, was suspended a golden pendant.
"Of these pearls there are only three," Hsiang-yuen remarked as she went on plaiting; "this isn't one like them; I remember these were all of one kind, and how is it that there's one short?"
"I've lost one," Pao-yue rejoined.
"It must have dropped," Hsiang-yuen added, "when you went out of doors, and been picked up by some one when you were off your guard; and he's now, instead of you, the richer for it."
"One can neither tell whether it has been really lost," Tai-yue, who stood by, interposed, smiling the while sarcastically; "nor could one say whether it hasn't been given away to some one to be mounted in some trinket or other and worn!"
Pao-yue made no reply; but set to work, seeing that the two sides of the dressing table were all full of toilet boxes and other such articles, taking up those that came under his hand and examining them. Grasping unawares a box of cosmetic, which was within his reach, he would have liked to have brought it to his lips, but he feared again lest Hsiang-yuen should chide him. While he was hesitating whether to do so or not, Hsiang-yuen, from behind, stretched forth her arm and gave him a smack, which sent the cosmetic flying from his hand, as she cried out: "You good-for-nothing! when will you mend those weaknesses of yours!" But hardly had she had time to complete this remark, when she caught sight of Hsi Jen walk in, who upon perceiving this state of things, became aware that he was already combed and washed, and she felt constrained to go back and attend to her own coiffure and ablutions. But suddenly, she saw Pao-ch'ai come in and inquire: "Where's cousin Pao-yue gone?"
"Do you mean to say," Hsi Jen insinuated with a sardonic smile, "that your cousin Pao-yue has leisure to stay at home?"
When Pao-ch'ai heard these words, she inwardly comprehended her meaning, and when she further heard Hsi Jen remark with a sigh: "Cousins may well be on intimate terms, but they should also observe some sort of propriety; and they shouldn't night and day romp together; and no matter how people may tender advice it's all like so much wind blowing past the ears." Pao-ch'ai began, at these remarks, to cogitate within her mind: "May I not, possibly, have been mistaken in my estimation of this girl; for to listen to her words, she would really seem to have a certain amount of _savoir faire_!"
Pao-ch'ai thereupon took a seat on the stove-couch, and quietly, in the course of their conversation on one thing and another, she managed to ascertain her age, her native village and other such particulars, and then setting her mind diligently to put, on the sly, her conversation and mental capacity to the test, she discovered how deeply worthy she was to be respected and loved. But in a while Pao-yue arrived, and Pao-ch'ai at once quitted the apartment.
"How is it," Pao-yue at once inquired, "that cousin Pao-ch'ai was chatting along with you so lustily, and that as soon as she saw me enter, she promptly ran away?"
Hsi Jen did not make any reply to his first question, and it was only when he had repeated it that Hsi Jen remarked: "Do you ask me? How can I know what goes on between you two?"
When Pao-yue heard these words, and he noticed that the look on her face was so unlike that of former days, he lost no time in putting on a smile and asking: "Why is it that you too are angry in real earnest?"
"How could I presume to get angry!" Hsi Jen rejoined smiling indifferently; "but you mustn't, from this day forth, put your foot into this room! and as you have anyhow people to wait on you, you shouldn't come again to make use of my services, for I mean to go and attend to our old mistress, as in days of old."
With this remark still on her lips, she lay herself down on the stove-couch and closed her eyes. When Pao-yue perceived the state of mind she was in, he felt deeply surprised and could not refrain from coming forward and trying to cheer her up. But Hsi Jen kept her eyes closed and paid no heed to him, so that Pao-yue was quite at a loss how to act. But espying She Yueeh enter the room, he said with alacrity: "What's up with your sister?"
"Do I know?" answered She Yueeh, "examine your own self and you'll readily know!"
After these words had been heard by Pao-yue, he gazed vacantly for some time, feeling the while very unhappy; but raising himself impetuously: "Well!" he exclaimed, "if you don't notice me, all right, I too will go to sleep," and as he spoke he got up, and, descending from the couch, he betook himself to his own bed and went to sleep. Hsi Jen noticing that he had not budged for ever so long, and that he faintly snored, presumed that he must have fallen fast asleep, so she speedily rose to her feet, and, taking a wrapper, came over and covered him. But a sound of "hu" reached her ear, as Pao-yue promptly threw it off and once again closed his eyes and feigned sleep. Hsi Jen distinctly grasped his idea and, forthwith nodding her head, she smiled coldly. "You really needn't lose your temper! but from this time forth, I'll become mute, and not say one word to you; and what if I do?"
Pao-yue could not restrain himself from rising. "What have I been up to again," he asked, "that you're once more at me with your advice? As far as your advice goes, it's all well and good; but just now without one word of counsel, you paid no heed to me when I came in, but, flying into a huff, you went to sleep. Nor could I make out what it was all about, and now here you are again maintaining that I'm angry. But when did I hear you, pray, give me a word of advice of any kind?"
"Doesn't your mind yet see for itself?" Hsi Jen replied; "and do you still expect me to tell you?"
While they were disputing, dowager lady Chia sent a servant to call him to his repast, and he thereupon crossed over to the front; but after he had hurriedly swallowed a few bowls of rice, he returned to his own apartment, where he discovered Hsi Jen reclining on the outer stove-couch, while She Yueeh was playing with the dominoes by her side. Pao-yue had been ever aware of the intimacy which existed between She Yueeh and Hsi Jen, so that paying not the slightest notice to even She Yueeh, he raised the soft portiere and straightway walked all alone into the inner apartment. She Yueeh felt constrained to follow him in, but Pao-yue at once pushed her out, saying: "I don't venture to disturb you two;" so that She Yueeh had no alternative but to leave the room with a smiling countenance, and to bid two young waiting-maids go in. Pao-yue took hold of a book and read for a considerable time in a reclining position; but upon raising his head to ask for some tea, he caught sight of a couple of waiting-maids, standing below; the one of whom, slightly older than the other, was exceedingly winsome.
"What's your name?" Pao-yue eagerly inquired.
"I'm called Hui Hsiang, (orchid fragrance)," that waiting-maid rejoined simperingly.
"Who gave you this name?" Pao-yue went on to ask.
"I went originally under the name of Yuen Hsiang (Gum Sandarac)," added Hui Hsiang, "but Miss Hua it was who changed it."
"You should really be called Hui Ch'i, (latent fragrance), that would be proper; and why such stuff as Hui Hsiang, (orchid fragrance)?"
"How many sisters have you got?" he further went on to ask of her.
"Four," replied Hui Hsiang.
"Which of them are you?" Pao-yue asked.
"The fourth," answered Hui Hsiang.
"By and by you must be called Ssu Erh, (fourth child)," Pao-yue suggested, "for there's no need for any such nonsense as Hui Hsiang (orchid fragrance) or Lan Ch'i (epidendrum perfume.) Which single girl deserves to be compared to all these flowers, without profaning pretty names and fine surnames!"
As he uttered these words, he bade her give him some tea, which he drank; while Hsi Jen and She Yueeh, who were in the outer apartment, had been listening for a long time and laughing with compressed lips.
Pao-yue did not, on this day, so much as put his foot outside the door of his room, but sat all alone sad and dejected, simply taking up his books, in order to dispel his melancholy fit, or diverting himself with his writing materials; while he did not even avail himself of the services of any of the family servants, but simply bade Ssu Erh answer his calls.
This Ssu Erh was, who would have thought it, a girl gifted with matchless artfulness, and perceiving that Pao-yue had requisitioned her services, she speedily began to devise extreme ways and means to inveigle him. When evening came, and dinner was over, Pao-yue's eyes were scorching hot and his ears burning from the effects of two cups of wine that he had taken. Had it been in past days, he would have now had Hsi Jen and her companions with him, and with all their good cheer and laughter, he would have been enjoying himself. But here was he, on this occasion, dull and forlorn, a solitary being, gazing at the lamp with an absolute lack of pleasure. By and by he felt a certain wish to go after them, but dreading that if they carried their point, they would, in the future, come and tender advice still more immoderate, and that, were he to put on the airs of a superior to intimidate them, he would appear to be too deeply devoid of all feeling, he therefore, needless to say, thwarted the wish of his heart, and treated them just as if they were dead. And as anyway he was constrained also to live, alone though he was, he readily looked upon them, for the time being as departed, and did not worry his mind in the least on their account. On the contrary, he was able to feel happy and contented with his own society. Hence it was that bidding Ssu Erh trim the candles and brew the tea, he himself perused for a time the "Nan Hua Ching," and upon reaching the precept: "On thieves," given on some additional pages, the burden of which was: "Therefore by exterminating intuitive wisdom, and by discarding knowledge, highway robbers will cease to exist, and by taking off the jade and by putting away the pearls, pilferers will not spring to existence; by burning the slips and by breaking up the seals, by smashing the measures, and snapping the scales, the result will be that the people will not wrangle; by abrogating, to the utmost degree, wise rules under the heavens, the people will, at length, be able to take part in deliberation. By putting to confusion the musical scale, and destroying fifes and lutes, by deafening the ears of the blind Kuang, then, at last, will the human race in the world constrain his sense of hearing. By extinguishing literary compositions, by dispersing the five colours and by sticking the eyes of Li Chu, then, at length, mankind under the whole sky, will restrain the perception of his eyes. By destroying and eliminating the hooks and lines, by discarding the compasses and squares, and by amputating Kung Chui's fingers, the human race will ultimately succeed in constraining his ingenuity,"--his high spirits, on perusal of this passage, were so exultant that taking advantage of the exuberance caused by the wine, he picked up his pen, for he could not repress himself, and continued the text in this wise: "By burning the flower, (Hua-Hsi Jen) and dispersing the musk, (She Yueeh), the consequence will be that the inmates of the inner chambers will, eventually, keep advice to themselves. By obliterating Pao-ch'ai's supernatural beauty, by reducing to ashes Tai-yue's spiritual perception, and by destroying and extinguishing my affectionate preferences, the beautiful in the inner chambers as well as the plain will then, at length, be put on the same footing. And as they will keep advice to themselves, there will be no fear of any disagreement. By obliterating her supernatural beauty, I shall then have no incentive for any violent affection; by dissolving her spiritual perception, I will have no feelings with which to foster the memory of her talents. The hair-pin, jade, flower and musk (Pao-ch'ai, Tai-yue, Hsi Jen and She Yueeh) do each and all spread out their snares and dig mines, and thus succeed in inveigling and entrapping every one in the world."
At the conclusion of this annex, he flung the pen away, and lay himself down to sleep. His head had barely reached the pillow before he at once fell fast asleep, remaining the whole night long perfectly unconscious of everything straight up to the break of day, when upon waking and turning himself round, he, at a glance, caught sight of no one else than Hsi Jen, sleeping in her clothes over the coverlet.
Pao-yue had already banished from his mind every thought of what had transpired the previous day, so that forthwith giving Hsi Jen a push: "Get up!" he said, "and be careful where you sleep, as you may catch cold."
The fact is that Hsi Jen was aware that he was, without regard to day or night, ever up to mischief with his female cousins; but presuming that if she earnestly called him to account, he would not mend his ways, she had, for this reason, had recourse to tender language to exhort him, in the hope that, in a short while, he would come round again to his better self. But against all her expectations Pao-yue had, after the lapse of a whole day and night, not changed the least in his manner, and as she really was in her heart quite at a loss what to do, she failed to find throughout the whole night any proper sleep. But when on this day, she unexpectedly perceived Pao-yue in this mood, she flattered herself that he had made up his mind to effect a change, and readily thought it best not to notice him. Pao-yue, seeing that she made no reply, forthwith stretched out his hand and undid her jacket; but he had just unclasped the button, when his arm was pushed away by Hsi Jen, who again made it fast herself.
Pao-yue was so much at his wit's ends that he had no alternative but to take her hand and smilingly ask: "What's the matter with you, after all, that I've had to ask you something time after time?"
Hsi Jen opened her eyes wide. "There's nothing really the matter with me!" she observed; "but as you're awake, you surely had better be going over into the opposite room to comb your hair and wash; for if you dilly-dally any longer, you won't be in time."
"Where shall I go over to?" Pao-yue inquired.
Hsi Jen gave a sarcastic grin. "Do you ask me?" she rejoined; "do I know? you're at perfect liberty to go over wherever you like; from this day forth you and I must part company so as to avoid fighting like cocks or brawling like geese, to the amusement of third parties. Indeed, when you get surfeited on that side, you come over to this, where there are, after all, such girls as Fours and Fives (Ssu Erh and Wu Erh) to dance attendance upon you. But such kind of things as ourselves uselessly defile fine names and fine surnames."
"Do you still remember this to-day!" Pao-yue asked with a smirk.
"Hundred years hence I shall still bear it in mind," Hsi Jen protested; "I'm not like you, who treat my words as so much wind blowing by the side of your ears, that what I've said at night, you've forgotten early in the morning."
Pao-yue perceiving what a seductive though angry air pervaded her face found it difficult to repress his feelings, and speedily taking up, from the side of the pillow, a hair-pin made of jade, he dashed it down breaking it into two exclaiming: "If I again don't listen to your words, may I fare like this hair-pin."
Hsi Jen immediately picked up the hair-pin, as she remarked: "What's up with you at this early hour of the morning? Whether you listen or not is of no consequence; and is it worth while that you should behave as you do?"
"How can you know," Pao-yue answered, "the anguish in my heart!"
"Do you also know what anguish means?" Hsi Jen observed laughing; "if you do, then you can judge what the state of my heart is! But be quick and get up, and wash your face and be off!"
As she spoke, they both got out of bed and performed their toilette; but after Pao-yue had gone to the drawing rooms, and at a moment least expected by any one, Tai-yue walked into his apartment. Noticing that Pao-yue was not in, she was fumbling with the books on the table and examining them, when, as luck would have it, she turned up the Chuang Tzu of the previous day. Upon perusing the passage tagged on by Pao-yue, she could not help feeling both incensed and amused. Nor could she restrain herself from taking up the pen and appending a stanza to this effect:
Who is that man, who of his pen, without good rhyme, made use, A toilsome task to do into the Chuang-tzu text to steal, Who for the knowledge he doth lack no sense of shame doth feel, But language vile and foul employs third parties to abuse?
At the conclusion of what she had to write, she too came into the drawing room; but after paying her respects to dowager lady Chia, she walked over to madame Wang's quarters.
Contrary to everybody's expectations, lady Feng's daughter, Ta Chieh Erh, had fallen ill, and a great fuss was just going on as the doctor had been sent for to diagnose her ailment.
"My congratulations to you, ladies," the doctor explained; "this young lady has fever, as she has small-pox; indeed it's no other complaint!"
As soon as madame Wang and lady Feng heard the tidings, they lost no time in sending round to ascertain whether she was getting on all right or not, and the doctor replied: "The symptoms are, it is true, serious, but favourable; but though after all importing no danger, it's necessary to get ready the silkworms and pigs' tails."
When lady Feng received this report, she, there and then, hastened to make the necessary preparations, and while she had the rooms swept and oblations offered to the goddess of small-pox, she, at the same time, transmitted orders to her household to avoid viands fried or roasted in fat, or other such heating things; and also bade P'ing Erh get ready the bedding and clothes for Chia Lien in a separate room, and taking pieces of deep red cotton material, she distributed them to the nurses, waiting-maids and all the servants, who were in close attendance, to cut out clothes for themselves. And having had likewise some apartments outside swept clean, she detained two doctors to alternately deliberate on the treatment, feel the pulse and administer the medicines; and for twelve days, they were not at liberty to return to their homes; while Chia Lien had no help but to move his quarters temporarily into the outer library, and lady Feng and P'ing Erh remained both in daily attendance upon madame Wang in her devotions to the goddess.
Chia Lien, now that he was separated from lady Feng, soon felt disposed to look round for a flame. He had only slept alone for a couple of nights, but these nights had been so intensely intolerable that he had no option than to choose, for the time being, from among the young pages, those who were of handsome appearance, and bring them over to relieve his monotony. In the Jung Kuo mansion, there was, it happened, a cook, a most useless, good-for-nothing drunkard, whose name was To Kuan, in whom people recognised an infirm and a useless husband so that they all dubbed him with the name of To Hun Ch'ung, the stupid worm To. As the wife given to him in marriage by his father and mother was this year just twenty, and possessed further several traits of beauty, and was also naturally of a flighty and frivolous disposition, she had an extreme penchant for violent flirtations. But To Hun-ch'ung, on the other hand, did not concern himself (with her deportment), and as long as he had wine, meat and money he paid no heed whatever to anything. And for this reason it was that all the men in the two mansions of Ning and Jung had been successful in their attentions; and as this woman was exceptionally fascinating and incomparably giddy, she was generally known by all by the name To Ku Ning (Miss To).
Chia Lien, now that he had his quarters outside, chafed under the pangs of irksome ennui, yet he too, in days gone by, had set his eyes upon this woman, and had for long, watered in the mouth with admiration; but as, inside, he feared his winsome wife, and outside, he dreaded his beloved lads, he had not made any advances. But this To Ku Niang had likewise a liking for Chia Lien, and was full of resentment at the absence of a favourable opportunity; but she had recently come to hear that Chia Lien had shifted his quarters into the outer library, and her wont was, even in the absence of any legitimate purpose, to go over three and four times to entice him on; but though Chia Lien was, in every respect, like a rat smitten with hunger, he could not dispense with holding consultation with the young friends who enjoyed his confidence; and as he struck a bargain with them for a large amount of money and silks, how could they ever not have come to terms (with him to speak on his behalf)? Besides, they were all old friends of this woman, so that, as soon as they conveyed the proposal, she willingly accepted it. When night came To Hun Ch'ung was lying on the couch in a state of drunkenness, and at the second watch, when every one was quiet, Chia Lien at once slipped in, and they had their assignation. As soon as he gazed upon her face, he lost control over his senses, and without even one word of ordinary greeting or commonplace remark, they forthwith, fervently indulged in a most endearing tete-a-tete.
This woman possessed, who could have thought it, a strange natural charm; for, as soon as any one of her lovers came within any close distance of her, he speedily could not but notice that her very tendons and bones mollified, paralysed-like from feeling, so that his was the sensation of basking in a soft bower of love. What is more, her demonstrative ways and free-and-easy talk put even those of a born coquette to shame, with the result that while Chia Lien, at this time, longed to become heart and soul one with her, the woman designedly indulged in immodest innuendoes.
"Your daughter is at home," she insinuated in her recumbent position, "ill with the small-pox, and prayers are being offered to the goddess; and your duty too should be to abstain from love affairs for a couple of days, but on the contrary, by flirting with me, you've contaminated yourself! but, you'd better be off at once from me here!"
"You're my goddess!" gaspingly protested Chia Lien, as he gave way to demonstrativeness; "what do I care about any other goddess!"
The woman began to be still more indelicate in her manner, so that Chia Lien could not refrain himself from making a full exhibition of his warm sentiments. When their tete-a-tete had come to a close, they both went on again to vow by the mountains and swear by the seas, and though they found it difficult to part company and hard to tear themselves away, they, in due course, became, after this occasion, mutual sworn friends. But by a certain day the virus in Ta Chieh's system had become exhausted, and the spots subsided, and at the expiry of twelve days the goddess was removed, and the whole household offered sacrifices to heaven, worshipped the ancestors, paid their vows, burnt incense, exchanged congratulations, and distributed presents. And these formalities observed, Chia Lien once more moved back into his own bedroom and was reunited with lady Feng. The proverb is indeed true which says: "That a new marriage is not equal to a long separation," for there ensued between them demonstrations of loving affection still more numerous than heretofore, to which we need not, of course, refer with any minuteness.
The next day, at an early hour, after lady Feng had gone into the upper rooms, P'ing Erh set to work to put in order the clothes and bedding, which had been brought from outside, when, contrary to her expectation, a tress of hair fell out from inside the pillow-case, as she was intent upon shaking it. P'ing Erh understood its import, and taking at once the hair, she concealed it in her sleeve, and there and then came over into the room on this side, where she produced the hair, and smirkingly asked Chia Lien, "What's this?"
Chia Lien, at the sight of it, lost no time in making a snatch with the idea of depriving her of it; and when P'ing Erh speedily endeavoured to run away, she was clutched by Chia Lien, who put her down on the stove-couch, and came up to take it from her hand.
"You heartless fellow!" P'ing Erh laughingly exclaimed, "I conceal this, with every good purpose, from her knowledge, and come to ask you about it, and you, on the contrary, fly into a rage! But wait till she comes back, and I'll tell her, and we'll see what will happen."
At these words, Chia Lien hastily forced a smile. "Dear girl!" he entreated, "give it to me, and I won't venture again to fly into a passion."
But hardly was this remark finished, when they heard the voice of lady Feng penetrate into the room. As soon as it reached the ear of Chia Lien, he was at a loss whether it was better to let her go or to snatch it away, and kept on shouting, "My dear girl! don't let her know."
P'ing Erh at once rose to her feet; but lady Feng had already entered the room; and she went on to bid P'ing Erh be quick and open a box and find a pattern for madame Wang. P'ing Erh expressed her obedience with alacrity; but while in search of it, lady Feng caught sight of Chia Lien; and suddenly remembering something, she hastened to ask P'ing Erh about it.
"The other day," she observed, "some things were taken out, and have you brought them all in or not?"
"I have!" P'ing Erh assented.
"Is there anything short or not?" lady Feng inquired.
"I've carefully looked at them," P'ing Erh added, "and haven't found even one single thing short."
"Is there anything in excess?" lady Feng went on to ascertain.
P'ing Erh laughed. "It's enough," she rejoined, "that there's nothing short; and how could there really turn out to be anything over and above?"
"That this half month," lady Feng continued still smiling, "things have gone on immaculately it would be hard to vouch; for some intimate friend there may have been, who possibly has left something behind, in the shape of a ring, handkerchief or other such object, there's no saying for certain!"
While these words were being spoken, Chia Lien's face turned perfectly sallow, and, as he stood behind lady Feng, he was intent upon gazing at P'ing Erh, making signs to her (that he was going) to cut her throat as a chicken is killed, (threatening her not to utter a sound) and entreating her to screen him; but P'ing Erh pretended not to notice him, and consequently observed smiling: "How is it that my ideas should coincide with those of yours, my lady; and as I suspected that there may have been something of the kind, I carefully searched all over, but I didn't find even so much as the slightest thing wrong; and if you don't believe me, my lady, you can search for your own self."
"You fool!" lady Feng laughed, "had he any things of the sort, would he be likely to let you and I discover them!"
With these words still on her lips, she took the patterns and went her way; whereupon P'ing Erh pointed at her nose, and shook her head to and fro. "In this matter," she smiled, "how much you should be grateful to me!" A remark which so delighted Chia Lien that his eyebrows distended, and his eyes smiled, and running over, he clasped her in his embrace, and called her promiscuously: "My darling, my pet, my own treasure!"
"This," observed P'ing Erh, with the tress in her hand, "will be my source of power, during all my lifetime! if you treat me kindly, then well and good! but if you behave unkindly, then we'll at once produce this thing!"
"Do put it away, please," Chia Lien entreated smirkingly, "and don't, on an any account, let her know about it!" and as he uttered these words, he noticed that she was off her guard, and, with a snatch, readily grabbed it adding laughingly: "In your hands, it would be a source of woe, so that it's better that I should burn it, and have done with it!" Saying this he simultaneously shoved it down the sides of his boot, while P'ing Erh shouted as she set her teeth close: "You wicked man! you cross the river and then demolish the bridge! but do you imagine that I'll by and by again tell lies on your behalf!"
Chia Lien perceiving how heart-stirring her seductive charms were, forthwith clasped her in his arms, and begged her to be his; but P'ing Erh snatched her hands out of his grasp and ran away out of the room; which so exasperated Chia Lien that as he bent his body, he exclaimed, full of indignation: "What a dreadful niggardly young wench! she actually sets her mind to stir up people's affections with her wanton blandishments, and then, after all, she runs away!"
"If I be wanton, it's my own look-out;" P'ing Erh answered, from outside the window, with a grin, "and who told you to arouse your affections? Do you forsooth mean to imply that my wish is to become your tool? And did she come to know about it would she again ever forgive me?"
"You needn't dread her!" Chia Lien urged; "wait till my monkey is up, and I'll take this jealous woman, and beat her to atoms; and she'll then know what stuff I'm made of. She watches me just as she would watch a thief! and she's only to hobnob with men, and I'm not to say a word to any girl! and if I do say aught to a girl, or get anywhere near one, she must at once give way to suspicion. But with no regard to younger brothers or nephews, to young and old, she prattles and giggles with them, and doesn't entertain any fear that I may be jealous; but henceforward I too won't allow her to set eyes upon any man."
"If she be jealous, there's every reason," P'ing Erh answered, "but for you to be jealous on her account isn't right. Her conduct is really straightforward, and her deportment upright, but your conduct is actuated by an evil heart, so much so that even I don't feel my heart at ease, not to say anything of her."
"You two," continued Chia Lien, "have a mouth full of malicious breath! Everything the couple of you do is invariably proper, while whatever I do is all from an evil heart! But some time or other I shall bring you both to your end with my own hands!"
This sentence was scarcely at an end, when lady Feng walked into the court. "If you're bent upon chatting," she urgently inquired, upon seeing P'ing Erh outside the window, "why don't you go into the room? and what do you mean, instead, by running out, and speaking with the window between?"
Chia Lien from inside took up the string of the conversation. "You should ask her," he said. "It would verily seem as if there were a tiger in the room to eat her up."
"There's not a single person in the room," P'ing Erh rejoined, "and what shall I stay and do with him?"
"It's just the proper thing that there should be no one else! Isn't it?" lady Feng remarked grinning sarcastically.
"Do these words allude to me?" P'ing Erh hastily asked, as soon as she had heard what she said.
Lady Feng forthwith laughed. "If they don't allude to you," she continued, "to whom do they?"
"Don't press me to come out with some nice things!" P'ing Erh insinuated, and, as she spoke, she did not even raise the portiere (for lady Feng to enter), but straightway betook herself to the opposite side.
Lady Feng lifted the portiere with her own hands, and walked into the room. "That girl P'ing Erh," she exclaimed, "has gone mad, and if this hussey does in real earnest wish to try and get the upper hand of me, it would be well for you to mind your skin."
Chia Lien listened to her, as he kept reclining on the couch. "I never in the least knew," he ventured, clapping his hands and laughing, "that P'ing Erh was so dreadful; and I must, after all, from henceforth look up to her with respect!"
"It's all through your humouring her," lady Feng rejoined; "so I'll simply settle scores with you and finish with it."
"Ts'ui!" ejaculated Chia Lien at these words, "because you two can't agree, must you again make a scapegoat of me! Well then, I'll get out of the way of both of you!"
"I'll see where you'll go and hide," lady Feng observed.
"I've got somewhere to go!" Chia Lien added; and with these words, he was about to go, when lady Feng urged: "Don't be off! I have something to tell you."
What it is, is not yet known, but, reader, listen to the account given in the next chapter.
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