Road No students are wonderful, God condensable gas pregnancy shape. Who cream vegetation, what things from the Thunder. End can be essential, element with the unique spiritual power. The old lady has been bent, and bad white Ken Xinqing.
Shelter poured thick and black clouds, rain Tau Pina axle. Roughs instant volume beach, thousands of troops roared Ming waterfall sound. Shepherd boy who lives in River West song, bull riding, animal husbandry Sibei early invasion. Hurriedly crossing the river emergency rain, rain suddenly clear mountain and green.
Showers with the wind into the Han Guan, Yan worry dumping all have fun break. Electro-optic dinosaurs still lurking around the intramural flash afterglow.
Rainstorm. "I": "Showers not all day long." Guan Song, "Man Ting Fang Yong Cha" word: "Xiao color Yunkai, spring means with the people, Showers after just yet clear." Ming Anonymous, "White Rabbit Interview "Friends:" Every Showers flowers, trees are afraid of autumn. "" Flower City "in 1981, No. 3:" One time, down the field mid-summer rains, sugar beet and small daughter girl group who are eager to busy towards forest in hiding. "
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English Expression
n.: brash, flurry, pour, sudden and violent rainstorm, cloudburst, shower