Explanation: With: obedience; case: experience. That can adapt to the environment, can meet in any situation.
Usage: Partial official; as predicate, object, attribute, adverbial; with compliment
Source: Qing Wen Kang "Heroic Biography": "arithmetic, but also my life is limited, disaster knows no boundaries, down nurturing go with the flow."
Examples: However, to ~ - that a boat a boat and so on - are too many people than the fantasy come to a little stable, just go to half-hearted. (Lu Xun, "two books" f)
Riddle: Traveler
No. 2
That can be content with watching the sunset in which the environmental fall, I onboard stop, go with the flow.
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suí yù ér ān
Able to adapt in any environment and be satisfied
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No. 4
Take care of the weak truck and a broadness of mind, go with the flow, Wei Xuan Xuan carry on foot. - Qing Yin will be a "healthy I chido said Jia Quan"
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No. 5
That can be content with their varied situation. "Mencius dedication under the" "If we lifelong Yan" Zhu Xi Song Annotations: "Words are saints of the heart, not to humble while Mo was outside, not to wealth and have fixed in the middle, go with the flow, no pre-to ourselves, the nature of sub- set it too. "Lu Xun" Letter of the two Xu Guangping 6 ":" But to go with the flow - that is, ship by ship and so on. "also for" Apartments and security with. " Ming Li Zhi "and the city of old book": "Only I can with the Apartments and security, nothing solid of their original mind, many things can live." Ming Shen whale "lacoste remember two friends pushed Grace": "Solitary track general water teal, expected to carry on with the Apartments and security. "
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No. 6
【注 音】:suí yù ér ān
【释 义】:随:顺从;遇:遭遇。指能顺应环境,在任何境遇中都能满足。
【出 处】:清·刘献廷《广阳杂记》一:“随寓而安,斯真隐矣。” 清·文康《儿女英雄传》第24回:“吾生有涯,浩劫无涯,倒莫如随遇而安。”
【用 法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语;含褒义 ;指能顺应环境
【示 例】:不过能够~——即有船坐船云云——则比起幻想太多的人们来,可以稍为安稳,能够敷衍下去而已。(鲁迅《两地书》六)
【灯 谜】:旅行家
【英 文】:feel at home wherever one is <accept the circumstances with good will>
English Expression
n.: make the best of a bad bargain, hang up one's fiddle anywhere, take things as they are, take things as they come, take the world as it is, take the world as one finds it, feel at home wherever one is, accept the circumstances with good will
bear no ill will against any body, Resilient, flexible, toe the line mutation
ramp, Sequester oneself from the world Is separate, Sequester oneself from the world Juesu, cynicism, Fenshijisu, be indignant, can't restrain one's indignation, be inflamed with anger, gnash the teeth with angry looks, in a towering passion, anger bellyful