| | - adj.: soulless, offensive, cruel, morbid or perverted, cruel, vicious or hostile, vicious, unmerciful, unhuman, unfeeling, truculent, stony, brutal, relentless, red, harsh, gory, foul, fiendish, devilish, cutthroat, cruel
| | feral, callous, brutal, inhuman, hard, pitiless, bloodthirsty malign, acerbate, angry, inimical, disagreeable, acrimonious, acid, crabbed abhorrent, abhorrent, darned, abominable, displeasing, discreditable, abominable, abhorrent, discreditable, causing a loss of reputation, sickening, causing disgust, uncomfortable, bored, awful, atrocious, awful, scandalous, ailing, bad, qurude, discreditable, boisterous, freezing, abandoned, evil, ignoble, criminal, acrid, satanic, wretched, calm, evil, extremely unpleasant, extremely, smelling or tasting bad, abhorrent, Get across by a very great amount allergic, carrion, bacchic, furious, loudmouthed, Apodia Qude, vitally erroneous, trying, morbid, abnormal, blamable, blameful, filthy, very abhorrent, tedious, irksome, shameless, fitful, ungodly, vitally, villainous, bad, adulterous, abandoned, immodest, of very poor quality abnormal, remarkable, unwholesome, insanitary | | extremely cruel or wicked | Brutal sea | sick humour | the fires of persecution | a ease of dog eat dog | the brutal truth | cruelty | bluebeard | brutal fable | bloodiness of option | bloodiness of World | bloodiness of fate | brutal rope | bloodiness play catch | brutal folk | brutal summertime | brutal amorist | brutal appetite | brutal on duty | bloodiness psych | brutal affability | brutal romantic | brutal fairness | brutal aspect | a ruthless dictator | get the works | Brutal Condemn History | brutal romance | a sick joke | Kirche especially be brutal | Brutal affection competition | brutal Allah Xiusi | savagery | with a lash [whip] of scorpions | Pursue none Bloodiness of Civility | Wona Fairness Brutal prime | Bloodiness of option Development Idea And ethic consequence | |