Is a province of northern Vietnam, belonged to the northeast. 1996 come apart from the original Winfield provinces. 2003 Population: 1,142,900; Area: 1,371. Consists of the following counties: Yong'an City (thành phố Vĩnh Yên) Fuan City (thị xã Phúc Yên) Hirakawa County (Bình Xuyên) Tateishi County (Lập Thạch) Mi cold county (Mê Linh) Three County (Tam Dương) Mishima County (Tam Đảo) Yongxiang County (Vĩnh Tường) Lok County (Yên Lạc)
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No. 2
Vinh Phuc province Is a province of northern Vietnam, belonged to the northeast. 1996 come apart from the original Winfield provinces. Consists of the following counties: Yong'an City (thành phố Vĩnh Yên) Fuan City (thị xã Phúc Yên) Hirakawa County (Bình Xuyên) Tateishi County (Lập Thạch) Mi cold county (Mê Linh) Three County (Tam Dương) Mishima County (Tam Đảo) Yongxiang County (Vĩnh Tường) Lok County (Yên Lạc)