教育 edificatory分类表
学案 Case Studies

  "学案". 是指教师依据学生的认知水平,知识经验,为指导学生进行主动的知识建构而编制的学习方案.学案实质上是教师用以帮助学生掌握教材内容,沟通学与教的桥梁,也是培养学生自主学习和建构知识能力的一种重要媒介,具有"导读,导听,导思,导做"的作用.
  目的: 教案——为教师上好课做准备
  性质: 教案——教师中心,单向性,封闭性
  角色: 教案——教师自导自演,学生是听众
  表达: 教案——界面规整,表述严整周密,多用书面语
  上课设计好教案是上好一堂课的重要前提.传统的教案教学普遍存在两种倾向:一是教学的单向性, 以"教师为本", 即以老师和课本为中心,更多是考虑教师如何把课本知识内容讲得准确无误,精彩完美,并重点突出,难点到位,而忽视了学生的学习情绪,学习的主动性和自主性;二是教案的封闭性,即教案是老师自备,自用,是专为教师的"教"而设计.而忽视了学生如何"学",缺少公开性和透明度.这样学生在上课前对老师的教学意图无从了解,学生上课只能是一种被动接受,这样的教学与发挥学生的主体性,提高学生素质的要求是很难适应的.
  "学案"建立在教案基础上针对学生学习而开发的一种学习方案.它能让学生知道老师的授课目标, 意图,让学生学习能有备而来,给学生以知情权,参与权 ,在教学过程中,教师扮演的不仅是组织者,引领者的角色,而且是整体活动进程的调节者和局部障碍的排除者角色."学案"的作用:它可以指导预习,也可用于课堂教学,并且系统的学案还是一份很好的学习资料.
  大体上来说,学案的编制主要按课时进行,与教师上课基本同步,一个优秀的学案应该起到这些作用:(1)激起动机,激发想象;(2) 紧扣大纲,开阔眼界;(3)重视学法,培养能力;(4)面向全体, 层次多样;(5)结构合理,操作容易.
  年级 学科 教材 课题 教师
  1 ,动态分层,明确目标.
  演示性探究 这是基础比较差的学生所采用的一种探究方法.学生通过模仿教师在课堂上的一些演示操作,达到"巩固基础,按部就班,模仿提高"的探究目的.
  导向性探究 适合于有一定基础但进行自主性探究有一定难度的学生.学生根据教师已经预先设定的完成某一项任务的路径,通过教师制定的递推式图表的引导来完成对该任务的探究.探究目标是"串好主线,预设悬念,循步渐进".
  自主性探究 适合于有基础,有自主探究能力和创新能力的学生.在这种探究活动中,教师只确定探究方向,并不锁定具体的任务,学生根据这一方向开展探究活动.目标是"自主学习,自我探究,形成风格".
  师生之间 包括集体回授,共同释疑,个案分析,总体评价.教师从传统意义的指导者变为学生学习的引导者,合作者,学生主动建构的帮助者,课堂情境的设计者.师生之间的合作互动,能够使学生探究目标更明确,信心更足,方法更合理,教学效果更好.
  学生之间 层内相互合作,层外相互指导,协作互动,优势互补.通常的方法是:机房座位安排各层分插利于合作,任务分层而连贯便于合作,动态分层激励合作,分层达标使学生乐于合作.
  学生与媒体之间 学生利用网络和计算机本身的优势,解决学习中碰到的难题,从而学会学习,学会探究.
  所谓"学案导学"是指以学案为载体,以导学为方法,教师的指导为主导,学生的自主学习为主体, 师生共同合作完成教学任务的一种教学模式.这种教学模式一改过去老师单纯的讲,学生被动的听的"满堂灌"的教学模式,充分体现了教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,使主导作用和主体作用和谐统一,发挥最大效益.在这种模式中,学生根据教师设计的学案,认真阅读教材,了解教材内容,然后,根据学案要求完成相关内容,学生可提出自己的观点或见解,师生共同研究学习.这种教学模式一方面满足了高中学生思维发展的需要,另一方面又能满足高中学生自我意识发展需要,对学生的自我发展和自我价值的体现有十分积极的作用.而教师则不仅仅是知识的传授者,更重要的任务是培养学生的自学能力,自学习惯,教会他们怎样学习,怎样思考,提高学生分析问题,解决问题的能力.
  1,教师提出自学的要求教师对学案的设计,应从教材的编排原则和知识系统出发,对大纲,教材和教参资料以及自己所教学生的认知能力和认识水平等进行认真的分析研究,合理处理教材,尽量做到学案的设计重点突出,难点分散,达到启发和开拓学生思维,增强学生学习能力的目的.学案的设计应具备以下特点:①围绕教学目标,紧扣教材,从整体上体现教材的知识结构和知识间的内在联系,使知识能条理化,系统化和整体化,尽量一课时一个学案,以便控制学习总量,使学生明确目标,最大限度地提高课堂教学效益.②有启发性,对教材中学生难以理解的内容有的应作适当的提示,配以一定数量思考题,引导学生自主学习,在一个个问题的解决中培养学生的能力,激发学生的求知欲.③问题设计应有层次性,梯度性,应根据学生对问题的认识逐渐加深.做到循序渐进,使学生意识到,要解决教师设计的问题不看书不行,看书不看详细也不行,光看书不思考不行,思考不深不透也不行.这样学生就能真正从教师的设计的问题中找到解决问题的方法,学会看书,学会自学.④应满足不同层次学生的需求,要使优秀生从学案的设计中感到挑战,一般学生受到激励, 学习困难的学生也能尝到成功的喜悦,让每个学生都学有所得,最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,提高学生学习的自信心.
  2,学生自学教材完成学案中的有关问题是学案导学的核心部分.它要求教师将预先编写好的学案, 在课前发给学生,让学生明确学习目标,带着问题对课文进行预习.同时,教师在学生自学过程中应进行适当辅导,使学生较好地掌握教学内容,培养学生的自学能力.在学生自学过程中教师应做到以下几点:第一,要指导学生自学的方法.如告诉学生学案中哪些内容只要略读教材就能掌握,那些内容应注意知识前后联系才能解决等等.让学生逐步理解掌握教材.第二,教师应要求学生把预习中有疑问的问题作好记录,让学生带着问题走向课堂.这样做,一方面能逐步培养学生自主学习的能力.另一方面,又能使学生逐步养成良好的预习习惯和正确的自学方法,而良好的预习习惯和正确的自学方法一旦形成,往往能使学生受益终身.总之,课前学生的自主学习是"学案导学"教学模式的重要环节,其实施的好坏,直接关系到教学目标的能否实现.因此,教师必须高度重视.

  First, what is case study
  "Student." Refers to teachers based on student's cognitive level, knowledge and experience, to guide students to construct knowledge and the preparation of active learning program. Science is essentially the case of teachers to help students master the teaching materials, communication, learning and teaching The bridge is also autonomous learning and capacity building as an important medium of knowledge, a "Guidance, guided listening, guided thinking, do lead" role.
  Case study features:
  1, issue exploration is the key to the case study, it can serve "to ask extension ideas, ask rally because" the effectiveness, and help students to master the theory expounded in the key.
  2, the case study of knowledge consolidation is the focus of the case study preliminary goal is for students to learn independently, knowledge of the textbook analysis of comprehensive, summarizing, forming a complete scientific system.
  3, read and consider is the characteristics of the case study can be read on the Text thought, but also to broaden their horizons, stimulate interest and design a series of readable, educational article, including closely related to the content being taught history, renowned experts, research results, and other hot topics of modern science.
  4, the consolidation exercise is the focus of the case study, in order to explore the basis for students to independently practice the consolidation of a number of targeted, on the subject of exploration to analyze, discuss the exploration, not only to consolidate knowledge through problem solving, control methods and develop skills, but also to optimize student's cognitive structure, training innovation.
  2, the reason for the case study teaching
  (A) raise the question
  1, the needs of students
  2, teaching the need for reform
  Lesson plans and learning the difference between the case:
  Objective: lesson plans - lessons for teachers to prepare Shang Hao
  Case study - to provide guidance for students learning
  Nature: lesson plans - teacher centers, one-way, closed
  Case Study - Student Center, interactive, open
  Role: lesson plans - teachers, self-direction, students are the audience
  Case study - teacher organizations regulation, students are lead
  Express: lesson plans - interface structured, strict and careful formulation, multi-use written
  Case Study - friendly interface, expressed lively, multi-purpose spoken language
  "Study case" built on the basis of lesson plans developed for students to learn a learning program. It lets students know the teacher goals, intentions, so that students can come prepared to the students to know, participate, In the teaching process, teachers not only the organizers played lead role, but also the regulator of the overall activities of the process and local obstacles to the Paichu Zhejiao Se. "Learning plan" effects: it Keyizhidao preview can also be used Ketang teaching and learning system is a good case study materials.
  (B) "Student teaching" role
  1, in order to help students self-
  2 and improve the level of modern teaching
  3, students learn how to learn, learn to
  4, to promote the role of teachers change
  5, case teaching, the student learn the spirit of innovation
  6, establish a new philosophy of education - student-centered, teacher-student equality
  7, allows students to try to success and happiness
  8, is an effective way of quality education
  Third, learn how to prepare the case
  (A) the principle of designing learning
  Case study of teachers prepared handouts to guide students, not teachers lesson plans for enrichment, in order to achieve the best of classroom teaching, the preparation should pay attention to the following principles:
  (1) class of principles
  Sub-class treatment of learning content, to prevent the contents of only a few small feature written a case study, the general theme for 1-2 hours a little.
  (2) issues of principle
  Point to explore the knowledge issues into points, ability points, through the questions for knowledge points (in the form of questions designed problem sets), questioned the construction, stimulate thinking, to develop students ability to quality and creative quality.
  (3) the principle of
  In school design in the case consider the students involved in learning. Case by learn to create opportunities for everyone involved, encourage the enthusiasm of everyone involved to improve the capacity of all involved, encouraging everyone to participate in the awareness of students participating in the study .
  (4) Method Principles
  Strengthening Instruction for Learning. Through the case study teaching change "delegate to fish" as "giving the fishing", while paying attention to the direct of the basic and developmental.
  (5) the principle of hierarchy
  Case, in the preparation of learning difficulty should be different, disorderly learning content processing into orderly, step in nature, consistent with the law students to understand each class learning programs so as to improve the quality of all students to comprehensively improve classroom teaching quality.
  (B) the preparation of the requirements of the case study
  From the "missionary" to "case study" of the changes, we must target the teachers into student learning goals, learning objectives designed to study the program to the student. Based on students existing knowledge, learning ability level, and teaching requirements, refer to all aspects of information, to develop a set of self-learning "study the case." characterized by: the focus of teaching the teacher how to "teach" into how students "learn" and to have the pre-and guidance,
  Subjects of the study design and preparation of the case of the general requirements:
  (1) clarify the relationship between teaching and learning, and strive to provide students with more learning, ask yourself, self made, self-training methods and opportunities to students to truly become the masters of learning and enhance learning.
  (2) to guide students to think independently to achieve mastery of knowledge (learning) and development capacity (will learn) the unity of the case of a student to learn to acquire subject knowledge and academic learning system, the carrier fundamental basis for teacher education.
  (3) to achieve comprehensive development of personality development and unity. Learning Plan preparation should take full account of and adapt to different Cengcixuesheng the Shiji 能力 and knowledge, so that studying the case of Tan Xing have greater and adaptability.
  Generally speaking, the preparation of the case study carried out largely by class, the basic synchronization classes and teachers, a good case study should play these roles: (1) arouse motivation, stimulate imagination; (2) closely linked to the outline, broaden their horizons; (3) to study the law, capacity-building; (4) is for all the various levels; (5), reasonable structure, easy to use.
  (C) the case study method of preparation
  In the preparation of "study case" should be based on learning the content, objectives and circumstances of learners change, not stereotyped, fixed format. But "teaching-oriented school as the main body to science-based, because of school On Education, "In this review, follow the step by step with the principle of the steps, sub-Cengci 地 with knowledge and ability to apply theory in the steadily deepening. students at different levels according to different level objectives required to study independently. Teaching of" Student " design is generally divided into four parts:
  1, clear teaching objectives established knowledge structure
  Case study to demonstrate a clear and specific learning objectives. That knowledge goals, ability goals, moral goals.
  Knowledge structure, including subject knowledge structure, unit or chapter of the knowledge structure, knowledge structure class. Through knowledge structure analysis, knowledge structure, students will learn the knowledge of a holistic understanding of the macro.
  2, grasp the knowledge of the heavy and difficult to find the best starting point
  "Study case" the key and difficult issues to students, to a certain way of thinking to guide and inspiration for students to own brains, analyze and solve problems, deepen their knowledge in exploring the deepening of understanding, to develop students ability analyze and solve problems and thinking.
  3, design students apply knowledge
  The problem is that design is appropriate to guide the students to explore an important means of knowledge, is the "study case" the key to the design. Teachers should based on learning objectives, learning content, based on the case of students, carefully designed questions. The problem set to be based on students existing level of knowledge and the overall quality of certain scientific, inspiring, interesting and practical. still have some level.
  4, through self-examination practice and reinforce learning in a timely manner
  In "Learning plan" Eventually, some of the self-examination after the self-learning Tansuo Gonggu. Students different levels, understanding and problem-solving ability Wenti have Jiaotaiciyi, Zixue process might occur Xuduogege levels of new problems to help students find good time to practice these problems and to correct and timely guidance in cultivating student's subjective consciousness and thinking is essential.
  (D) the preparation of the contents of the case study
  Bianzhi case study lesson plans should based on student learning should be embodied psychological characteristics, according to different teaching content Sheji. It generally can be divided into four parts. Qinei Han 包括 "learning goal", "learning Zhongdian" , "learning difficulties", "Reflections on", "read the textbook," "Guiding Students with Learning."
  1, learning objectives
  2, knowledge constitute
  Constitute the basic thread of knowledge can be divided into two parts, and basic knowledge. Clue is the high content of a lesson summary, basic science knowledge is the core of the case, including knowledge structure, the basic knowledge, the teachers of the coaching and set up the suspect, confirmed of materials. The arrangement of elements to reflect on teaching intentions. For the key to design a question for the content.
  3, learning
  School case study method described in the main content is designed for the study. Generally include memory methods, understanding point of view, theories used.
  4, skills training
  Skills training is learning a lesson the test, which has multiple choice, fill in the blank, so his ERA and quiz questions. Training in issues of design, to reflect the specific, practical and feasible, we must have basic knowledge inspection, but also basic skills training. to promote a variety of Questions in a reasonable match, arranged from easy to difficult questions, control the number of exercises, by easy question: Medium Title: the ratio of 7:2:1 grade entitled to write, To take into account the higher degree students may choose to do the appropriate preparation of a number of issues, broaden their knowledge horizons and improve learning.
  (E) case study prepared by the general section:
  Year subject teachers teaching subjects
  Learning points (target)
  Heavy, Difficulties
  Learning ideas
  Learning Ways
  Synchronous Exercises
  Exercise answers and tips
  Resource Links (extra-curricular development)
  Differences in the level of impact on teaching students the solution of
  Method 1: Guiding Students with Learning Method
  What is a case study
  Case study is the recognition level of the student teachers, knowledge and experience, to guide students to construct knowledge and the preparation of active learning program.
  Guiding Students with Learning is the case in teaching to school for the carrier, Guidance for the method of teaching strategies focus on the direct of a system.
  Used in the educational Guiding Students with Learning method can effectively reduce the differences between the standards of students of teaching arising from the negative effects. Generally is the case we develop good study to students (often the teacher machine for file sharing), in teaching synchronization process to use. As the case study have clear teaching objectives, learning the main line, and difficult to explain, explore the question, Learning, thinking, development, etc, can effectively serve students with different levels of functionality Guidance, easy to students step by step in-depth, get what they want.
  Method two: teaching the same class stratification
  The so-called hierarchical teaching the same class is similar to classes in the knowledge structure, cognitive level and interests of students for the same level, based on the actual situation to the whole class is divided into A, B, C three levels of teachers based on the layers features to develop appropriate teaching objectives, set all kinds of teaching tasks, so that each layer of the students are to develop a teaching method. stratification teaching mainly implemented through four specific aspects:
  1, dynamic layers, clear objectives.
  To a class of students is divided into A, B, C three, respectively, based on three layers, layer and improve the development level. A general cognitive structure for teachers based on student differences, differences in cognitive ability and cognitive emotional differences to determine which level they belong to, of course, have to consider self-evaluation of students and wishes. This layer has two characteristics, that is hidden and dynamic. recessive means that stratification is not teaching a whole unit The separate, but unified under the premise of teaching objectives and tasks of the individual requirements of the stratification. dynamic means that with the advancement of education, according to cognitive level, structure and capacity changes, may at any time level adjustments.
  Although the level itself is dynamic, but one of the basic stability is established. Teachers must make students understand all levels of learning objectives and requirements. We are on target substrate layer as "laying the foundation, public confidence" and raise the level of the target is "to promote internalization, stand development", development level goals are the "innovation, the results."
  2, task stratified according to level compliance.
  To teaching students stratified layer is a prerequisite. The teaching of the core layer is a hierarchical organization of teaching activities, namely the establishment of hierarchical goals, the implementation of the task layer, hierarchical organization guide, complete hierarchical evaluation The key is the task layer. the so-called hierarchical task is to organize the teaching of teachers in specific activities, students of different levels according to their established goals to determine the corresponding task.
  This task layer, each layer to fit the needs of students so that students can feel the successful levels of happiness, and thus to mobilize the enthusiasm of all students, consistent with the principle of all development in teaching.
  3, layered exploration, hierarchical clear up doubts.
  Inquiry to solve the tasks. Under layers of different characteristics of students, we usually have three ways for students to explore the options:
  This is the basis of inquiry demonstrate relatively poor students with an inquiry approach. Student teachers in the classroom by mimicking some of the demonstration operation, to "consolidate the foundation, step by step, copy improvement" objective inquiry.
  Oriented basis of inquiry for a certain autonomy, but to explore a certain degree of difficulty students. Student teachers have been under a pre-set a task to complete the path, developed by teachers to guide recursive chart to complete the task the inquiry. inquiry goal is to "string a good thread, default suspense, follow Step by Step."
  Autonomy are the basis for exploration, with independent research and innovative ability of students. In this inquiry activities, teachers will only determine the direction of inquiry, does not lock specific tasks, students explore the activities carried out under this direction. Goal is to " autonomous learning, self-exploration, the formation of style. "
  Of course, students explore the layers of problems, teachers should promptly answer doubts and dispel doubts. Dispel doubts as to individual and collective dispel doubts and dispel doubts combination.
  4, division and a degree, the overall upgrade.
  According to constructivism, cooperative learning is to achieve an important goal of teaching learning. Stratification teaching in the implementation of cooperative learning (teaching) usually includes the following three aspects:
  Feedback between teachers and students, including collective, common to the construction, case studies, the overall evaluation. Teachers, mentors from the traditional into the student learning guide, collaborator, students who take the initiative to help build, the designer of the classroom situation. Teacher cooperative interaction among students, enabling students to explore more targeted, more confidence, is more reasonable and better teaching.
  Layer between the students cooperate with each other outside the guidance level, collaborative interaction and complementary advantages. The usual way is: insert points on each floor room seating arrangement conducive to cooperation, the task layer to facilitate cooperation and coherent, dynamic hierarchical encourage cooperation, hierarchical Standards so that students prepared to work together.
  Students between the students and the media use of network and computer itself, to solve the problems encountered in learning to learn how to learn, learn to explore.
  Method 3: Set to help share
  We also used a relatively simple and effective method - to set these issues, "to share to help."
  Specific methods: shared key is applied to help set up the Help menu in Windows, the practice. The teacher computer to establish a shared folder, and inside there are some content-related knowledge and teaching points, explanations, and basic operation method described in the text, students in the operation in the event of difficulties, teachers can share the machine with the help file, and then the control instructions to solve the problem.
  Such as "Explorer", and we will help set the table 3 (in part) to prepare to share.
  Method 4: Case Study
  Case of a teacher in-depth study of the teaching materials based on the combined analysis of student learning, summarize some of the typical subject matter knowledge and skills (the case), in the classroom through presentations, analysis and participated in the study jointly with the students to achieve deeper understanding of the subject matter of these methods.
  Case analysis, the key is how teachers can choose the right case. Cases are generally content with the development of teaching, students have misgivings difficult to explore, students have great interest in the students easy to make mistakes and is itself difficult to find the operation and theoretical knowledge points. Practice shows that, students through case studies, in particular through teachers to explore the cases, to deepen knowledge on a particular point of Li Jie, sort out the internal between the Liluntiji Guanxi, Tuozhansiwei Kong Jian, Xue Xi interest in enhancing . case of dynamic classroom teaching will be able to make well-based pupils perception (trigger the problem), so that the average pupils understanding, so that students with poor insight generated to achieve the common objective of improving.
  Case study design
  "Guiding Students with Learning" in the middle of labor and technology in the practice of teaching and thinking
  "Guiding Students with Learning Method" is a new teaching model, which aims to student learning, students self-learning ability, improve teaching effectiveness.
  First, what is case study Guidance.
  Second, learn the general case, the process of Guidance
  1, teachers made the request of teachers and school self-study case design, the layout should be teaching the principles and knowledge of the system starting on the outline, teaching materials and reference materials and teaching their students the knowledge level of cognitive ability and careful analysis and reasonable deal with the textbook, as far as possible the design of the case study focused, decentralized and difficult, to inspire and develop students thinking, the purpose of enhancing student learning. Learning plan should be designed to have the following characteristics: ① around the teaching objectives, materials closely, reflect materials from the whole knowledge structure and the internal relationship between knowledge, so that knowledge can be structured, systematic and total of as much as possible a class in a school case, in order to control the total learning so that students clearly aim to maximize classroom effectiveness of teaching. ② instructive for teaching students the content hard to understand some of the tips should be appropriate, together with the number of thought problems, and guide students to self-study, in a problem solution in students the ability to stimulate students thirst for knowledge. ③ question design should be hierarchical, gradient, students should gradually deepen awareness of the problem. to do step by step, so that students understand that to solve the design problem of teachers do not read no, do not read books also read more No, do not think No light reading, thinking is not deep and not through the line. so that students can really design problems from the teachers to find solutions to problems, learn to read, learn self-study. ④ should meet the needs of students of different levels , make the top students from the school are challenges in the design of the case, students are motivated students with learning difficulties can also taste the joy of success, so that every student learn and gain the maximum mobilization of the enthusiasm of students and improve learning self-confidence.
  2, students complete their studies in which self-learning of the problem is to study the Hexinbufen An Guidance. It requires teachers to learn An Yuxianbianxie good, in Keqianfagei students, let them clear Xueximubiao, with the problem right text for rehearsal. At the same time, teachers in self-learning process should be appropriate guidance to students to better grasp the course content, to develop students self-learning ability. In the process of self-learning teachers should do the following: first, to guide students self-study method. If the case told the students to learn what materials can only skim hands before and after the knowledge that the content should be noted that contact can be resolved and so on. to enable students to gradually understand and grasp the material. Second, teachers should ask students to preview in the problem in question make records, so that students with problems to the classroom. This done, we can gradually develop students ability to learn independently. On the other hand, it also enabled the students to gradually develop good habits and the right of self-Preparation methods, and good rehearsal habits and self-study methodology, once the correct form, students can often benefit from life. In short, independent study before class, students are "Guiding Students with Learning," an important part of teaching and its implementation is good or bad, is directly related to teaching objectives can be achieved. Therefore, teachers must pay close attention.
  3, to discuss the exchange Zaixue Sheng on self-De Ji Chu, teachers Ying Zuzhi case in which the students discuss the study Youguanwenti, right some of Jian Dan, to understand the content teachers need only Yi Dai Er Guo, and teaching in the key and difficult issues should guide the students discuss the exchange of consensus. The students in the discussion or resolve common problems, teachers should promptly collect in order to dispel doubts in the Jingjiang-time help students to solve. It is noteworthy that the students discuss and exchange process, the teacher should be actively guide students to materials closely, studying the case, the case for the school to discuss issues in the exchange, to avoid hastily or formalism, to maximize the efficiency of classroom teaching.
  5, the consolidation exercise
  III Thoughts
  1, case study guide in the teaching mode should fully reflect the Leading Role of Teachers and the principal role of students. The main job of teachers to students of the organizers, supporters and evaluators, lead students to thinking, develop students creative thinking and innovation .
  2, in the teaching process, teachers should be open to all students and all students should be treated equally and avoid irony, sarcasm poor students, for all students to express themselves to the creation of a stage, so that every student can be developed.
  3, to achieve the harmonious development of teaching and learning, to guide teachers and students throughout the teaching of science is always, avoid a loss, the entire classroom into a teacher autocracy. Or teacher drift into a "shepherd style" teaching.
  4, teachers should use a variety of teaching methods and advanced teaching methods. On the one hand, it enables students to consolidate learning content when the Church, to maximize the efficiency of the classroom. On the other hand students can stimulate the interest of students, improve teaching effectiveness.

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