作者 人物列表
向明 Xiang Ming郭沫若 Guo MoRuo夏承焘 Xia Chengdao
刘学锴 Liu Xuekai周天游 Zhou Tianyou袁行霈 Yuan Hangpei
方诗铭 Fang Shiming吴则虞 Wu Zeyu赵超 Zhao Chao
吕思勉 Lv Simian费正清 John King Fairbank钱穆 Qian Mu
柏杨 Bai Yang葛剑雄 Ge Jianxiong顾诚 Gu Cheng
易中天 Yi Zhongtian屈维英 Qu Weiying林语堂 Lin Yutang
吴晗 Wu Han张研 Zhang Yan二月河 Eryuehe
阎崇年 Yan Chongnian郑彭年 Zheng Pengnian张笑天 Zhang Xiaotian
陈汝衡 Chen Ruheng平江不肖生 Ping Jiangbuxiaosheng王利器 Wang Liqi
马非百 Ma Feibai朱谦之 Zhu Qianzhi杨伯峻 Yang Bajun
王明 Wang Ming马叙伦 Ma Xulun道源法师 Dao Yuanfashi
岑仲勉 Cen Zhongmian余嘉锡 Yu Jiaxi袁珂 Yuan Ke
米庆余 Mi Qingyu辛元欧 Xin Yuanou陶希圣 Tao Xisheng
刘凤舞 Liu Fengwu周大荒 Zhou Dahuang张恨水 Zhang Henshui
周汝昌 Zhou Ruchang俞平伯 Yu Pingba刘心武 Liu Xinwu
蔡义江 Cai Yijiang周思源 Zhou Saiyuan张爱玲 Zhang Ailing
胡文彬 Hu Wenbin胡适 Hu Shi唐明文 Tang Mingwen
王蒙 Wang Meng聂鑫森 Nie Xinsen崔耀华 Cui Yaohua
刘世德 Liu Shide黄霖 Huang Lin戴敦邦 Dai Duibang
马瑞芳 Ma Ruifang白先勇 Bai Xianyong余秋雨 Yu Qiuyu
戴季陶 Tai Chi-tao
作者  (1891年1月6日1949年2月11日)
名: 良弼
字: 选堂
网笔号: 天仇
籍贯: 浙江吴兴
出生地: 四川广汉

异国风情 in an outlandish manner.《日本论》

阅读戴季陶 Tai Chi-tao在旅游地理的作品!!!
  妻子钮有恒、赵文淑,妾赵令仪。 戴季陶有一女二子——戴家祥、戴安国与蒋纬国。
  1934年4月20日,国立西北农林专科学校教学大楼(现西北农林科技大学北校区3号教学楼)奠基典礼,戴季陶到会祝词,宣告国立西北农林专科学校正式成立。祝词曰:“民为国本,食为民天。炎黄立国,首裕民食。姜原后稷,弘兹天职。衣食既足,礼义斯舆。树德务滋,树基务坚。木贵松柏,宝重金刚。坚贞之性,百物之良。立教兴学,志在成人。建国之业,教学为先。民德归厚,百业兴焉。万众一心,教有次第。学有师承,事有始终。德有本根。克勤克俭,创业之源。脚踏实地,步步向前。光荣历史,从此开篇。奠基礼成万众欢。祝我学校万万年。” 国立西北农林专科学校后与国立西北联合大学农学院、国立河南大学农学院畜牧系合并成立国立西北农学院,历经西北农学院、西北农业大学和院系调整,于1999年与同处杨陵的1所大学和5个研究所合并成立为西北农林科技大学,现为中华人民共和国教育部直属高校。

  Tai Chi-tao (Chinese: 戴季陶; pinyin: Dài Jìtáo; January 6, 1891 – February 21, 1949) was a Chinese journalist, an early Kuomintang member, and the first head of the Examination Yuan of the Republic of China. He is often referred to as Dai Chuanxian (戴傳賢; Wade-Giles: Tai Ch'uan-hsien) or by his other courtesy name, Dai Xuantang (戴選堂; Wade-Giles: Tai Hsüan-t'ang).
  Early life and educationTai was born Dai Liangbi (戴良弼; Wades-Giles: Tai Liang-pi) in Guanghan, Sichuan to a family of potters. He went to Japan in 1905 to study in a normal school and entered Nihon University's law program in 1907. He graduated and returned to China in 1909.
   WritingsTai started to write for the Shanghaiese China Foreign Daily (中外日報) and Tianduo Newspaper (天鐸報) at 19. At this time, his sobriquet for himself was Dai Tianchou (天仇), or Heaven-Revenge Dai, to signify his dissatisfaction for the Qing Empire. The Manchus threatened him with imprisonment for his writings, so in 1911 he fled to Japan, and then to Penang, where he joined Tongmenghui (同盟會) and wrote for its Guanghua Newspaper (光華報). Later that year, he returned to Shanghai after the Wuchang Uprising and founded the Democracy Newspaper (民權報).
   Political careerTai's fluency in Japanese, unusual for a Chinese young man, attracted the attention of Sun Yat-sen. He became Sun's translator and then his confidential secretary. After the Kuomingtang failed to overthrow Yuan Shikai, he went to Tokyo to join the Chinese Revolutionary Party in 1914.
  He attended the first national congress of the Chinese Kuomintang in 1924, where he was elected a member of the Central Executive Committee, then later a member of the Standing Committee, and the Minister of Propaganda. Soon after Sun's death in 1925, he published a controversial book that reinterpreted Sun's legacy. He claimed Sun derived his ideology chiefly from Confucianism instead of Western philosophies and that Sun was a traditionalist. This was praised by the KMT's right-wing but condemned by leftists and communists. After the right's triumph, Tai's interpretation became the dominant one within the KMT. In 1926, he served as principal of the Sun Yat-sen University, and the chief of politics at Whampoa Academy, with Zhou Enlai as his deputy. From 1928 until 1948, he served as head of the Examination Yuan.
  From October 1928 to June 1948, his official positions consisted of:
  State Councillor (國民政府國府委員)
  Director-General of Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學委員長)
  Member of Kuomintang Central Executive Committee (中央執行委員會委員): 1924
  Member of Standing Committee (常務委員): 1924
  Minister of Information (宣傳部長): 1924
  Chief of the Embassy (國使館館長): unable to attend due to illne
  Tai was one of the lyricists of "National Anthem of the Republic of China". He also wrote:
  The Fundamentals of the Principles of Sun Yat-sen (孫文主義之哲學基礎)
  The People's Revolution and Kuomintang (國民革命與中國國民黨)
  The Complete Book of Sun Yat-sen (孫中山全書)
   Later years and deathAfter Sun Yat-sen's death in 1925, Tai changed his name to Dai Chuanxian, Continuing-Virtue Dai. He jumped into a river and was rescued by a fisherman. After this suicide experience, he converted to Buddhism and was accused by many of being superstitious. His works about Buddhism are published in The Collection of Mr. Dai Jitao's Discussions on Buddhism (戴季陶先生佛學論集). He is widely known to be the birth father of Chiang Wei-kuo, the adoptive second son of Chiang Kai-shek. According to popular speculation, Tai believed knowledge of his extramarital affairs would destroy his marriage and his career, so he entrusted Wei-kuo to Chiang Kai-shek, after the Japanese Yamada Juntaro (山田純太郎?) brought the infant to Shanghai. Yao yecheng (姚冶誠), Chiang's wife at the time, raised Wei-kuo as her own. The boy called Tai his "Dear Uncle" (親伯). Tai Chi-tao had also fathered a son, An-kuo (安國), whom Tai later sent to Germany, to be educated at the Technische Hochschule Berlin. An-kuo (Ango) and Wei-Kuo (Wego) were half brothers.
  In 1949, with the Kuomintang losing the Chinese Civil War to the Communist Party of China, Tai committed suicide by swallowing over 70 sleeping pills in Guangzhou.
   Further readingLu, Yan; Re-Understanding Japan (University of Hawaii Press, 2004) is an English-language study of Tai Chi-tao and three other Chinese intellectuals, in context of their contributions to 20th-century Sino-Japanese relations.

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