作者 人物列表
勒内·格鲁塞 Rene Grousset阿兰·佩雷菲特 Alain Peyrefitte
阿娜伊斯·宁 Anaïs Nin西蒙·波娃 Simone de Beauvoir
阿尔贝·加缪 Albert Camus玛格丽特·杜拉斯 Marguerite Duras
安德烈·保尔·吉约姆·纪德 André Paul Guillaume Gide让·热内 Jean Genet
弗朗索瓦兹·萨冈 Françoise Sagan吉拉德·克莱因 Gerard Klein
伊夫·马拜 Yves Mabin Chennevière克里斯提昂·贾克 Christian Jacq
妮可·德·毕隆 Nicole de Buron阿兰·罗伯·格利耶 Alain Robbe-Grillet
巴特里克·格兰维尔 Patrick Grainville博里斯·维昂 Boris Vian
多米尼克·拉皮埃尔 Dominique Lapierre菲力普·拉布罗 Philippe Labro
艾梅·雅凯 Aimé Jacquet乔治·萨杜尔 Georges Sadoul
皮埃尔•米盖尔 Pierre Miquel玛格丽特·尤瑟纳尔 Marguerite Yourcenar
勒·克莱齐奥 J. M. G. Le Clézio雅克·德里达 Jacques Derrida
安德烈·傅颂萨特 Jean-Paul Sartre
纪德 André Gide帕特里克·莫迪亚诺 Patrick Modiano
雅各·拉冈 Jacques Lacan塞缪尔·贝克特 Samuel Beckett
安德烈·莫洛亚 André Maurois安德烈·高兹 André Gorz
马丁·杜·加尔 Roger Martin du Gard以马内利修女 Sœur Emmanuelle
克里斯提昂·贾克 Christian Jacq
作者  (1947年4月28日)

恐怖悬疑 terror cliffhang《沙漠法则》

阅读克里斯提昂·贾克 Christian Jacq在小说之家的作品!!!
  里斯蒂安·贾克(Christian JACQ),1947年出生于法国巴黎,索邦大学古埃及学博士,为少数能够当场译读古埃及象形文字的作家之一。贾克曾多次表示,最令他景仰的学者是解开一千七百余年古埃及象形文字之谜的商博良(J.F.Champollion,1790~1832)。由于商博良的启动,古埃及文明的研究得以光大。
  克里斯提昂・贾克博士  1947年生于法国巴黎。毕业于巴尔索尔邦大学,为埃及历史博士、教授及小说家。

  Christian Jacq (born April 28, 1947) is a French author and Egyptologist. He has written several novels about ancient Egypt, notably a five book suite about pharaoh Ramses II, a character whom Jacq admires greatly.
  Born in Paris, Jacq's interest in Egyptology began when he was thirteen, and read History of Ancient Egyptian Civilization by Jacques Pirenne. This inspired him to write his first novel. By the time he was eighteen, he had written eight books. His first commercially successful book was Champollion the Egyptian, published in 1987. As of 2004, he has written over fifty books, including several non-fiction books on the subject of Egyptology.
  Jacq has a doctorate in Egyptian Studies from the Sorbonne. He and his wife later founded the Ramses Institute, which is dedicated to creating a photographic description of Egypt for the preservation of endangered archaeological sites.
  Between 1995-1997, he published his best selling five book suite Ramsès, which is today published in over twenty-five countries. Each volume encompasses one aspect of Ramesses' known historical life, woven into a fictional tapestry of the ancient world for an epic tale of love, life and deceit.
  Jacq's series describes a vision of the life of the pharaoh: he has two vile power-hungry siblings, Shanaar, his decadent older brother, and Dolora, his corrupted older sister who married his teacher. In his marital life, he first has Isetnofret (Iset) as a mistress (second Great Wife), meets his true love Nefertari (first Great Wife) and after their death, gets married to Maetnefrure in his old age. Jacq gives Ramesses only three biological children: Kha'emweset, Meritamen (she being the only child of Nefertari, the two others being from Iset) and Merneptah. The other "children" are only young officials trained for government and who are nicknamed "sons of the pharaoh".
  These books are typically classed as historical fiction; many of them delve into the supernatural powers given to the Pharaoh, however, and could be considered fantasy by loose definition.
  [edit]The Ramses Series
  The story of the greatest Pharaoh in history
  The Son of the Light (1995)
  The Temple of a Million Years Formerly published "The Eternal Temple. (1995)
  The Battle of Kadesh (1996)
  The Lady of Abu Simbel (1996)
  Under the Western Acacia (1997)
  [edit]The Stone of Light Series
  The craftsman's village at Deir al-Madinah is one of the few places in the ancient world where life has been vividly preserved. Jacq uses real names, characters and scandals to reconstruct life in this extraordinary place.
  Nefer the Silent
  The Wise Woman
  Paneb the Ardent
  The Place of Truth
  [edit]The Queen of Freedom Trilogy
  The tale of Queen Ahhotep, Egypt's "Joan of Arc" and her crusade to liberate her nation from the Hyksos oppressors
  The Empire of Darkness
  War of the Crowns
  The Flaming Sword
  [edit]The Judge of Egypt Trilogy
  In the Age of Ramses, Egypt's power in unchallenged. However, a dark conspiracy seeks to strike at the Pharaoh... only an idealistic judge and a young doctor stand between Egypt and oblivion.
  Beneath the Pyramid
  Secrets of the Desert
  Shadow of the Sphinx
  [edit]The Mysteries of Osiris Series
  The Tree of Life
  The Conspiracy of Evil
  The Way of Fire
  The Great Secret
  [edit]The Vengeance of the Gods Series
  The Divine Worshipper
  [edit]Other Books
  Egyptian Magic (non fiction 1985)
  The Black Pharaoh
  The Tutankhamun Affair
  For the Love of Philae
  Champollion the Egyptian
  Master Hiram and King Solomon
  The Living Wisdom of Ancient Egypt (non fiction)
  Fascinating Hieroglyphics (non fiction 1997)
  Magic and Mystery in Ancient Egypt (non fiction 1998)
  The Wisdom of Ptah Hotep (non fiction 2006)
  The Great Magician: The Count of Thebes (2008)
  Tutankhamun: The Last Secret (February 2009)
  The Judgement of the Mummy (2009)
  Egypt (non fiction 2009)

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