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本特利·利特 Bentley Little
美国 现代美国  (1960年)

阅读本特利·利特 Bentley Little在小说之家的作品!!!
    本特利在美国是与斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)齐名的畅销书作家,他的作品被译成二十多种语言文字出版,并有多部小说被拍成电影。他创作的恐怖小说以想象力丰富见长,兼有悬念和侦探小说的风格,深受青年读者的欢迎。《出版周刊》称其作品为“噩梦般精彩”。目前至少有三十所大学的文学课程采用他的小说作为教材。
    他的主要恐怖小说有《致命本能(Death Instinct)》、《博尼塔山庄(The Association)》、《西部峡谷(The Walking)》、《城镇(The Town)》等。

  Bentley Little (born 1960 in Arizona) is an American author of horror novels.
  Personal history
  Little's first novel, The Revelation, with St. Martin's Press in 1990. After reading it, Stephen King became a vocal fan of Little's work, and Little won the Bram Stoker Award for "Best First Novel" in 1990. He moved to New American Library for his next two novels, but was dropped from the company after he refused to write a police procedural as his next novel. He eventually returned to New American Library, with whom he continues to publish his novels.
  Little has stated on several occasions that he considers himself a horror novelist, and that he writes in the horror genre, not the "suspense" or "dark fantasy" genres. He is an unabashed supporter of horror fiction and has been described as a disciple of Stephen King.
  Little has stated in the past that he does not like computers, and refuses to operate an official web site.
  [edit]Recurring Characters & Themes
  Recurring themes in Bentley Little's work include distrust of conformity (The Association, The Ignored), distaste for large corporations (The Store, The Policy), and taboo subjects such as incest. These elements, particularly the latter, strongly recall the work of J.G. Ballard. Little's novels tend to contain overtly supernatural forces rather than relying on pseudo-scientific explanations like many other horror stories. Nearly all of his novels have extremely simple titles.
  There is a recurring character in several of Little's novels, a horror author named Phillip Emmons, after a pseudonym Little used for an early novel. A somewhat bumbling FBI agent named Greg Rossiter also appears in supporting roles in several books, as do references to a company called Automated Interface, which is mentioned in The Ignored, The House, His Father's Son, and The Return and plays a larger role in The Ignored. In addition, one of the main characters of Dominion, Penelope Daneam, is mentioned in The Return as having been a love interest of one of that book's characters when he was in college, and the Mogollon Monster from The Return is mentioned briefly in The Summoning.
  The Store is mentioned in most of Little's books published since 1997, though usually only in passing as a place where characters have shopped, not as the evil entity it is portrayed as in the eponymous novel. The character Samantha from The Store is mentioned in The Resort, an amusement park called Familyland is mentioned in several books, and the Chinese restaurant where one of the main characters works in The Summoning is mentioned briefly in The Walking. These connections give the reader a sense of continuity between the works, as though all or most of Little's books take place in the same fictional universe.
  1990 Bram Stoker Award winner: Best First Novel (The Revelation)
  1993 Bram Stoker Award nominee: Best Novel (The Summoning)
  2002 Bram Stoker Award nominee: Best Fiction Collection (The Collection)
  There have been few adaptations of Bentley Little's work. However, Little's short story "The Washingtonians" was adapted as an episode of the horror anthology television series Masters of Horror under the direction of Peter Medak.
  In 2007, the Hollywood Reporter announced that a film adaptation of The Store was in development at Strike Entertainment. The script is to be adapted by Jenna McGrath, with production duties handled by Marc Abraham and Eric Newman, and executive production by Vince Gerardis, Eli Kirschner and Tom Bliss.
  The Revelation (1989)
  The Mailman (1991)
  Death Instinct (1992) (writing as Phillip Emmons) aka Evil Deeds
  The Summoning (1993)
  The Night School (1994) aka University
  Dominion (1995)
  The Store (1996)
  The House (1997)
  The Ignored (1997)
  Guests (1997)
  The Town (2000)
  The Walking (2000)
  The Association (2001)
  The Return (2002)
  The Policy (2003)
  The Resort (2004)
  Dispatch (2005)
  The Burning (2006)
  The Vanishing (2007)
  The Academy (2008)
  His Father's Son (2009)
  The Disappearance (2010)
  Murmurous Haunts (1997)
  The Collection (2002)
  Four Dark Nights (2002) (with Douglas Clegg, Christopher Golden and Tom Piccirilli)
  Short stories
  Witch Woman (1985)
  Miles to Go Before I Sleep (1991)
  The Potato (1991)
  The Man in the Passenger Seat (1993)
  Monteith (1993)
  From the Mouths of Babes (1994)
  The Numbers Game (1994)
  The Pond (1994)
  See Marilyn Monroe's Panties! (1995)
  Life With Father (1998)
  Connie (1999)
  The Theatre (1999)
  Pop Star in The Ugly Bar (2005)

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