北洋政府 人物列錶
袁世凱 Yuan Shikai黎元洪 Li Yuanhong馮國璋 Feng Guozhang
徐世昌 Xu Shichang週自齊 Zhou Ziji髙凌霨 Gao Lingwei
曹錕 Cao Kun黃郛 Huang Fu段祺瑞 Duan Qirui
鬍惟德 Hu Weide顔恵慶 Yan Huiqing杜鍚圭 Du Yanggui
顧維鈞 Gu Weijun張作霖 Zhang Zuolin
顧維鈞 Gu Weijun
北洋政府  (1888年1985年)
字: 少川
籍貫: 江蘇嘉定

  顧維鈞,漢族。字少川。英文名“Vi Kyuin "Wellington" Koo”,1888年1月29日(清光緖十三年十二月十七)生。江蘇嘉定(今屬上海嘉定區)人。初入舊式私塾,後於1899年考入上海英華書院,1901年考入聖約翰書院。1904年入美國哥倫比亞大學,專攻國際法及外交,獲博士學位。1912年回國後,任總統秘書、內閣秘書、外務部顧問和憲法起草委員等職。1915年起歷任北洋政府駐墨西哥、美國、古巴、英國公使。1919和1921年作為中國代表團成員齣席巴黎和會和華盛頓會議。在巴黎和會上,就山東的主權問題據理力爭,以齣色的辯論才能闡述中國對山東有不容爭辯的主權,為維護中華民族的權益作齣了貢獻。1922~1926年先後任北洋政府的外交總長、財政總長、代理國務總理等職,其間,於1924年5 月曾代表中國政府與蘇聯簽訂《中俄解決懸案大綱協定》。1931年九·一八事變後,以中國代表身份參加了國際聯盟李頓調查團,調查日本帝國主義在中國東北的侵略罪行。1932年起先後任駐法、英、美大使和駐國際聯盟代表等職。1945年6月,齣席舊金山會議,參加《聯合國憲章》起草工作並代表中國在《聯合國憲章》上簽字。其後任國民黨政府駐聯合國代表。1956~1967年,歷任海牙國際法庭法官、國際法院副院長、臺灣國民黨總統府資政等職。退休後定居美國,以十七年時間完成口述回憶錄,記述了五十多年從事外交工作的經歷。1985年11月14日在美國紐約逝世。
  1888年 1月29日,生於嘉定縣(今上海市嘉定區)。
  1892年 進私塾讀書。
  1899年 進基督教會所辦中西書院讀書。
  1901年 考入基督教會所辦的上海聖約翰書院讀書。
  1904年 自費隨施肈基率領的湖北官費生赴美留學。入紐約州庫剋學院讀英語。
  1905年 考入哥倫比亞大學,主修國際法和外交。
  1909年 衕時獲學士、碩士學位。秋,在哥倫比亞大學與孫中山相見。
  1912年 3月,以《外人在華地位》通過博士論文答辯。4月,回國抵北京,任總統袁世凱英文秘書兼國務總理唐紹儀秘書。8月,兼任外交部秘書。
  1913年 6月,與唐紹儀之女唐寶玥在上海結婚。參與中英關於西蔵問題的談判。
  1914年 昇任外交部參事。
  1915年 春,參與中日二十一條交涉。7月,被任命為駐墨西哥公使。10月,調任駐美國公使。
  1916年 4月,簽署中美《六釐金幣庫券合衕》。11月,簽署中美《芝加哥銀行藉款合衕》。
  1917年 4月,建議北京政府追隨美國參戰。11月,就《藍辛石井協定》嚮美國遞交照會。
  1918年 10月,夫人唐寶玥病故,遺一子德昌,一女菊珎。12月,奉派參加巴黎和會抵達巴黎。
  1919年 1月28日,代表中國就山東問題在巴黎和會上發言,駁斥日本要求。6月28日,拒簽對德和約。
  1920年 10月,調任駐英國公使。11月,與華僑富商之女黃蕙蘭結婚。12月,兼任國際聯盟中國代表。
  1921年 11月,任中國代表齣席華盛頓會議。12月,會外與日本交涉山東問題。
  1922年 2月,簽署《解決山東懸案條約》和《九國公約》。8月,任王寵恵內閣外交總長,11月辭職。
  1923年 7月,任髙凌蔚內閣外交總長。
  1924年 1月,任孫寶琦內閣外交總長。5月,簽訂《中蘇協定》。9月任顔恵慶內閣外交總長。10月,“北京政變”後棄職離京。
  1925年 寓居上海。
  1926年 5月,任顔恵慶內閣財政總長。7月,杜錫組閣,留任財政總長。10月,代理國務總理兼外交總長。11月,發表終止中國與比利時條約宣言。
  1927年 1月,署理國務總理兼外交總長。6月,張作霖組織軍政府,顧內閣總辭職。
  1928年 7月,被南京國民政府通緝,離國赴歐洲旅居。
  1929年 應張學良之邀,返國抵渖陽。
  1930年 往來於渖陽、北京之間,為張學良提供外交咨詢。
  1931年 九·一八事變發生,任“國民黨特種外交委員會”委員。11月,任國民政府外交部長。12月,辭外交部長職。
  1932年 3月,任國聯李頓調查團中國顧問。4月,陪調查團赴東北調查。8月,被委任為駐法國公使。10月,任國聯中國代表。
  1933年 5月,任日內瓦裁軍會議中國代表。9月,齣席國聯第14屆大會。
  1934年 6月,請假返國。
  1935年 暫居國內。
  1936年 2月,中法外交關係昇格,任駐法大使。
  1937年 9月,在國聯嘑籲製裁日本侵略。10月,奉派為中國齣席布魯塞爾會議代表。
  1938年 年初,與法國交涉中國軍火從越南過境事。7月,與美國財長摩根索接洽援華事宜。
  1939年 3月,接國民政府電令,與法國探討中、法、英合作事。11月,召集中國駐歐使節商討外交方針,建議國民政府加強對美外交。
  1940年 6月,巴黎被德國占領,隨法國政府遷至維希。
  1941年 5月,調任駐英大使。7月,抵達倫敦。
  1942年 春,交涉英國對華5000萬英鎊貸款。12月,參與中英新約談判,對條約簽訂起了重要作用。是年,加入國民黨。
  1943年 3月,返英途中抵美,力促宋美齡訪英,未果。7月,宋子文訪英,安排並參加與英國政府會談等事宜。
  1944年 8月,任中國首席代表,赴美國參加敦巴頓橡樹園會議,商討第二次世界大戰戰後事務和籌建聯合國。
  1945年 4-6月,任中國齣席舊金山聯合國製憲大會代表,並代理代表團長,代表中國第一個在聯合國憲章上簽字。12月,任中國齣席聯合國第一屆大會代表。
  1946年 6月,調任駐美大使。7月,抵達華盛頓就任。
  1947年 5月,嚮美國政府提齣10億美元貸款要求。
  1948年 11月,嚮杜魯門總統提齣援華要求。12月被中國共産黨宣佈為戰犯。
  1949年 5月,與鬍適等人嚮蔣介石建議推行改革,任用新人,隨後,勸說鬍適齣山組織由留美學生組成的新內閣。
  1950年 6月,朝鮮戰爭爆發,就杜魯門聲明嚮臺灣提齣應對建議。
  1951年 6月,嚮美國國務卿杜勒斯聲明臺灣有關對日和約的立場。
  1952年 10月,嚮葉公超提齣辭職要求,被勸阻。
  1953年 3月,嚮美國提齣締結美臺“共衕防禦條約”的要求。
  1954年 11月,和葉公超一起與美國談判“共衕防禦條約”。12月2日,條約簽字。
  1955年 1-2月,與美國政府交涉國民黨軍從大陳島撤退和美國協防金門、馬祖事宜。
  1956年 2月,遞交辭呈。4月,被免“大使”職務,衕時被聘為“總政府”資政。
  1957年 1月,經聯合國大會和安理會多次投票,當選國際法院法官。
  1959年 與黃蕙蘭離婚。與嚴幼韻結婚。
  1960年 開始口述回憶錄的工作。
  1964年 當選為國際法院副院長。
  1966年 10月,退齣國際法院法官競選。
  1967年 定居紐約,開始退休生活。
  1972年 9月,章含之受毛澤東委托前來拝訪。
  1976年 口述回憶錄完成,捐贈母校哥倫比亞大學。
  1985年 11月14日,於紐約寓所無疾而終。享年98歲。
  顧維鈞生在鴉片戰爭後,此時的中國正一歩歩陥入列強的侵略包圍之中,而上海又是一個中外交往非常集中的地方,顧維鈞從小就看到了很多中外不平等的狀況,也因此從小就有着通過自己的努力來改變中國積弱狀況的理想。一次,少年顧維鈞經過外白渡橋,看見一個英國人㘸着黃包車,急着要去看跑馬。拉車上橋本來就纍得很,他還用鞭子抽打車夫。顧維鈞很憤怒,於是斥責這個英國人說:“Are you a gentleman?”(儞還算是個紳士嗎?)後來,顧維鈞在回憶錄中提到這段往事,並說“我從小就受到這些影響,感到一定要收回租界,取消不平等條約。”
  經過一番週折,確定由顧維鈞代替王正廷齣席。下午的會議作齣決定,有關山東問題,由中國代表次日進行陳述,1919年1月28日,顧維鈞受命於危難,就山東問題作了一次縝密細緻、暢快淋漓的精彩發言,從歷史、經濟、文化各方面說明了山東是中國不可分割的一部分,有力地批駁了日本的無理要求。在他的雄辯面前,日本代表完全處於劣勢。各國首腦紛紛嚮他表示祝賀,顧維鈞在國內外一舉成名。 這次雄辯在中國外交史上地位非凡,這是中國代表第一次在國際講壇上為自己國傢的主權作了一次成功的演說。形勢對中國本來十分有利,然而,到了4月,變化阧生。因分贓不均。意大利在爭吵中退齣了和會。日本藉機要挾:如果山東問題得不到滿足,就將俲法意大利。為了自己的利益,幾個大國最終決定犧牲中國的合法權益,先後嚮日本妥協,並強迫中國無條件接受。這一事件點燃了“五四運動”的火種。
  顧維鈞巴黎聲明 1919年1月28日,美、英、法、日、中國在巴黎討論中國山東問題。 戰敗西德國將退齣山東,日本代表牧野先生卻要求無條件地繼承德國在山東的利益。 中國代表顧維鈞聽了,站起身面對其他四週代表問道:“西方齣了聖人,他叫耶穌,基督教相信耶穌被釘死在耶路撒冷,使耶路撒冷成為世界聞名的古城。而在東方也齣了一個聖人,他叫孔子,連日本人也奉他為東方的聖人。 牧野先生儞說對嗎?” 牧野不得不承認:“是的。” 顧維鈞微咲道:“既然牧野先生也承認孔子是東方的聖人,那麽東方的孔子就如衕西方的耶穌,孔子的齣生地山東也就如耶路撒冷是東方的聖地。 因此,中國不能放棄山東正如西方不能失去耶路撤冷一樣!(China can not miss shandong as same as the west world can not miss Jerusalem)”美國總統威爾遜、英國首相勞合。喬治和法國總理剋裏孟梭--巴黎和會的三巨頭聽完顧維鈞擲地有聲的聲明,一齊走上前握住他的手,稱他為中國的“青年外交傢”。
  顧維鈞退休後先打算做三件事:療養度假,以消除長期緊張工作 帶來的疲勞;寫作和研究;開設事務所,提供法律咨詢,解決生計問題。
  97歲那年,他興致勃勃地畫了一張嘉定縣城的地圖,圖中央是家乡髙聳的古塔,下面寫“孔廟”兩字,又畫東西大街,西端寫“西門”兩字,那就是他美麗的家乡,一個典型的江南古鎮。他說着,畫着,思緖如潮,不能自已。現在嘉定博物館中,保存着顧維鈞於1984年親筆書贈的杜甫詩句:“露從今夜白,月是故鄉明。”他退休後,應母校哥倫比亞大學之邀參加“中國口述歷史計劃” 而完成的長達600萬字的《顧維鈞回憶錄》已成為歷史學家的案頭必備。
  《我的1919》 陳道明主演,以顧維鈞為原型,表現了顧維鈞在巴黎和會上不畏強權,為國傢爭取利益。
  “厚德堂”㘸落嘉定西門,位於上海市嘉定鎮西大街9496號,由清末民初交通銀行總裁顧晴川所建。現今“厚德堂”已被上海市於2003年11月17日命為——嘉定區登記不可移動文物。“厚德堂”內有房30餘間,磚木結構,平房與樓房相間,街南一開間,二進深,街北五開間,三進深。此處現為一傢百貨店堆雜物的地方,雖然破敗,但屋檐下的雕花板、地面所鋪的青磚連環金錢花飾都依稀可見。 “厚德堂”內有水橋一座,水井一口,除臨街平房被改造為樓房外,其餘基本保持原狀。門前地上是用磚鋪齣的清錢幣形狀,既象徵了主人的身份,又佀乎寓有“外圓內方”的意思。
  顧氏在津寓所㘸落英租界威靈頓道(今和平區河北路267號),1921年以顧少川名義購於英租界工部局土地2.058市畝,建造成一所三層帶地下室西洋古典式樓房。建築面積1547平方米,占地面積1320平方米混合結構。木屋架起脊,建築立面為紅磚墻。窗子與拱券門相結合,門前一對巴洛剋式麻花形柱,端莊典雅。主樓三層,磚木結構。底層六間兩廳,從門廳進入大廳,內有大壁爐,靠窗有固定㘸椅,旁有書房、餐廳、花廳等,廳外有大平臺。二、三層為臥室、衛生間。整所建築設備考究,共有樓房45間,平房2間, 現為國民黨革命委員會天津市委員會使用。

  Wellington Koo, Han. Fewer words Chuan. English name "Vi Kyuin" Wellington "Koo", 1888 年 1 月 29 (Qing dynasty 10 years on December 17) students. Jiading, Jiangsu Province (now part of Shanghai's Jiading district) people. First joined the old-style private school, was admitted to Shanghai in 1899 after the Anglo-Chinese School, 1901, was admitted to St. John's College. Into the United States in 1904, Columbia University, specializing in international law and diplomacy, Ph.D.. After returning home in 1912, president, secretary, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser and member of the rank of constitutional drafting. Since 1915, served as the Northern Government in Mexico, the United States, Cuba, the British Minister. 1919 and 1921 as a Chinese delegation attended the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference. In the Paris Peace Conference, the sovereignty of Shandong argue, can explain the excellent debate on China's Shandong Province has indisputable sovereignty, to safeguard the interests of the Chinese nation has contributed. 1922 to 1926 served successively as chief of the Northern government's foreign, finance minister, deputy prime minister and other staff, during which, in May 1924 on behalf of the Chinese Government and the Soviet Union signed a "framework agreement between China and Russia to resolve outstanding issues." 1931 September 18 Incident, the Chinese delegate to the League of Lytton, the investigation of Japanese imperialism in northeast China's crimes of aggression. At first, he served in France in 1932, British and American ambassadors and representatives of the rank in the League. June 1945, at San Francisco Conference, to participate in "the United Nations Charter," the drafting of and on behalf of China in the "UN Charter" was signed. Its successor the KMT government to the United Nations. 1956 to 1967, served as the Hague International Tribunal, the Vice President, KMT presidential advisor and other staff. Settle the United States after retirement to 17 years to complete oral memoirs, chronicles 50 years of experience in diplomatic work. November 14, 1985 died in New York.
  1892 into the private school to study.
  Sze, 1904, at their own expense with Hubei officials led by the United States to study health costs. Cook College, New York time into English.
  In March 1912 to "the status of foreigners in China," by doctoral thesis. April, arrived back in Beijing, Chinese President Yuan Shikai Tang Shaoyi Secretary and Secretary of the Prime Minister. In August, also Foreign Secretary.
  Spring 1915 to participate in negotiations and Japan 21. In July, was appointed minister in Mexico. In October, was transferred to the United States Minister.
  October 1918, his wife Debate on the Mid Yue died, leaving a son and Johnson, a daughter Juzhen. In December, will be assigned to participate in the Paris and Paris.
  November 1921, he served as representatives of the Washington Conference. December, negotiations with Japan outside the Shandong question.
  January 1924, he was appointed chief of Sun Baoqi cabinet diplomacy. In May, signed a "Sino-Soviet agreement." September Ren Yan Huiqing cabinet diplomacy chief. In October, "Beijing coup" left Beijing after the abandonment of post.
  January 1927, the Acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. June, Chang Tso-lin military government organizations, Gu Cabinet resign.
  1930 contacts in Shenyang, Beijing, between providing diplomatic advice for the Zhang.
  May 1933, he was the representative of China in Geneva Disarmament Conference. In September, attended the League of Nations 14th General Assembly.
  February 1936, to upgrade diplomatic relations between China and France, he was ambassador to France.
  March 1939, then the National Government power to make, and the French study, France, Britain and cooperation matters. In November, to convene to discuss China's foreign policy envoy in Europe, recommended that the National Government to strengthen U.S. diplomacy.
  The spring of 1942, negotiated loans for the UK 50 million pounds in China. In December, to participate in the British New Testament talks on signing of the treaty has played an important role. That year, joined the KMT.
  April-June 1945, he served at the United Nations in San Francisco on behalf of the Constituent Assembly, and deputy head of delegation, representing the first in the United Nations Charter was signed. In December, he was appointed to attend the first session of the General Assembly on behalf of the United Nations.
  November 1948, President Truman made the requests aid to China. December by the Chinese Communist Party as a war criminal.
  June 1951, to Taiwan, U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles declared the position of the Japanese Peace Treaty.
  November 1954, and Yeh Kung-chao negotiations with the United States with the "Mutual Defense Treaty." December 2, the treaty signing.
  January 1957, multiple voting by the General Assembly and the Security Council, was elected the International Court of Justice.
  1964, elected as the Vice President.
  September 1972, with the chapter commissioned by Mao Zedong came to visit.
  Debate on the Mid Yue, Tang Shaoyi daughter, 1914, married, had children Gude Chang, F Gu Juzhen, died 1918;
  People anecdotes
  Was the same in the Yuan Guanlan shogunate, the other one, called Zhang Hengshan. Cultivation is less than the person's written care Stereotype, but he has a rare ability that can be fortune teller. Taoyin Yamen in the size of the official, many people have seen him, is believed to be efficacious. At that time the son of Yuan Yuan Guanlan carry out registration and Wellington Koo Incubation with the study, two is better, after-school often playing together in the Yamen. Hengshan Zhang said the two children of non-Dengxianzhibei, but to fulfill board is not correct, the future of converting a good death (later reduced to a traitor); Weijun future is smooth, rich, wealth. Zhang Heng Shan was often buy snacks for them to eat, but real love is only heart Wellington Koo, the Yuandao Yin's son, but only perfunctory.
  During the reception, Weijun actually asked to see his fiancee to the Hengshan. Time trend beginning, we feminist can not show their faces. Although his father has promised her daughter was shyly hiding in the room, refused to die out. Wellington Koo disappointment, he felt his fiancee too generous, will not show their skills in the communication field, good enough for his Ph.D. in America who, suddenly interested in dry, Men Men drink a glass of wine, on the left. It is said that urgent care so anxious fiancee saw the reason is because he heard that his fiancee's skirt, a pair of lotus feet, a bit of fashion.
  Wellington Koo studying in the United States during the once, and later became his father's Tong as the Qing government's special envoy to visit U.S. in the embassy met with 40 Chinese students studying in Wellington Koo as a student speech. Tong immediately appreciate this young student, that he is a going astray. Thus, when the Yuan ruling, he was appointed Prime Minister Yuan Shikai, he immediately would like to recommend the Wellington Koo Yuan. At that time, Wellington Koo is preparing a doctorate reply, his paper also wrote a Prologue only invited him to return to the English Secretary of the Office of the President as a letter to send to New York.
  Blessing same name, carrying female hall
  In 1912, Wellington Koo received his JD at Columbia after returning, Wellington Koo returned soon after by his father introduced Hengshan Zhang, north to see Tong. Tong when he was foreign affairs chief, Wellington Koo, Dr. USA and the qualifications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tang men when a third secretary. His youth dancing, public access to high officials of entertainment over Beijing Hotel ballroom. By chance, he meets the daughter of Debate on the Mid Tong. Debate on the Mid not had any foreign, external foreign longing for a long time, so she usually does not pay non-students. Wellington Koo's beauty, but also touched her heart. Since then, the two inseparable. With this relationship, Wellington Koo began to rise higher and higher, just like the same helicopter. Each one request, Debate on the Mid Tang Shaoyi on desperately afraid of her I do not agree. Gu in Beijing for two years, intelligence officials have been to the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Shanghai Hengshan Zhang far very pleased, thinking that was the Chenglongkuaixu, fortune teller that his effort has been to the home. Wellington Koo was correspondence back to Shanghai wedding. Gu ignored no longer, then finally learned that he and Zhang Hengshan Miss Tang's a romance, the old head all gas yellow, and wrote a letter to Tang Shaoyi pain responsibility Wellington Koo, please back to Shanghai Tang to Advisory Board. Tang Shaoyi read the letter, was furious and immediately called the Advisory Board reprimanded the meal, so he immediately Fan Hu. Gu Although reluctant to leave Beijing, but by my conscience blame and relatives of persuasion, only to pack up, preparatory south. Thing was immediately aware of the Tang women, crying to get in front of his father: "The baby can not Weijun if combined, certain shaved his head for Nepal!" This must be the father to intervene. That time, Mr. Tong has been promoted to prime minister, should not always feel that his or her own power, to usurp the people's son, did not agree. Miss Tang is still not give up, in order to protest and intimidation, went to the outskirts of Beijing Baiyun An, and Jiao Ren informed her father said: have elective hair, Tang Shaoyi not ignore. Nvgong Zi Seeing this account fail, regeneration of a design, she returned to town, people notice her father, that we do not agree to her request, she had to Bataihutong (old Beijing the sex district) to do business, and is currently hanging Prime Minister the flagship Miss Rose. That lose their really to stun the Tong. He immediately invited back to his own daughter, that "unconditional surrender."
  Prime Minister's power to intervene in such a small stuff, why bother? He hit a telegraph to Songhu Hujun to (garrison commander) He Fenglin, Wellington Koo told him to break off an engagement for the issue. He Fenglin was originally a Lao Cu, into the house of the Prime Minister's order to dare to neglect? So personally brought 100 soldiers, ran into Zhang mansion, to find Zhang Hengshan, forced him to immediately break off an engagement to write the book. Hengshan has always been afraid of violence, rage to right He Fenglin, said: "Wellington Koo was not something I do not want him to do son, break off an engagement can be, but I can not be intimidate you, you bring the soldiers surrounded my house, too insult me." He Fenglin Zhirang loudly pounded his desk: "You do not break off an engagement, I explain how official business? I get to do it, and you desperately!" At this point, the daughter of Hengshan, Wellington Koo's fiancee, suddenly brave up and ran out to the father said: "My father dropped out of marriage, we have mistaken it." He Fenglin happily took the book to break off an engagement. Hengshan a long sigh: "I will only fortune teller and will not mind." Soon with grief. Zhang Rune discouraged long fasting Buddha, Guan Yin Tang in the land down the hair at home. Zhang off the hair, Tangmou naturally inappropriate nuns had. He Fenglin to break off an engagement letter in hand sent to Beijing in less than a month, in 1913, Wellington Koo and the Debate on the Mid will be held in Beijing Hotel large-scale wedding. Lang Maung how much women envy the situation of young men and women! Since then, Wellington Koo in the political status of the Northern government, but also a more stable layer. Soon be sent to London, acting as Minister to the Chinese ambassador to Britain. In 1933, Wellington Koo once again as the National Government Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Shanghai, noted Zhang Rune real hard lives, specifically wrote a letter Chan Huixin, accompanied by a sum of 50,000 yuan is exhausted, sent it to the Goddess of Mercy Church land home. Zhang returned to the exhausted and the letters intact, 20 years her practice has been to the point where the fixed Fanxin. This is something.
  Few words are said Yue Zhang Tong River, Wellington Koo Chuan is also a small word, Wengxu the same name, so also in the Republic of China for the elephants. Debate on the Mid married Wellington Koo and deep affection. 1915, Wellington Koo as U.S. minister, his wife Debate on the Mid invited to attend the same year their eldest son Gude Chang was born in the United States.
  In 1914, the First World War. Britain, Germany France and Russia have come on the battlefields of Europe, Gu Eastern time, also won the Japanese forces in China to expand the right place. In late August, the Japanese could not wait to declare war on Germany, in November, the Japanese occupation of Qingdao, took over the German rights in Shandong. After the end of the war against Germany, Japan, as previously mentioned not withdraw from China, but in January 18, 1915, presented to Yuan the notorious "21." Wellington Koo was also during this time, the first official contact with questions about the external representations of Shandong.
  Family unfortunate death of his beloved wife
  Internal and external contradictions
  Eloquent Paris, notorious
  After a series of setbacks, determined by the Wellington Koo instead of Zhengting attend. Make a decision at the meeting, the Shandong question, make a statement by the representative of China, the next day, January 28, 1919, Wellington Koo was ordered in distress, it had made a careful and meticulous in Shandong, Yuanmin wonderful speech from the historical, economic, explain various aspects of culture in Shandong is an integral part, effectively refuted Japan's unreasonable demands. In front of his eloquence, the representative of Japan completely at a disadvantage. Heads have to congratulate him, Wellington Koo in the domestic and international fame. The eloquent extraordinary position in China's diplomatic history, this is the first time representatives of international forums on behalf of their country's sovereignty, made a successful speech. China had a very favorable situation, however, to April, change Dousheng. Because Fenzangbujun. Italy and will be pulled out of the quarrel. Opportunity to threaten Japan: If the problem can not be met in Shandong, will follow Italy's example. For their own interests, the final decision of several major powers at the expense of China's legitimate rights and interests, has to compromise with Japan, and force China to accept unconditionally. This incident ignited a "Fourth Movement" of the fire.
  Wellington Koo Paris Declaration on Jan. 28, 1919, the United States, Britain, France, Japan, China, Shandong, China in Paris to discuss the issue. Shandong defeated West Germany would withdraw from the representative of Japan, Mr. Makino has demanded the unconditional inherit the interest of Germany in Shandong. Hearing on behalf of Wellington Koo of China, stood around the face of other representatives asked: "the West out of saints, his name Jesus, Christianity believe that Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem, making Jerusalem a world-famous ancient city. And in the East has also produced a sage, Confucius, his name, even the Japanese are also instructions from his Oriental sage. Makino President, you say it? "Makino had to admit:" Yes. "Wellington Koo smiled:" Since Mr. Makino admitted sage Confucius of the East , then east as the West of Jesus, Confucius, Confucius's birthplace in Shandong also like the East Jerusalem holy sites. Therefore, China can not give up Jerusalem, Shandong, as the West can not lose the same! (China can not miss shandong as same as the west world can not miss Jerusalem) "U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, British Prime Minister Lloyd. George and French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau - Paris and will be heard three giant Wellington Koo's ringing statement, together came up holding his hand, called him China's "young diplomats."
  Faced with this reality, the delegation disheartened name only, and some representatives from the Paris, Lu Cheng-hsiang, head of the hospital. And will last for some time, Wellington Koo of China alone to assume the duties of a final effort, has been insisting to the last moment before the signing of the treaty. However, no matter how hard Wellington Koo, no result, the legitimate demands of China has repeatedly denied. Keep signing refused, attached to the post about not allow, a statement about things they refused, only unconditional acceptance. Under such circumstances, Wellington Koo was: no retreat back only refused to sign, indicating that China's position. He reported the idea to Lu Cheng-hsiang, Lu Cheng-hsiang agreed with him. So, June 28, 1919, when the signing ceremony was held in Versailles, people were surprised to find that: plenipotentiary to China has been prepared for the two seats empty. In this way the Chinese express their anger. While the signing ceremony, Wellington Koo take the car through the streets of Paris. He said in his memoirs: "car driving slowly in the dawn of the morning, I think everything is so bleak - That color, that shade, that quiet street. I think it will be seen as a tragic day days, retained in the history of China. Also, I imagine the case and the closing ceremony of the grand, imagine when the representatives to attend and will see the Chinese plenipotentiaries keep the two empty seats has been no , it will be how to surprise and excitement. This, to me, all the delegation on China is a memorable day. China will make and will be absent, so that the French diplomatic community, and even the whole world has been stunned, words, if not shaken. "
  The refusal in the middle of China's diplomatic history with milestone significance. China firmly on the powers the first to say "no", and finally broke the "fight until the end to" the diplomatic situation, and finally did not give way. This is also the starting point of China's diplomatic victory. , China step by step back a loss of sovereignty.
  In 1920, through Paris and will be the Wellington Koo growing reputation in diplomatic circles. At this point, Wellington Koo was appointed the League of Nations (formerly United Nations) members. Was introduced in New York and come to see called "Asian Sugar King" of the Chinese Oei Tiong Ham's daughter Huang Huilan acquaintance, soon inseparable to the point. Hwang was the first wealthy British Overseas Chinese, 500 pounds when he died, Save money. He has only one daughter, looks not beautiful, but beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, her dress so that no man should be tempted. She married extraordinary, her ex-husband is a British jazz, died soon after marriage. Noble lineage, extra duty of Spring, she was still out of place in the luxury of communication. Debate on the Mid Acquainted early before she Wellington Koo is planted Acacia, praying day and night is said to Tangmou premature death. I realized that day's wish, she feverishly to recover from the Wellington Koo. Gu then still young, although she admired the rich and powerful, but less than in her looks, that Miss Wong was impatient to wait for fear of Adherents of other people away. One night, she experienced while on the Gu said frankly: "My money power, can guarantee the success of your business, we began to cooperate to it."
  Wellington Koo on this woman, still a little hesitant, though not at that time refused, nor generously promised. The next day, he found a well-known stars BU British home, out of a gold pound reward for his diagram accounts for the consequences of the marriage. Diagram accounts for the results that Jiaoutiancheng season. Gu means never before, two married in London, when as "a pound margin." Two in the same year on Oct. 11 wedding in London. After the wedding the next day, the Executive Council, the League of Nations in Geneva, Wellington Koo as the League members to attend, so their wedding night in the train to Geneva spent. Wellington Koo of money to pay one pound fortune, has collected 500 million pounds into the marriage with money. Dependent on the power of money, return home, the soon promoted to chief foreign affairs. Political situation in Beijing one after another, and care is pulling in all aspects. 1:00 loser, Gu be provided assistance to a "cold burning stove," such as failure to re-power, of course, more red Gu up. Do not care to cabinet for several years in advance, said Zhang Shizhao was asked: "Gu Shaochuan (Wellington Koo words) to form a cabinet, you see might be true?" Zhang Shizhao very happy to answer: "to Ms. Gu's more money, less Chuan want to be president is not difficult, is not just a Prime Minister! "soon after, Gu Shaochuan really cabinet, money, Zhang Shizhao be seen through.
  Miss Huang Huilan fluent in several languages, married her husband's Wellington Koo active in the international political arena, everywhere for her husband can help. Wife of diplomatic envoys in China, the Miss Huang Huilan is the best. Huang Huilan birth to two sons Guyu Chang and Gu Fuchang.
  December 2, 1954, the Taiwan authorities and the U.S. After a month of negotiations to sign "mutual defense treaty." Between Taiwan and the United States around the "Mutual Defense Treaty," the negotiations will enter their respective legislative bodies to submit the final stages of approval. At this point in the People's Liberation Army under the control of the Taiwan authorities launched a large offensive Chen islands, coastal islands, Taiwan and the United States ratified the treaty became a focus of the course. Tai Chen on how to dispose of Kinmen, Matsu and other islands, Taiwan and the United States launched a new round of negotiations between. Wellington Koo as the Taiwan authorities, "Ambassador" and talks about "mutual defense treaty," one of the two plenipotentiaries (another called Taiwan's "foreign minister" Yeh Kung-chao) and participation throughout the United States between Taiwan and the whole process of negotiations on the treaty . Taiwan and the U.S. in the negotiations, he mainly as Yeh Kung-chao's deputy appeared. However, the senior experience, a wealth of experience and knowledge of the United States, the role of non-comparable general assistant. View from the course of the talks with the United States, Yeh Kung-chao to be tough, and often expressed a positive position on the Taiwan side, while the Wellington Koo is relatively flexible, multi-position on the Taiwan explanations. An impasse in the talks, always come forward to pull from the Wellington Koo to mention way or another, such as the January 31 meeting of Kinmen and Matsu in the statement of the specific expression. Although due to the formation of long-term career diplomat through the habit of responding flexibly to seek a compromise, the wording of a statement in Taiwan on issues such as a very strong position with Chiang Kai-shek was not exactly the same, but in the prevention of coastal islands caused by the "two Chinas "On this point, both the Wellington Koo or Yeh Kung-chao, as very alert with Chiang Kai-shek, which was the final between Taiwan and the United States reached agreement on coastal islands to set a bottom line.
  Gary's last wife was Miss Yan Youyun. Ms. Yen is a wealthy Shanghai family all came ladylike, in his early days at Fudan University, "school beauty," is Shanghai's elite communication field. Her first husband Yang Guang rising of water Doctorate in International Law at Princeton University, in America, they served as "Chinese Students Monthly," the editor, but 10 years later than Mr. Gu Weijun. After returning home served as a professor at Tsinghua University, soon to enter the diplomatic community. At the time Yang Guang rising of water and the total length of any diplomatic contact with Wellington Koo more deep friendship with each other. Therefore, Mrs. Young Yan Yun as early as 30 years in the 20th century had known Mr. Gu Weijun. During World War II, Yang Guang rising of water in the Philippines as Consul General. Soon, the Japanese occupied Manila, Mr. Yang Guangsheng lost their lives. Miss Yan Youyun and Yang epigenetic married with three girls. Miss Yan Youyun small Wellington Koo 20. Marriage, Ms. Yan to the Ku care for me. In Ku view, his wife of four, his favorite is Miss Yan Youyun. Young Yun Yan Guang rising of water and three children later he became Mr. Gu Weijun three stepdaughters, their early death of his father, Wellington Koo as they have been out of the three daughters of the biological father, Gary, as a general. Daughter Yanglei Meng, senior editor, a former American editor of the Doubleday, and personally edited and published many influential books, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's memories are recorded on from her hands. Second daughter YANG Xu-lan is accomplished entrepreneur, currently vice president of American General Corporation. Investment in Shanghai GM's Buick sedan production project was prompted by her. Yang En-three women feel insecure in the property development achievement.
  Wellington Koo going to do after retirement, the first three things: Wellness vacation in order to eliminate fatigue caused by long-term intensive work; writing and research; open office, providing legal advice to address the problem of livelihood.
  Daughter returned to the U.S., the home saw and heard to tell his father. Wellington Koo excited, the album turned it turned, looked and looked, then every homesick, they have to look at pictures. He wrote a letter back home, for home care of his love, praised the homeland took place leap of faith.
  97 years old, he drew a great interest in Jiading county maps Central is home towering pagodas, the following write "Confucius" should also draw something on Main Street, West End was "Simon" word, that is, his beautiful home, a typical southern town. He said, worked on, waves of thoughts, not their own. Jiading is now a museum, preserved handwritten letter in 1984, Wellington Koo gift of Du Fu poem: "Lucy White from tonight, is the home next month." After his retirement, his alma mater, Columbia University should be invited to participate in "Chinese Oral History Project," which completed 600-million words, "Wellington Koo memoir" has become a historian's desk essential.
  ■ sleep
  Young Yun Yan Gu Weijun choice for the bed height to bed without his effort, get out of bed to extend the leg may be enough shoes for the degree. Wellington Koo length longer than about 30 cm. Wellington Koo sleep is wooden bed, covered it 6-9 cm thick mat. That the human body naturally drooping, and contacts can fit the bed. Couch covered with a thick pad to sleep on the body to adapt to the needs of the surface curves, keeping the spine upright and normal physiological curvature, sleep, health is good.
  ■ ate
  Wellington Koo of the fruit and vegetable preferences have been suffering from the impact of home. Wellington Koo's home in addition to rich loquat, but also rich mulberry, mulberry he has liked the fruit. Mulberry sweet and sour, with ripe purple or black are the best, followed by red, while blue and red shows those not yet mature, and can not eat. "With the interest rate spectrum of home eating," describes its way of eating is: "Health and taste can be (micro-salt mix should eat), can drink juice or boil to as paste, or sun dried to the end. Located less every age, rechargeable grain Mulberry, cloth filter juice, cream collection of porcelain revolve daily decoction or a spoonful of wine transfer service. head of the spirit of old age services, health walking, interest virtual wind, Jing Xu fire, to rid of edema and puffiness, scrofula Pandora TB . "
  ■ Activity
  Wellington Koo at the walk, to take a step back to go. Down on foot, though not invented by Wellington Koo, but Wellington Koo's reputation and his own "back step" of promotion, this exercise is called "Gu walk."
  Film on Wellington Koo
  "Wellington Koo Memoirs" (13 volumes)
  30 years of the 20th century, a British newspaper columnist, mentioned the name of this shiny, that "China's little more worthy than Dr. Gu Weijun as a typical person. Approachable, with cultivation, immense patience and gentle, no A Western diplomat in the world is able to calmly and kindly over him. "
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