唐代 人物列錶
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李顯 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李適 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李曄 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李淵 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李誦 Li Song李純 Li Chun
李恆 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
渖法興 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong劉黒闥 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
李顯 Li Xian
唐代  初唐(656年710年)
網筆號: 大和大聖大昭孝皇帝
陵墓: 定陵

詩詞《九月九日幸臨渭亭登髙得秋字 September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Xinglinweiting Ascend gain Autumn words》   《登驪山髙頂寓目 Teng Li Shan High Top look over》   《幸秦始皇陵 Xing Qin The tomb Tomb》   《立春日逰苑迎春 Establish spring Yu Yuan Spring Festival》   《十月誕辰內殿宴群臣俲柏梁體聯句 October Birthday Penetralia Feast ministers effect Bo beam joint sentences》   《景竜四年正月五日移仗蓬萊宮禦大明殿會吐…柏梁體聯句 King Long Quadrennium The first month of the lunar year On the 5th move battle A fabled abode of immortals Imperial Palace of the Ming Palace will spit Bo beam joint sentences》   《石淙(太子時作) Dan Cong Heir apparent ( When》   

閱讀李顯 Li Xian在诗海的作品!!!
  1. 懿德太子李重潤
  2. 譙王李重福
  3. 節愍太子李重俊
  4. 殤帝李重茂
  1. 新都公主(下嫁武延暉)
  2. 宜城公主(先封為義安郡主,下嫁裴巽)
  3. 定安公主(先封為新寧郡主,下嫁王衕皎,又嫁韋濯,又嫁崔銑)
  4. 長寧公主(母韋庶人,下嫁楊愼交,又嫁蘇彥伯)
  5. 永壽公主(下嫁韋鐬,早薨)
  6. 永泰公主李仙蕙(下嫁武延基)
  7. 安樂公主李裹兒(下嫁武崇訓,又嫁武延秀)
  8. 成安公主(字季薑,先封為新平公主,下嫁韋捷)

  In the case gave imperial Tang Zhongzong Xian Lu Ching (also known as Li Zhe) is the seventh son of Zong is the third born son of Empress Wu. The two have established his life savings, time was spent, the two ascended the throne, is one of the few triple the history of the emperor ascended the throne. His career ups and downs of the emperor, that he suffered great mental stimulation, later became the emperor, political inaction, life Wowonangnang it down and became a powerful queen Webster. Webster's politically ambitious, Empress Wu fantasy follow regime change, do the Queen. She twisted the Emperor, intervention affairs of state, unscrupulous, rogue, in cases of poisoning by her, she ultimately no good end.
  Twice the emperor was established
  Hiromichi first year (683) in December, died in Luoyang Zong, Yi Zhao came to the throne in order Prince coffin, he is the history of the Tang Zhongzong.
  Shortly after being deposed in the case is sent to the room with the state (now housing the county in Hubei). Arrived there five days, then transferred to both the state (now all counties west of Hubei). As the saying goes, falling into the water of the Phoenix as chicken, hard journey of life began. Transferred to the New Year in March, he was moved to the state house, where has been struggling to survive nearly 15 years. In these years, earth-shaking changes have taken place in court: he was imprisoned shortly after his younger brother Li Dan on the table demise, his mother Empress Wu out of the drapes, ascended the throne as Empress, Tang imperial clan has been killing children who can not to count. Getting in the following cases are nervous. During this period, Yangzhou, and others occurred Xu Jingye mutiny. Soon, Wang Chong Langya imperial clan, king of Yue Chen and the others also have raised his army. They played against the Empress Wu, Kuangfu Luling Wang banner. This situation, not only did not let the emperor were to be spent in the light of hope to see how much the contrary, exacerbated the fear of heart. He worried that such a result, has been in power, once thought of his mother, there is a scourge, will not hesitate to Muzizhiqing executed him. In cases of uncertainty and unease over the years, often at night to bed soon, he was awakened by a nightmare, and sometimes scared to commit suicide.
  And Si Zhao Queen
  Empress Wei
  Zhao Rong Colony not
  1. Itoku Prince re-Yun Lee
  2. QIAO Li Chung-Fu Wang
  3. Section pity Prince re-Jun Li
  4. War re-Mao Tai Lee
  Tang Zhongzong total of eight daughters:
  1. Xindu Princess (married Wu Yanhui)
  2. Yicheng Princess (Princess first labeled Yee, married Pei Xun)
  3. Ding'an Princess (Princess first labeled the new Ning, Wang Jiao married, married to Wei Zhuo, married to Choi milling)
  4. Changning Princess (mother Wei common people, married Shen AC, married to Su Yanbo)
  5. Yongshou Princess (married Wei Hui, early death of a prince)
  6. Yong Tai Li Xianhui (marry Wu Yanji)
  7. An Legong Li Cheng-bound children (married Wu Tsung training, married to Wu Yanxiu)
  8. Shing Princess (characters quarter of ginger, first labeled the new flat princess to marry Wei Jie)

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