唐代 人物列錶
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李顯 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李適 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李曄 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李淵 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李誦 Li Song李純 Li Chun
李恆 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
渖法興 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong劉黒闥 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
李漼 Li Cui
唐代  (833年873年)
網筆號: 昭聖恭恵孝皇帝
廟號: 懿宗
陵墓: 簡陵

  懿宗在位期間,一共任用了21位宰相:令狐綯、白敏中、蕭鄴、夏矦孜、蔣伸、杜審權、杜悰、畢 、楊收、曹確、髙璩、蕭寘、徐商、路岩、於琮、韋保衡、王鐸、劉鄴、趙隱、蕭仿、崔彥昭。由於懿宗自己對政事興致不髙,宰相的事務性權力還是很大,本可以發揮很大的作用,問題是大多數宰相不是碌碌無為者,就是愛財如命、為人不堪之輩。雙耳提梁銀鍋

  Tang Yizong is the eldest son of the Tang dynasty to the throne and the last is the last emperor in Chang'an safely career of the emperor. However, Yizong reign of 15 years, extravagance and dissipation dwarf figurines, inert, favor eunuch, welcome Fengfo bone, I do not know the danger facing internal problems, its hard to face foreign threats and unknowingly, to fire up again during the reign of Emperor Xuan Zong's little hope of light goes out completely.
  Indulge in pleasure - Yizong reign of the banquet, dance and play the mood is far higher than the national political affairs, on towards a passion for significantly less drinking merry. Yizong in the palace, a small feast day, three days a banquet, a monthly total in the palace a dozen times to a large banquet, valuables, numerous. In addition to drinking, that is, watching musicians perform Actors, he one day can not listen to music, is lucky to go out to all around, will bring them. Yizong palace to support the musicians there are 500 people, as long as he pleased, will add to these NPC reward, that is thousands of consistent money at every turn. He was bored in the palace, and on the outskirts of Chang'an palace at any time to other museum. Come and go because of his uncertainty, palace officials in charge of reception room and board at any time to be ready, not lack of natural music. Those who need to travel, accompanied by the Prince, and are often ready to mount, at any time in preparation Yizong may call them out, and made everyone miserable. "Mirror" said Yizong time travel, both within and outside the palace retinue as many as ten million people, large expenses is difficult to calculate, this became a heavy burden on state finances. For Yizong's "Banquet no Festival", as Jianguan Zuoshi Yi Liu profile and make remonstrate, hope the emperor can state as the most important, to demonstrate the compassionate side of the world, caring attitude of subjects to reduce the entertainment. In this regard, he did not listen. Northern Sung Painting four years (863) in February, Yizong describing the following to the high Zuxian Ling Ling 16 Emperor Xuan Zongzhen all worship it again. Sima Guang, said: "Thanks 16 Ling, a day can be a." Tang emperors tomb is located in the Guanzhong Weibei plateau, spring 1986, the author with the teacher because of the Sui and Tang academic archaeologists take the car doors inspected and highly relevant in the Tang Emperor 18 Ling (Ling individual not to), also spent nearly a full two weeks, the ancient no modern means of transport, but also bring a large number of followers, ritual items, not the 32 days will be back and forth. Recreation and Dance, as an integral component of daily life Yizong. Under his exemplary role, the official also filled with extravagant, dream life of culture, the famous poet and Wei Tang poem "love extravagant things Northern Sung Painting era," saying he Chant "Yao Chi Yan strike back drunk , laughed the King in the Moon "is the best description of this I of state.
  Either with unknown - came to the throne at the beginning Yizong dismissed Linghu Tao, he was named in the White Min. Min is a former veteran of the White, but inadvertently falls in Korea to have been confined to bed unable to office. He requested the resignation of the table three times, Yizong are not allowed. White Min in sick, just kind of carried, Yizong can find an excuse to ignore court politics, and other prime minister would discuss the political affairs is also a half-hearted move, he thought not here. So there is the right place as king of spectrum Buque of Expostulation said: "White sensitivity in the first month since the ill and has been for four months. Majesty Although the prime minister to sit with other languages, but was never given to the three carved (the ancient one day and night for 100 engraved) and. In this way, His Majesty and the Prime Minister that there is discussion of world affairs spare it? "words to Yizong uncomfortable and called the king banished the spectrum to any of the magistrate court. Closed for the exercise of the power split Decadence that Expostulation Wang spectrum is, on the matter should not be denounced, on the system according to Tang returned to this command, not issued. Yizong will review this matter to the prime minister, regardless of the state system that the prime minister that the king of spectrum not only for the emperor to remonstrate, but also involves the Prime Minister of white sensitivity, and yet agreed to the king spectrum demotions.
  Yizong towards these prime minister, no minister of style, even more important crisis in the rule of the Tang dynasty.
  At official tour - and Xuanzong care is not easily granted official tour is different, Yizong do not care for the official tour. His official tour of people, give people money, often an impulse, arbitrary. Lee and the actors can, good temperament, in particular, be able to turn a new sound for the throat, voice speech Wanzhuan twists and turns, the listener forget the tired, the Capital Marketplace merchants, butchers like Starchaser general imitation of him, calling for the "shot shells." Yizong after the death of her daughter Princess with Chang, he composed a "sigh century dance", the words Qice, told of tear flow, so that the emperor's thoughts feelings deeply comforting. Yizong loved him so very much, he sealed the General Wei Wei. Granted to the actors in the court office, which is no precedent from the Tang Dynasty. Taizong variegated and his ilk when the representation of business was strictly limited only to those who reward property, has never been allowed to grant super-rank officials. Wen-tsung, a happy time to give the rate of official royal duties, but also because of strong opposition was Jianguan instead granted the local state government Nagao. Yizong official court granted Lee accessible, prime minister also put forward their views, but he did not listen. May be the son of Lee and wife, Yizong gave him two bottles of wine in silver, in fact, is not in wine, but "Golden." In addition, since the Tang Dynasty Imperial Examination System is the most Scholars Going to value the way, especially into the Imperial enjoys a high reputation in the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese have so-called "old and out after 30, 50 less Scholars," said. Every spring, was originally selected by the Libu for examination, Yizong confidant is not required to participate in Libu examination directly to the "special Chici and third" way is granted Scholars birth. In the palace examination period has not yet been institutionalized as Zhao Song Tang period, this approach is clearly out of Yizong personal likes and dislikes. Emperor's Chi Shu replaced Libu the pang, the monarch as giving Scholars and third persons seat Lord, because the Emperor's Grace Chong and "Teng Dragon", the so-called "no door is Dragon Gate, St John the seat main" in Yizong time become taunt topic.
  Vanity - Yizong is an extreme vanity, greatness and success of the emperor, his appellation from the figures that as many as can be seen. Appellation, is to table fame Germany, every emperor added appellation, must be held a grand ceremony to imperial edict issued by the country, held in conjunction with Amnesty. Northern Sung Painting three first month the ministers to Yizong on the "Core civilization St. piety Emperor" of the appellation, but he does not feel satisfied to Northern Sung Painting twelve first month, then on the 12-word appellation: Rui Wen-ying Wu Mingde Most Gracious Story Hirotaka emperor. Emperor of the Tang dynasty, emperor, Taizong are not alive plus appellation, since the emperor on the honorific words are basically 4 or 6 characters, some up to 8 characters or 10 characters. Reign had given himself added "World Tai Po Kaiyuan Wuxiao De Saint Sermon God Emperor" 14 words of the appellation, and to the ancestors be added appellation. Later, there were 14 words appellation Takemune: Ren Sheng Wenwu Zhang Deming Road day success of God Emperor and filial piety. Sukjong when the ministers plus honorific "Great Light Tin Man Mo Xiaogan Qianyuan Emperor," but he Shangyuan years (761) on September 21 issued an edict to remove the "days of civil and military Xiaogan Qianyuan Great Light" 10-word appellation, only known as "Emperor." Later Kenso the appellation is 10 characters: dollar and Saint brilliant Heaven should Road emperor. Can be seen, Yizong the honorific words and Takemune reign almost catch up, but on the performance or the country in terms of talent, do not say can not reign in the same category, that is Takemune he compare.
  Confidant of the princess - Yizong attitude towards imperial clan relatives, from spoiled princess with Chang that he can see the imperial clan and the stringent requirements of the situation Xuanzong significantly different. Princess with Chang was his favorite Guo Shufei born, the election Wei Baoheng to consort prince. Princesses of the day, Yizong dumping that information sent to the palace curios, he also gave the Capital of the Canton of the Princess in a house, doors and windows are decorated with miscellaneous treasure, Tseng Lan, drug mortar, tank container, are all gold and silver production, even the basket strainer Kei are woven with the story of a fur. Bed crystal, tortoise shell, glass and so production, bed carved bracket legs are beetles silver deer, the other like partridges pillow, jade box, God silk embroidery was, Ruyi, whistle-screen, pattern linen, silk cotton fire, nine jade hairpin Deng Jun from the exotic. Another 5 million grant money consistently, numerous other gold and silver jewelry. Princess with the Chang family has a "clarification of water silk", about eight Jiuchi, like cloth fabric off than small, bright color transparent, light can shine on people. Summer is the time to hang in the house, full house all feel cool, heat no. Cheng said that the water silk in Ambergris, it can be refreshing. Chang princess with red glass plates, containing luminous beads, bright as day at home, Fuma family leaves at night to play games, unaffected. Princess Margaret married the second year, fall ill, died. Yizong anger ineffective drug medical officer, two of them will be killed and brought them over to incarceration under the doors. For a time talking about the ruling and opposition parties, the Prime Minister Zhan hope to Shangshu plain speaking remonstrant, but Admonishing despotic emperor forced, no one dared to fuel, cited bad upper body. Liu Zhan no choice but to defend their own medical officer for the Shang Shu. Sure enough, Yizong furious, immediately Bale Liu Zhan phase level at the same time and brought close to the court and Liu Zhan several officials to denounce the South. Yizong for the princess held a grand funeral, burial clothing used toys, and the stranger is no different, they carved blocks of wood temple, burial of figurines and other burial objects ranging, dragon trees and flowers, people and livestock of the people, not win total. Eastern Suburbs hair day mourning the burial of Chang'an, Yizong and pro-imperial concubine Yu Yan Hing doors off and weep, but also a database of all several feet high in nine Northern Sung Painting (868) Marking the "Diamond Sutra" cannelloni gold camel, Phoenix, Kirin, that ceremonial. Great scene, the capital Shishu have ceased to watch his funeral procession was over 20 years. Yizong has given to mourners Yifu 100 cups of wine and 30 camels over cake pack two feet wide, as the meals. Yizong Princess disregard for national treatment of ritual, anywhere, on the final version does not even mind, an artwork's face exposed.
  Northern Sung Painting 14 years (873) March Yizong arrangements meet Fengfo bone edict about immediately invite the ministers to remonstrate. Ministers agreed the grounds that this waste of resources, but also after the sudden death of bone Kenso welcome Fengfo a warning for all that this ominous. Yizong have turned a deaf ear, his ministers say: "I will live to see the pagoda, is dead, nothing will regret it!" This welcome Fengfo bone size than Kenso of the period had surpasses it. Along the way from the Capital to the Famen above the imperial guards and soldiers, dozens of battle stretches, the scene of the spectacular, far beyond the emperor presided over the ceremony to heaven. April 8, pagoda relic welcome into the capital, three days after the shrine in the palace, Yizong allows people sent to the capital of the temple to pay their last respects. Devout believers willing to set himself on fire arms or head incense Feng Li, wealthy families were held in France will not hesitate to spend huge amounts of money, they are even as the pool of mercury to Kim Ok as trees, recruiting senior monks, but also invited theatrical troupe dancing. Following the prime minister is also competing charity towards Tingbai Guan Jin Bo, the number is considerable. The welcome Fengfo bone lasted a long time, until the Xi were sent to the throne after the return Famen Temple pagoda.
  Concubines Children
  Christine Wang Xian Empress, Emperor Tang Zhaozong students.
  De Fei Wang, Ms. Han Guo Wang posthumously De Fei, Wang Defei Health Changning Princess three.
  Emperor Tang Zhaozong, the Queen Mother Christine Wang constitution.
  Li Ji, Northern Sung Painting of King Shu closure three years.
  Christine Prince Ai Li Forest, Mu Wang closed early. LI Yi described as Wang Bi killed, days early years of rehabilitation posthumously.
  Safety of the Princess.
  Changning princess, mother of Wang Defei.
  Yongshou Princess.

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