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拿破仑·波拿巴 Napoléon Bonaparte拿破仑二世 Napoleon II,François Joseph Charles Bonaparte
拿破仑二世 Napoleon II,François Joseph Charles Bonaparte
法兰西第一帝国  (1811年3月20日1832年7月22日)

  拿破仑二世弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·夏尔·波拿巴(Napoleon II,François Joseph Charles Bonaparte,1811年3月20日-1832年7月22日),拿破仑一世(拿破仑·波拿巴)与他的第二位皇后玛丽·路易莎(Marie-Louise)之子,生于杜伊勒里宫。
  他出世后即被封作“罗马王”(Roi de Rome),为拿破仑一世法兰西第一帝国皇位的继承人。1813年拿破仑一世在莱比锡战役中战败,次年反法联军进入巴黎,法国元老院随即废除了拿破仑一世的帝位。拿破仑一世在枫丹白露宫宣布退位,在退位诏书中他希望由“罗马王”即位、路易莎皇后摄政。但是在保王的塔列朗游说下,反法同盟最终使波旁王朝复辟。 拿破仑一世失败后,弗朗索瓦被母亲带到她位于帕尔马的领地,后来又被送到维也纳他的外祖父神圣罗马帝国皇帝弗朗茨二世(即奥地利皇帝弗朗茨一世)那里,他的封号也先后被改为帕尔马亲王(Prince of Parma,1814年-1818年)和莱希斯塔德公爵(Duke of Reichstadt,1818年-1832年)。尽管他实际上并没有真正继承皇位,“波拿巴分子”——拿破仑的支持者依然称弗朗索瓦为“拿破仑二世”或是“罗马王”。由于身患肺结核,弗朗索瓦身体状况一直很差,终于在1832年于维也纳去世。

  He was born later namely closure as "King of Rome" (Roi de Rome), the French First Empire of Napoleon I, heir to the throne. 1813 Napoleon defeated at the Battle of Leipzig the following year's anti-coalition forces to enter Paris, France, Napoleon I, the Senate immediately abolished the throne. Napoleon at Fontainebleau Palace, abdicated, in the abdication edict, he hopes that "Roman King" throne, Louisa queen regent. However, Paul King Talleyrand lobbying, anti-French alliance eventually Bourbon restoration. Napoleon failed, Francois was taken to her mother's territory is located in Parma, and later was sent to Vienna to his grandfather, Holy Roman Emperor Franz II (ie, Emperor Franz I of Austria), where His title also has been changed to Parma Prince (Prince of Parma, 1814 年 -1 818) and 莱希斯塔德 Duke (Duke of Reichstadt, 1818 年 -1,832 years). Although he did not really inherit the throne, "Bonaparte elements" - Napoleon's supporters still say Francois was "Napoleon II" or "King of Rome." As suffering from tuberculosis, Francois has been very poor physical condition, and finally died in Vienna in 1832.
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