瓦卢瓦王朝 人物列表
腓力六世 Philippe VI约翰二世 John II the Good查理五世 Charles V le Sage
查理六世 Charles VI le Insense查理七世 Charles VII le Victorieux路易十一 Louis XI
查理八世 Charles VIII l'Affable
路易十一 Louis XI
瓦卢瓦王朝  (1423年7月3日1483年8月30日)

  路易十一(Louis XI,1423年7月3日-1483年8月30日)法国瓦卢瓦王朝国王(1461年—1483年在位)。查理七世(胜利者)之子。

  Louis 11 at the time when the Crown Prince has been involved in his father Charles VII against the insurgency. He came to the throne in a high tackle non-compliance of the feudal lords, to carry out its consolidated royal power, centralized feudal territory of the policy. Nobility of his ambition to make their violent reaction, they set up a Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold, led by the so-called "public alliance" to boycott the king's annexation action. Louis XI and the organization's struggle has not been smooth. He was 1462 merger Luxi Yonghe Cerdan; alliance in 1465 with the public contracting. 1468, failed because of the war he was arrested by Charles the Bold. Louis XI turn and morals powerful alliance of Switzerland (1470), and for France to win the right to conscription in Switzerland. 1474, Charles the Bold died in the Battle of Nancy, supported by Louis XI Swiss hands. At this point, Louis XI finally acquired on behalf of His Holiness to the more dangerous of the Duchy of Burgundy. 1475 Louis XI using bribes to allies in bold Charlie King Edward IV of England retreat. However, in 1479 he was the son Charles the Bold Duke Maximilian of Austria (later to become Holy Roman Emperor), beating a result, Duchy of Burgundy Habsburg territory into the hands of the Netherlands. 1481, Louis 11 Anjou, Maine, Provence into the royal domain.
  Over the years, Louis XI largely completed the unification of France (and weakened the aristocracy). Louis XI in establishing the course of his centralized rule, fond of playing with plot means than direct military action. Hence his contemporaries called him "Spider King."
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