瓦卢瓦王朝 人物列表
腓力六世 Philippe VI约翰二世 John II the Good查理五世 Charles V le Sage
查理六世 Charles VI le Insense查理七世 Charles VII le Victorieux路易十一 Louis XI
查理八世 Charles VIII l'Affable
约翰二世 John II the Good
瓦卢瓦王朝  (1319年4月16日1364年4月8日)

  约翰二世(1319年4月16日-1364年4月8日,1350-1364在位),瓦卢瓦王朝第2位国王。他在普瓦捷战役失败后被黑太子爱德华俘虏押回英格兰,在把一个儿子安茹公爵路易一世留下做人质后约翰二世回国去筹赎金,不料这个孩子逃跑了,约翰二世严格遵守了骑士制度的信条,他自愿返回英国做人质,数月后死去,因为这个缘故他被称做“好人”(Jean le Bon)。

  John II (April 16, 1319 -1,364 on 8 April ,1350-1364 in office), the first two Valois kings. After his defeat in the Battle of Poitiers Edward the Black Prince prisoners were escorted back to England, to a son of Louis I of Anjou left to do after the hostages returned to raise the ransom of John II, behold this child ran away, John II, strictly the tenets of chivalry, he volunteered to return to England was being held hostage, died a few months later, the reason why he was called the "good guys" (Jean le Bon).
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