rén lèi shǐ Prehistory   ā sēn wáng cháo Kingdom of Aksum   āi sài 'é hēi 'àn shí dài The Ethiopian Dark Ages   āi sài 'é guó Ethiopian Empire   xiàn dài 'āi sài 'é Modern Ethiopia   āi sài 'é jūn zhèng   

  1974 nián 9 yuèyóu shàozhuàng jūn guān chéng jūn duìjǐng chá fāng jūn xié diào wěi yuán huì "( DERGUE, yīng wén SHADOW zhī hòu fàn zhǐ jūn zhèng mén zhèng quán ) dòng jūn shì zhèng biàntuī fān hǎi 'ěr · sài zhèng xuān jié shù zhìchéng lín shí jūn zhèng ”。 11 yuè,” lín shí jūn zhèng yòu gǎi wéi " lín shí jūn shì xíng zhèng wěi yuán huì "。 12 yuè, " lín shí jūn shì xíng zhèng wěi yuán huì " xuān 'āi sài 'é wéi " shè huì zhù guó jiā ", shí xíng jīn róng cái zhèng gòu gōng guó yòu huà

  Lt. Col. Mengistu Haile Mariam assumed power as head of state and Derg chairman, after having his two predecessors killed, as well as tens of thousands of other suspected opponents. The new Marxist government undertook socialist reforms, including nationalisation of landlords' and church's property. Before the coup, Ethiopian peasants' way of life was thoroughly influenced by the church teachings; 280 days a year are religious feasts or days of rest. Mengistu's years in office were marked by a totalitarian-style government and the country's massive militarization, financed by the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, and assisted by Cuba. In December 1976, an Ethiopian delegation in Moscow signed a military assistance agreement with the Soviet Union. The following April, Ethiopia abrogated its military assistance agreement with the United States and expelled the American military missions.

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