史前歐洲 Prehistoric Europe   古代德意誌 German Early History   中世紀的德意誌 Medieval Germany   德意誌民族國傢的建立 Building of Germany   德意誌帝國時期 German Reich   二戰後德國 Post-war Germany since 1945   德國前東部領土 Former eastern territories of Germany   德意誌聯邦共和國 Federal Republic of Germany   

  德國前東部領土(德文:ehemalige deutsche Ostgebiete)是指位於奧得河-尼斯河綫以東,曾經得到國際公認屬於德國領土一部分的所有省份或地區。
  德國東部領土 1871-1945
  在1871年德意誌帝國成立時,普魯士是帝國內最大的、占優勢的部分。因此,東勃蘭登堡、西裏西亞、波美拉尼亞、普魯士省和波森這些領土成為構成德意誌帝國的領土中的initial領土。後來,這些領土將要稱為德意誌帝國的東部領土(Ostgebiete des deutschen Reiches)。
  1939年侵入波蘭以後,第三帝國將這些土地並入德意誌帝國 放棄給波蘭第二共和國
   The Conference examined a proposal by 蘇聯政府 to the effect that pending the final determination of territorial questions at the peace settlement, the section of the western frontier of the 蘇维埃社會主義共和國 which is adjacent to the 波羅的海 should pass from a point on the eastern shore of the Bay of Danzig to the east, north of Braunsberg-Goldap, to the meeting point of 立陶宛邊境,波蘭共和國以及東普魯士.
   The Conference has agreed in principle to the proposal of 蘇聯政府 concerning the ultimate transfer to the 蘇聯 of the 哥尼斯堡 and the area adjacent to it as described above subject to expert examination of the actual frontier.
   美國總統和英國首相 have declared tggghat they will support the proposal of the Conference at the forthcoming peace settlement.
   英國和美國政府 have taken measures to protect the interest of the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity as the recognized government of the Polish State in the property belonging to the Polish State located in their territories and under their control, whatever the form of this property may be.
   In conformity with the agreement on Poland reached at the 剋裏米亞條約 the three Heads of Government have sought the opinion of the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity in regard to the accession of territory in the north and west which Poland should receive. The President of the National Council of Poland and members of the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity have been received at the Conference and have fully presented their views. The three Heads of Government reaffirm their opinion that the final delimitation of the western frontier of Poland should await the peace settlement. The three Heads of Government agree that, pending the final determination of Poland's western frontier, the 前德國領土 cast of a line running from the Baltic Sea immediately west of Swinamunde, and thence along the Oder River to the confluence of the 尼斯河西岸 and along the Western Neisse to the Czechoslovak frontier, including that portion of 東普魯士 not placed under the administration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in accordance with the understanding reached at this conference and including the area of the former free city of Danzig, shall be under the administration of the Polish State and for such purposes should not be considered as part of the 蘇聯軍事占領區. (Emphasis added)
   XII. Orderly transfer of German populations.
   三國政府(蘇聯、美國和英國), having considered the question in all its aspects, recognize that the transfer to Germany of German populations, or elements thereof, remaining in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, will have to be undertaken. They agree that any transfers that take place should be effected in an orderly and humane manner.
  because in the words of Winston Churchill
   Expulsion is the method which, in so far as we have been able to see, will be the most satisfactory and lasting. There will be no mixture of populations to cause endless trouble
  波蘭政府傾嚮於使用的措辭是收復領土(Recovered Territories),強調這些領土過去曾經屬於波蘭,是在1945年將其從納粋德國收復。
  位於奧得河-尼斯河綫以東,尚未逃離(1944年鼕-1945年)的大部分德語人口均被蘇聯紅軍無條件驅逐,不管他們是已經在此居住了幾個世紀,還是在二戰中新近移民來此。衕時,數以百萬計的波蘭人也被從並入蘇聯的前波蘭東部領土填充這一區域。戰後初期,德國資料通常引用的撤退和驅逐的德國人數據為 1600萬,

  Former eastern territories of Germany (German: Ehemalige deutsche Ostgebiete) is a term that describes the territories that comprise collectively those provinces or regions east of the current eastern border of Germany which were internationally recognised as the territory of Germany after the formation of the German Empire in 1871 and were lost by Germany during and after the two world wars. These territories include the Province of Posen (lost in World War I) and East Prussia, Farther Pomerania, East Brandenburg and Silesia (lost in World War II); and other, smaller regions. In present-day Germany, the term is usually meant to refer only to the territories lost in World War II.

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