美国前殖民时代 Pre-Columbian period   美国殖民地时代 Colonial period of the United States   美国立国 Formation of the United States of America   美国向西扩展 Westward expansion   美国内战时期 Civil War era   美国重建和工业化 Reconstruction and the rise of industrialization   一战中崛起 Progressivism, imperialism, and World War I   美国经济大萧条 Post-World War I and the Great Depression   二战中的美国 United States in World War II   冷战开始 The Cold War begins   冷战中的美国 The Counterculture Revolution and Cold War Détent   冷战结束 The end of the Cold War   现代美国 Modern American   北美自由贸易协议 North American Free Trade Agreement   

沃伦·盖玛利尔·哈定沃伦·盖玛利尔·哈定 Warren Gamaliel Harding1921年1923年3年
小约翰·卡尔文·柯立芝小约翰·卡尔文·柯立芝 John Calvin Coolidge,Jr.1923年1929年7年
赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛 Herbert Clark Hoover1929年1933年5年
富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福 Franklin Delano Roosevelt1933年1940年8年


  Following World War I, the U.S. grew steadily in stature as an economic and military world power. The United States Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles imposed by its Allies on the defeated Central Powers; instead, the United States chose to pursue unilateralism, if not isolationism. The aftershock of Russia's October Revolution resulted in real fears of communism in the United States, leading to a three-year Red Scare and the U.S. lost 675,000 people to the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918.
  In 1920, the manufacture, sale, import and export of alcohol was prohibited by the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Prohibition encouraged illegal breweries and dealers to make substantial amounts of money selling alcohol illegally. The Prohibition ended in 1933, a failure. Additionally, the KKK re-formed during that decade and gathered nearly 4.5 million members by 1924, and the U.S. government passed the Immigration Act of 1924 restricting foreign immigration. The 1920s were also known as the Roaring Twenties, due to the great economic prosperity during this period. Jazz became popular among the younger generation, and thus was also called the Jazz Age.
  During most of the 1920s, the United States enjoyed a period of unbalanced prosperity: farm prices and wages fell, while new industries, and industrial profits grew. The boom was fueled by an inflated stock market, which later led to the a crash on October 29, 1929. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff, the Dust Bowl, and the ensuing Great Depression led to government efforts to restart the economy and help its victims with Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. The recovery was rapid in all areas except unemployment, which remained fairly high until 1940.

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