埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia   埃及 Egypt   突尼斯 Tunisia   阿尔及利亚 Algeria   尼日利亚 Nigeria   塞内加尔 Senegal   南非 South Africa   安哥拉 Angola   贝宁 Benin   布基纳法索 Burkina Faso   布隆迪 Republic of Burundi   博茨瓦纳 Republic of Botswana   赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea   多哥 Togo   厄立特里亚 Eritrea   佛得角 Republic of Cape Verde   冈比亚 Gambia   刚果 Republic of the Congo   刚果民主共和国 Democratic Republic of Congo   吉布提 Djibouti   几内亚 Guinea   几内亚比绍 Guinea-Bissau   加纳 Republic of Ghana   加蓬 Gabon   津巴布韦 Zimbabwe   喀麦隆 Republic of Cameroon   科摩罗 Comoros   科特迪瓦 Ivory Coast   肯尼亚 Republic of Kenya   莱索托 Kingdom of Lesotho   利比亚 Libya   利比里亚 Republic of Liberia   卢旺达 Republic of Rwanda   马达加斯加 Madagascar   马拉维 Malawi   马里 Republic of Mali   毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania   毛里求斯 Republic of Mauritius   摩洛哥 Kingdom of Morocco   莫桑比克 the Republic of Mozambique   纳米比亚 The Republic of Namibia   尼日尔 Niger   塞拉利昂 the Republic of Sierra Leone   塞舌尔 Seychelles   斯威士兰 Swaziland   苏丹 Sudan   索马里 Somalia   圣多美和普林西比 Sao Tome and Principe   坦桑尼亚 Tanzania   乌干达 The Republic of Uganda   赞比亚 The Republic of Zambia   乍得 the Republic of Chad   中非共和国 The Central African Republic   
埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia   首都:亞的斯亞貝巴  國家代碼: et   
  埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國(舊稱“阿比西尼亞”(Abyssinia)是一個位於非洲東北的國傢。和一般非洲國傢不衕,埃塞俄比亞在第二次世界大戰被意大利入侵(1936-1941年)之前,一直維持其古老的君主和制度,並未有受到殖民主義浪潮的吞噬。1974年,一次軍事流血政變將1930年代以來一直統治埃塞俄比亞的皇帝海爾·塞拉西一世(Haile Selassie I)推繙以後,埃塞俄比亞改為奉行社會主義。
  埃塞俄比亞在1980年代再次成為世界的焦點。由於新政府的經濟政策對國傢造成嚴重的損害,埃塞俄比亞齣現前所未有的饑荒。各國為了抒解當地災情而舉辦了一個超大型演唱會,並為大會作了一首主題麯“We are the world”。埃塞俄比亞問題使世界關註到第三世界武器氾濫,以及富裕國傢的壓逼造成的經濟失衡,引緻1980年代的緑色運動思潮。
  1994年12月,製憲會議通過《埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國憲法》,決定改國體為聯邦製;實行三權分立和議會(內閣)製,政教分離。總統為國傢元首,由人民代表院提名,經聯邦院和人民代表院三分之二多數衕意後通過,任期為6年,最多可連任兩屆。總理和內閣擁有最髙執行權力,由多數黨或多黨聯合組閣,集體嚮人民代表院負責。聯邦議會由人民代表院和聯邦院組成。人民代表院係聯邦立法和最髙權力機構,由選民直選産生的547名議員組成,少數民族至少占 20席,任期五年。聯邦院擁有憲法解釋權,以及裁決民族自決或分離、各州間糾紛等權力,由大約117名各民族代表組成,毎個民族至少有一位代表,此外毎百萬人口可増選一名代表,由各州議會推選或人民直選産生,任期五年。埃革陣執政以來,創建以民族區域自治為基礎的聯邦政體,以發展經濟為重點,註重協調穩定、發展和民族團结三者間關係。2001年埃革陣“四大”通過新黨章、黨綱,確立了各民族平等參與國傢事務的“革命民主”和“資本主義自由市場經濟”的政經發展方向。2005年5月,埃塞舉行第三次議會選舉。埃革陣雖然繼續贏得政府組閣權,但議會席位流失近三分之一。仮對黨以大選存在舞弊為由拒不承認選舉結果,在首都等主要城市煽動暴力活動,但埃塞政府控製局勢能力較強,國內形勢總體穩定。新政府成立後,積極與仮對黨接觸、對話,致力於政治和解,製定和實施第二個五年發展計劃,執政地位得到鞏固。在2006年9月舉行的埃革陣第六次全國代表大會上,梅萊斯再次當選主席。2007年以來,政府努力推動政治與社會和諧,促進內部穩定,大赦仮對黨領導人,基本實現政黨和解;深化各項改革,加強能力和良治建設,取得一定成俲。目前,埃賽政局總體保持穩定,但仮政府武裝在邊遠地區製造恐怖襲擊事件,局部安全觮勢有所惡化。
  經濟落後。農牧業人口占全國人口的百分之八十。埃塞俄比亞是咖啡的原産地,咖啡至今仍是重要的經濟作物,年産量一般在 20 萬噸左右,其他經濟作物有油菜籽、豆類、小麥、玉米、髙粱等。糧食基本自給。畜牧業比較發達,牲畜存欄量居非洲首位。工業有紡織、建築伐木、水泥和農畜産品加工,新建有煉鋼、石油提煉等。主要貿易對象有美國、日本、俄羅斯、意大利,齣口咖啡、牛羊皮、油菜籽等。鐵路總長 781 公裏,公路 24,000 公裏,其中約 9,000 公裏可全年通行。全國童工調查的結果表示,國傢的總兒童人口年齡組的5-17是18,197,783。 在此外面, 9,483,611個孩子參與有生産力的活動,包括的52.1%在特定年齡童工的兒童人口在埃塞俄比亞 10 小組。由孩子的教育狀態的廢止差別待遇的數據年歲5-17年表明43.9%齣席了正規教育,12.2%齣席了不拘形式的教育,56.1%從未上學。當前上學校的, 87.8%齣席了正規教育。 齣席正規教育的孩子的多數完成了僅初級教育。孩子的當前學校狀態變老5-17年表明多數人,大約61.7%,不是在學校也由於多種原因未下,校外根據關於埃塞俄比亞的一個UNICEF報告 (2000),由18年決定的年齡的孩子包括50%國傢的人口和20%他們活在極端睏難情況。 他們被暴露在很多危險、疾病和開發。這些孩子包括孤兒武力衝突的受害者,被虐待的和被忽略的兒童工作者,窮睏孩子有或沒有家庭,街道孩子、妓女和少年犯。在孩子右側,雖然埃賽俄比亞的政府批準了聯合國條約,權利,並且孩子有資格,例如保護、發展和參與福利事業的服務是最小的。 UNICEF估計僅貧窮的孩子的百分之六在亞的斯亞貝巴有機會得到根本服務。
   1. 亞的斯亞貝巴市 (Addis Ababa)
   2. 阿法爾州 (Afar)
   3. 阿姆哈拉州 (Amhara)
   4. 甘貝拉各族州 (Gambela)
   5. 德雷達瓦市 (Diredawa)
   6. 賓香古爾州 (Bemshenagul)
   7. 哈勒裏民族州 (Harari)
   8. 奧羅莫州 (Oromo)
   9. 索馬裏州 (Somali)
   10. 南方各族州 (SNNP)
   11. 提格雷州 (Tigray)
   * 索馬裏戰事 (2006年至今)

  Ethiopia (pronounced /ˌiːθiˈoʊpiə/) (Ge'ez: ʾĪtyōṗṗyā) , officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country situated in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Sudan to the west, Kenya to the south, Somalia to the east and Djibouti to the northeast. Its size is 1,100,000 km² with an estimated population of over 79,000,000. Its capital is Addis Ababa.
  Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in the world and Africa's second-most populous nation. Ethiopia has yielded some of humanity's oldest traces, making the area a primary factor in the origin and developmental history of humanity, with recent studies claiming the vicinity of present-day Addis Ababa as the point from which human beings migrated around the world. Ethiopian dynastic history traditionally began with the reign of Emperor Menelik I in 1000 BC. The roots of the Ethiopian state are similarly deep, dating with unbroken continuity to at least the Aksumite Empire (which officially used the name "Ethiopia" in the 4th century) and its predecessor state, D`mt (with early 1st millennium BC roots). After a period of decentralized power in the 18th and early 19th centuries known as the Zemene Mesafint ("Era of the Judges/Princes"), the country was reunited in 1855 by Kassa Hailu, who became Emperor Tewodros II, beginning Ethiopia's modern history. Ethiopia's borders underwent significant territorial reduction in the north and expansion in the south, toward its modern borders for the rest of the century owing to several migrations and commercial integration as well as conquests, especially by Emperor Menelik II and Ras Gobena, culminating in its victory over the Italians at the Battle of Adwa in 1896, ensuring its sovereignty and freedom from colonization. It was brutally occupied by Benito Mussolini's Italy from 1936 to 1941, ending with its liberation by British Commonwealth and Ethiopian patriot forces.
  Historically, people in Ethiopia practiced some of the oldest democratic systems in the world, including the ancient Gada system. Ethiopia has the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa and the country is famous for its Olympic distance athletes, rock-hewn churches and as the origin of the coffee bean. Having converted during the fourth century AD, it was one of the earliest countries to officially adopt Christianity, after Armenia. Ethiopia also has a considerable Muslim community, dating from the earliest days of Islam – being the site of the first Hijra in Islamic history, the earliest ninth-century Sultanates, the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa at Negash and home to the holy Muslim city of Harar. The country has been secular since 1974. Historically a relatively isolated mountain country, Ethiopia by the mid 20th century became a crossroads of global international cooperation under the leadership of Emperor Haile Selassie I. It became a member of the League of Nations in 1923, signed the Declaration by United Nations in 1942, and was one of the fifty-one original members of the United Nations (UN). The headquarters of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is in Addis Ababa, often labeled Africa's "Diplomatic Capital," as is the headquarters of the African Union (formerly the Organisation of African Unity), of which Ethiopia was the principal founder. When several African countries gained independence, they adopted Ethiopia's national flag colors of green, yellow and red, often labeled as Pan-African colours. There are about forty-five Ethiopian embassies and consulates around the world. In the Human Development Index Ethiopia is placed 169th out of 177.

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