Table of Classification of bend
a type of versepoetic drama _set_ to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynastyshort lyric
actor's part; text of a playcycle of songs in a traditional opera

Parent type: bend

  Drama zájù (variety play)
  The development of Chinese traditional opera to the mature stage of the first opera types. Development and Evolution of its geographical and time differences, can be divided into the Song Dynasty, the Jin and Yuan Dynasty. ─ ─ north of its music song, it is the body of an early to Tune Tune system for the important characteristics. It absorbs, combines the outstanding achievements of traditional Chinese art, drama and the South at that time a variety of places north and south since the Ming Dynasty opera tune give a broad and profound impact. In the Chinese opera in the process of development of the arts, has a very important position.
  Plays music, some directly from the song starter, and some from civil ditty. However, Tang and Song Daqu Daqu Generally, only a part of, called "Abstract time"; Song Daqu structure much smaller than in the Tang Daqu simple.
  After the Northern Song, Southern Song Dynasty established with south, and also provided money inherited, Jinji Cheng Song Dynasty also known as the hospital this, nature is no different with the Song Dynasty.
  Formation and Evolution
  Southern Song Dynasty, with the political center moved south, Drama Also popular in Lin'an (now Hangzhou), etc., which fill you with all of drama in the primary position has been living. At that time, the confrontation between the North and the Song of gold, there are homes of this (line institutions with a script) epidemic. The Jin and the Song Dynasty in the genre, show the form of role division of labor is basically the same, with their different tune in the (melody) side.
  According to Wang Guowei statistics of existing homes in the 689 kinds of names, the use of melody in northern Han Chinese and minority folk song tune as many officials in the Song Dynasty used in this tune Zeyi Daqu, French music, and multi-word notes. In form, the Jin Song Dynasty had a more enriched and developed, there has been some new forms.
  The same period, although the name South Wenzhou Dynasty Dynasty, but the real drama for the south. Yuan unification of China, to most (now Beijing) as the center of the northern region have a lot of wealth, human (including colored artistes) and cultural and artistic treasures. Much despised by scholars and those who never intended to officialdom, often together creative artists and Drama, so most of the Yuan in order to flourish as the center up north. North-South reunification, Yuan gradually spread in South Linan and other places.
  Early Yuan Yuan to Dade years (1279 ~ 1307), Yuan Dynasty to the peak of development, mostly, and very active around the Opera performances, the writer of giving birth to masterpieces such as the forest. If Guan Hanqing's "Snow in Midsummer," "save the Courtesan," "Praying to the Moon," "will single-handedly," Wang Shih-fu's "The West Chamber", Ma Zhiyuan's "Autumn in Palace", Weijun Xiang's "Orphan of Zhao", etc. immortal works, reflecting the majority of the people's suffering and cries. Famous actors show a bead curtain, natural show, playing Hou Qiao, Huang vinegar, Olive Tree. Yuan Dynasty, the political darkness, economic decline, the North disastrous, but to restore the imperial examination, scholars turned career, and the rise of Southern legends and other reasons, then gradually decline Yuan.
  Early Ming Dynasty further court-based, replaced by a genre of short skits and sing special songs Nanqu or a combination of Southern Opera North and South, which despite a few good works, such as Xu Wei, "Ape", etc. , and finally can not turn around the decline of the fate of Drama. So far Drama Art in the continued development of Chinese opera music to complete its historic mission.
  Yuan Yuan's very strict structure, a game can basically be divided into four break; this sub-folded structure found in the dramatic plot development, the commitments, transfer, cooperation of the general law. 4 fold, there is too short field with the opening or the nature of the wedge as a supplement. Roles and singing the Song Dynasty and the branch is developed from the Jin, the division of labor is more clear and detailed.
  Genre Drama
  Genre Drama, first in the form of a Si Zhe, which is subject to the Song Dynasty in four sections of the performances. Sizhe outside can also add one or two "wedge." "Break" the equivalent of a drama, but in a compromise, but may be change scenarios. "Wedge" relatively short length, usually on the first break before the curtain from a similar role; also on a plot between the two folding transition, which is Sizhe an important complement to form part of. Individual dramas have a breakthrough in the form of Si Zhe. Such as "Orphan of Zhao" as Wu Zhe. In general, a is a drama, but there are some works than one, such as "The West Chamber" shall be five.
  The composition of Drama
  Drama has three components: Spoken, lyrics, Section Introduction. Three cross matching, and promote the development of plot, characterization Characters in. "White" has rhyme white, loose white; there "with clouds", "Back cloud", "internal cloud" and other names, the serial from the lyrics, inside account of events, the role of exchanges between characters. Yuan is a musical, which "Section Introduction" includes action figures, facial expressions, martial arts, dance and sound and so on. Opera libretto is an important component of the joint _set_s in the music by way of transfer from the same palace several tune the composition of a folding _set_. To the north and south Qu Yuan appeared late in the form of joint _set_s. A certain arrangement of music formats, but there are a variety of changes, requiring each musical piece before and after a required interface. Qu Association law to meet the requirements of the metrical melody, tonal pattern to and harmonious. Rhyming words at the time the North as the standard way to complete a rhyme rhyme, but may pass the Society four tones, rhyme words can reuse. In addition, the song Lining paper can be words, and can use the rich couplet form: dual sentence right, Tripartite Couplet, even bi right, every other sentence pairs, Lianzhu right, and so on, increasing song rhetorical color.
  The role of Drama
  Drama Features
  Yuan singing original, has not seen, only from historical records, music scores, music, and Kun Opera in the North understand its heritage in the basic situation, generally speaking, there are some features.
  ① their music style, the former generation of composers agreed that it is rich in vigorous and forceful style of color. The formation of this music style has cited the following factors constitute a closely related tune. Sound stage with seven more jump up and down more than four times, and has its characteristic tone commonly used to form the melody compete with the ups and features. This northern language tone, the tone. Rhyming word play to prevail in Northern voice, sub-level, on to the third tone (Entering into this three times, respectively), each pack is a _set_ of songs, their tunes are used with a rhyme. It's rhythm funky pressed with "Seeing the tendons to promote" effect. Sentence was added between the flexible liner free word; bottom end of the sentence often used to enhance the singing of the momentum.
  In addition, fewer words and more words and music combined with the form of cavity easy to highlight the word love. The comprehensive use of these factors, the formation of its singing flash features make frustrated. Plate compared to its free, no fixed number plate, the plate's position is not fixed. Beat with rubato, one of a board, three of a plate 3, the relative speed faster than the Southern Drama.
  ② ─ ─ Tune musical structure and melody that _set_ (copy number). General Yuan off a wedge from 4, with each fold with a divertimento, a play with four major divertimento, to reflect the musical structure and dramatic structure consistency. The musical structure complex and rigorous, the main part of the melody basically three kinds of forms: the different winding linking the tunes that form; two tunes connected winding up interactive forms and the same melody repeated changes in the form of Mody articles. These forms in time to allow some specific modifications by cavity.
  ④ singing and singing art. Gong Yuan Shou Zhu stressed the impact of the opera or a discount, by the major role of the lead singer, has concentrated a large section of singing, to portray the main characters or the narrative events. In addition to the lead singers, the other players to only Spoken. As a result, while they can give full play to sing the role of art in the drama to raise the level of lead singer's concert; but on the other hand, on a secondary role in the concert should not play, also limited with the major role emotional interaction. Therefore, the script then arrange for a secondary role in singing.
  Opera singing on the arts such as singing method, style, rhythm, song, rhyme and so on, has accumulated rich experience in the Yuan Yan Nanzhi Temple of "Singing," a book account of a relatively simple Gai.
  ⑤ instrumental accompaniment. Many people believe that the main accompaniment instrument Northern Song string of cable, but now remains of the Code box, murals, brick seen in only whistle (or Hichiriki), drums, sheet, roughly the same in the Tang Dynasty Drum Rack Education Department and Song Four Square Division of the drums flute. Therefore, some people think that opera singing accompaniment plus zheng, pipa, sanxian and other stringed instruments than later. These issues need further study.

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