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  Books in China is equivalent to today's encyclopedia, is a tool. Wei Wendi originated when books compiled "Huang Lan" 40 films, Song Wang Ying-lin "Yuhai": "Classified book begins with Huang Lan." Successive delivery phase was followed, the oldest and more complete reference book that is compiled by Tang Yu Shinan "North Hall book notes," the original 173 volumes.
  Tang books well-developed, the existing four world: "North Down book notes," "art class together," "beginner mind" and "Pak 6 posts"; Song Li Fang et al are the "Taiping" 500 volumes and the "Tai Ping Yu Lan" vol 1000, Wang Qinruo other series, "in Ming Dynasty," 1,000 volumes; to the Yongle Emperor Yongle, Xie Jin, Yao Guangxiao series "Yongle Dadian" 22,877 volumes, the largest volumes, Xi destroyed in the war, lack of Yi many, this was only about one-thirtieth of the original book. Qing Meng-Lei, Jiang Tingxi series "Ancient Book integration" 1 rolls, divided into 6 series, 32 Code, 6109, has now become China's largest books.
  "Books" genre is quite special, "Si Ku Quan Shu" <philosophical books for a Small Preface "states:" Classified book, integrated four, rather than a history of non-subclass of non-non-_set_, four within is No class can be attributed to, "" Si Ku Quan Shu "follow the" Book • Sui Jing Ji Zhi "in practice, will be classified as philosophical books.
  Class 46 text books and Syria recorded a neglected part of the previous discussion, in fact, the text for more than 46 Patent applications table of Kai style, often a lot of income for the books, or even just close to the English sentence, or post-closing 46 text excerpt and the whole article, this is a compilation of the Song, Yuan Ming descendants in particular is more common. Recorded in detail the classification of Song, compiled by combing the books of several versions of 46 class origins, and they received an overview of Articles 46. Catalogue of involving the "Holy Song of Famous People 1000 Table Kai calligraphy Daquan", etc. 4.
  Books category is taken from a number of books in the series of materials, according to a certain system and categorized compilation of the book, such as "art class together," "beginner mind", "Yongle Dadian", "integration of ancient and modern books," and so on into this category.

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