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  教育 jiàoyù
  1. [education] 培養人才、傳播知識的工作,主要指學校教育
  2. [educate] 教導啓發,使明白道理
  教育 jiào yù
  "教育"一詞來源於拉丁語 educare,意思是 "引齣"。
  終身教育或成人教育在許多國傢已經非常普及。'教育' 還被看作兒童的事,成人教育經常 branded as '成人學習'或'終身學習'.
  成人教育意義是負擔成人社會觮色人所進行有係統持續的學習活動目的在促進知識、態度、價値和技巧上的改變。〈Darkenwald & Merrian,1982,P.9〉早期曾被認定唯一種掃除文盲,教導民衆基本讀、寫、算術技能的活動,逐漸拓展至因應技術變遷的需要而提昇個人知識能力為目的。
  從19世紀40年代起,馬剋思和恩格斯的許多著作就提齣了馬剋思主義教育觀的初歩原理(比如《資本論》第1捲,第13章;《德意誌意識形態》第1捲,第 1部分;《哥達綱領批判》第4部分;《共産主義基本原理》)。正是在這一基礎上逐歩形成了較係統的教育理論。十月革命及其對馬剋思主義教育實踐的需要,大大推動了這一理論的發展(列寧、剋魯普斯峠婭、勃朗斯基、馬峠連柯)。實際上,馬剋思主義的教育理論基本是一種實踐的理論。對此作齣貢獻的一些重要人物有倍倍爾、饒勒斯、蔡特金、李卜剋內西、葛蘭西、郎之萬、瓦倫、塞夫。許多研究者當前正致力於進一歩發展這一理論。該理論的主要組成部分有以下幾點:(1)對所有兒童一律實行義務免費公共教育,以確保消滅文化或知識的壟斷,消滅教育的種種特權。在最初的表述中,這衹能是一種由各種公共機構所辦的教育。當時所以這樣提,是防止工人階級惡劣的生活條件阻礙兒童的全面發展。後來,明確地提齣了其它目標,比如必須削弱家庭在社會再生産中的作用,必須根據平等的條件來培養兒童,必須利用社會化的群體力量。無疑,最成功的革命教育實驗,從馬峠連柯學校到古巴的學校,都是按照社會的方案來進行的。(2)教育與物質生産相結合(或用馬剋思的話來說,就是把智育、體育和生産勞動結合起來)。這裏所包括的目標,既不是進行較好的職業訓練,也不是仮復灌輸職業道德,而是通過確保人人充分瞭解生産過程來消滅體力勞動與腦力勞動之間、觀念與實踐之間的歷史形成的差距。這一原則在理論上的正確性雖然為人們所廣氾承認,但其實際運用卻提齣了許多問題(許多半途夭折的或衹是部分獲得成功的試驗就證明了這一點),這在科學技術迅速變革的條件下,尤其如此。(3)教育必須確保人的全面發展。隨着科學與生産的重新結合,人能成為完全意義上的生産者。在這一基礎之上,所有的人無論男女,其潛力都能得到施展。這樣將齣現一個能夠滿足普遍需求的世界,使個人在消費、娛樂、文化的創造和享受、社會生活的參與、人際交往以及自我實現(自身創造)等社會生活的各個方面充分施展才能。這一目標的實現,特別需要改變社會分工,而這是一項艱巨的任務,迄今僅處於開創階段。(4)社會在教育過程中被賦予新的巨大作用。學校的內部集團關係的這種改變(從競爭轉嚮合作和支持)意味着學校與社會之間的關係將變得更為開放,並以教與學的相互促進和積極配合的關係為前提。以上所槩述的理論並沒有終結。對上述原則的解釋或依據上述原則所進行的實踐,還存在許多進退兩難的問題。在馬剋思主義者之間以及在馬剋思主義者與非馬剋思主義者之間,正在對下列問題進行辯論:人的個性問題;“本性與教養”的問題;學校和教育在流行的社會決定論範圍內創新的可能性;以及教育的內容、方法、結構在促進社會變革中的相對重要性。(ZF)參考書目 1M.W.阿佩爾:《意識形態與學校的課程》,1979年英文版。 2奧·倍倍爾:《婦女與社會主義》(1879),1886年英文版。 3P.布爾丟和J.C.帕塞隆:《教育、社會和文化的再生産》,1979年英文版。 4S.鮑爾斯和H.金蒂斯:《資本主義美國的教育》,1976年英文版。 5茲蘇薩·弗吉:《形成中的社會》,1979年英文版,第4章。 6保羅·弗雷爾:《被壓迫者的教育學》,1970年英文版。 7安東尼奧·葛蘭西:《可供選擇的教育學》,1973年意大利版。 8讓·饒勒斯:《社會主義與教育》,1899年法文版。 9保爾·朗之萬:《思想與行動》,1950年法文版。 10弗·列·列寧:《論國民教育部的政策問題》(1913),1963年英文版。 11衕上作者:《青年團的任務》(1920),1966年英文版。 12衕上作者:《關於綜合技術教育對娜捷施達·康斯坦丁諾夫娜的提綱的意見》(1920),1966年英文版。 13D.林登貝格:《共産國際與階級學校》,1972年法文版。 14M.A.馬納科爾達:《馬剋思與現代教育學》,1966年意大利版。
  在西方,教育的起源受到宗教組織的巨大影響:神父們認識到教育的重要性,建立起學校體係。在歐洲,許多最初的大學都有天主教背景。蘇格蘭 宗教改革之後建立了新的國立蘇格蘭教會。
  中國教育開始於中國古典著作,而不是宗教組織。早期中國任用受教育的官員管理帝國,用來選拔官員的科舉考試制度建立於隋朝 ,唐朝的唐太宗完譱科舉製。直到清朝末期的1905年廢除,代之以西方教育方式。
  日本教育的起源與宗教密切相關。學校是培養想要研究佛教成為僧侶的年輕人的廟宇。後來,想要學習的孩子就要去"Tera-koya" (意為廟宇小屋),學習如何讀寫日文。
  在過去幾十年中,未受任何學校教育的文盲人口的百分比下降了。從1960年的36%下降到2000年的 25%。
  在發展中國傢,2000年文盲百分比衹有1970年的一半。在已發展國傢,文盲也從 6%下降到1%,未受學校教育者從5%下降到 2%。
  全國價格鑒證師 導逰資格考試
  報關員考試 質量專業資格考試
  監理工程師 註冊結構工程師
  教師資格認定 執業醫師資格考試
  執業藥師資格考試 護士執業考試
  公務員考試 物業管理師
  ISO9000內審員 NVQ企業行政管理
  國傢職業漢語能力測試(ZHC) 公安機關民警招考
  調查分析師 註冊建造師
  網頁設計師 人力資源管理
  雅思考試 托福考試
  三字經說:[養不教,父之過;教不嚴,師之惰。];[教之道,貴以專。],而非博與雜;故一部經典,宜讀誦百至千遍,蘇東坡雲:[舊書不厭百回讀,熟讀深思子自知。]現在教學,壞在博與雜,且不重因果道德及學生讀經、定力之培養,至有今日之苦果…… 。企盼賢明父母師長,深體斯旨;此乃中華文化之命脈所係,中華子孫能否長享太平之關鍵,有慧眼者,當見於此。

  First, the basic definition of education
  Education jiàoyù
  1. [Education] personnel training, dissemination of knowledge work, mainly referring to school education
  2. [Educate] teachings inspired to understand the reason
  Education is a change in human understanding of the way the objective world, a positive guide human thought, understand and transform the world's active and effective way, from the perspective of the word, can affect the corresponding, from the derogatory term of the perspective of, can instigate evil corresponding.
  Education is a human morality, science, technology, knowledge acquired, the spiritual realm of heritage and promotion of behavior, but also the transmission of human civilization. A kind of subjective ideology to properly change some other subjective ideological way. Is to change the thinking of other ideas and a scientific method. Education is also the most expensive defense system.
  In short, the essential attribute of education, that education is an impact, a positive effect, a kind of human knowledge and transform the objective world and their positive impact. The ultimate goal of education is to teach is to not teach! The church its self-reflection self-management ability of the survival and development.
  The meaning of education
  Education is to promote human development and social progress for the purpose of imparting knowledge, experience as a means of cultivating people's social activities.
  Education as
  Education jiào yù
  Training new generation ready to engage in social life, the whole process, mainly refers to the school for children, adolescents, youth culture process.
  Broadly speaking, any increase people's knowledge and skills to influence people's moral character of the activities are educational.
  Narrow education, mainly refers to school education, its meaning is the educator under certain social (or class) requirements, purposeful, planned, organized physical and psychological influence on the educated, and training them into a certain community (or class) the activities of people in need.
  Second, the value of education
  Based on 9 years of compulsory education, values education population is to solve moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education, labor education, science education, the original enlightenment. Encourage and help people have received education and acceptance of the basic skills of social life.
  Subsequent secondary, universities and higher education, values education is to address people with basic research, practice, experiment, experiment, imitation, innovation and enlightenment. Encourage and help people with education and acceptance of scientific inventions and so forth, industrialization, standardization, information technology and other production practice basic skills.
  Professional education and training, the value is for the community of industrialization, industrialization, economic development, a steady stream of skilled personnel to provide security. Encourage and help people understand the status of education technology jobs, job training posts, and candidates to accept various types of occupational status, access to post job basic skills.
  Chinese saying goes: ten trees, takes a hundred years. Reveals that education's fundamental value, that is, to countries with high belief, high moral character, honesty and law-abiding, highly skilled, learned, and more specifically and more to talent, the country home, in order to create scientific knowledge and material wealth, and promote economic growth, promote national prosperity, and promote world peace and human development.
  Third, raise the level of education
  In general, the educational environment can be divided into: family environment, school environment, social environment.
  The aim of education can be understood as, for personal survival skills from the beginning, to the pursuit of national interests, national interests, continuing scientific and human destiny, happiness, security, high technology, for the benefit of mankind, no limit!
  Science education is three-dimensional, it is divided into four levels: school education, family education, social education and self-education.
  School education: that students quotient (IQ) enhancement for the purpose of educational activities.
  Family Education: refers to students EQ (EQ) for the purpose of improvement of educational activities.
  Social Education: refers to business students in Germany (MQ) for the purpose of the improvement of educational activities.
  Self: Personal to improve their overall quality of education for the purpose of behavior.
  Four levels interacting with each other, overlap and complement each other to form a complete educational system.
  Narrow is the textbook materials. A course textbook is the core teaching materials.
  Education refers to certain social conditions, according to the needs of the community, organized, and aimed a planned way educated systematic education and training, develop their physical and mentally.
  General education refers to all communication and learning achievements of human civilization - all kinds of knowledge, skills and experience of social life in order to promote individual socialization and social personalized social practice. And the two concepts are usually narrow. Produced in the initial stage of human society. Narrow education specifically refers to school education, that institutionalized education.
  Education process begins at birth and continued for life has been widely accepted. Some people even believe that education can begin much earlier, some parents let fetus in the womb listening to music and stories, I hope the development of an impact on children.
  "Education" comes from the Latin word educare, meaning "leads."
  Education has many functions:
  • Ensure that human beings continue to promote human development function;
  * To promote social development functions;
  • Select functions.
  Society according to level of education of talented people. People to achieve social status through education changes. Education with the emergence of human society emerged with the development of society and the development of human society has always been. The definition of education, understanding of different scholars from different countries. If the United States, Dewey said: "Education is life." Spencer, the UK, said: "Education and preparation for future life." Zhuang Li of China that "education is forced or guided by educators to accept specific knowledge, rules, information , skills, skills. "
  Fourth, the type of education
  Formal education
  Social, group or private courses to educate people, usually young men. More systematic and complete formal education. The formal education system to impart the knowledge of good or valuable, but sometimes abused.
  Adult Education
  Lifelong education or adult education has been very popular in many countries. 'Education' was also seen as something for children, adult education, often branded as 'adult learning' or 'lifelong learning'.
  Significance of adult education is the role of the adult person the burden of conducting a systematic continuous learning activities aimed at promoting knowledge, attitudes, values and skills of the change. <Darkenwald & Merrian,1982,P.9> was found early the only kind of literacy, to teach people the basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills, he gradually extended to changes in response to the needs of technology to enhance their knowledge and ability for the purpose.
  Technology Education
  Only provide for a special training, such as computers College. Technical schools to train personnel in different markets. Technical education to the students the opportunity to choose, it will increase the interest of scholars.
  Fifth, the implementation of education
  Marxist View of Education:
  40 years since the 19th century, many writings of Marx and Engels proposed the initial concept of the Marxist theory of education (such as "Das Kapital", Volume 1, Chapter 13; "German Ideology", Volume 1, Part 1; "Critique of Gotha Program," Part 4; "the basic principles of communism"). It is gradually formed on this basis a more systematic education theory. Revolution and its Marxist educational needs of practice, greatly promoted the development of this theory (Lenin, Krupskaya, Bolangsiji, Makarenko). In fact, the basic Marxist educational theory is a theory of practice. This contributed to a number of important characters in Bebel, Jaures, Zetkin, Liebknecht, Gramsci, Langevin, Warren, Saaf. Many researchers currently are working to further develop this theory. The main components of the theory are the following: (1) shall be compulsory for all children, free public education to ensure elimination of the monopoly of culture or knowledge to eliminate all the privileges of education. In the original formulation, this can only be a run by various public institutions of education. So this was mentioned, is to prevent the working class, poor living conditions hinder the overall development of children. Later, clearly put forward other objectives, such as to weaken the family's role in social reproduction, must be based on equal conditions to foster children, must use the power of social groups. Undoubtedly, the most successful revolutionary educational experiments, from Makarenko school to school in Cuba, according to social programs are carried out. (2) Education and the combination of material production (or Marx's words, is the intellectual, physical and production work together). Including the goal here is neither for better vocational training, nor is the inculcation of professional ethics, but rather to ensure that everyone fully understand the production process to eliminate physical and mental, between the concept and practice of history between the formation of gap. The correctness of this principle in theory, although it is widely recognized, but its use has raised many questions (many halfway died or only part of the success of the experiment on the proof of this), which in science and rapid technological change conditions, in particular. (3) Education must ensure the comprehensive development. With the new combinations of science and production, one can become a full sense of the producers. On this basis, all the people both men and women, its potential can be displaying. This will see a general need in the world Nenggou 满足, Shi individuals in, entertainment, culture of creation and Xiangshou, social Sheng Huo's Shen Yu, Ren Yi Ji self-realization of interpersonal communication (Zishen create) Deng social life to display their various Fangmianchongfen. This goal, in particular, need to change the social division of labor, which is a difficult task, so far only in the opening stages. (4) community in the education process have been given a new role. Relationships within the group of schools that change (from competition to cooperation and support) means that the relationship between schools and society will become more open, and to promote mutual learning and positive relationship with the premise. The theory outlined above is not the end. On the basis of these principles to the interpretation or practice carried out by the above principles, there are still many dilemmas. Between Marxism and the Marxist and non-Marxists, between the following issues are being debated: the question of the human personality; "nature and education" issue; schools and popular education in the context of social determinism the possibility of innovation; and education content, methods, structures in the promotion of social change in relative importance. (ZF) References 1M.W. Appel: "Ideology and the curriculum," English in 1979. 2 Austrian Bebel: "Women and Socialism" (1879), 1886 English version. 3P. Bull and JC Pase Long lost: "educational, social and cultural reproduction," English in 1979. 4S. Bowles and H. Gintis: "Capitalism American education," English in 1976. 5 兹苏萨弗吉: "Formation of Society", 1979, in English, Chapter 4. 6 Paul Luofuleier: "The Pedagogy of the oppressed," English in 1970. 7, Antonio Gramsci: "Alternative Education", the Italian edition in 1973. 8 to Jaures: "Socialism and Education" in French in 1899. 9 Paul Erlang of 10,000: "Thought and Action", 1950, French. 10 Fulieliening: "On policy issues the Ministry of Education" (1913), 1963 English version. 11 Ibid author: "Youth of the task" (1920), 1966 English version. 12 Ibid author: "About Integrated Technology Education 娜捷施达康斯坦 Dingnuofuna outline view" (1920), 1966 English version. 13D. Lindenberg: "The Communist International and class schools" in French in 1972. 14M.A. Manacorda: "Marx and Modern Education," the Italian version of 1966.
  6, the history of education
  In the West, the origin of education by religious organizations of great influence: the Fathers recognized the importance of education to establish school system. In Europe, many universities have a Catholic background first. Scotland after the Reformation created a new National Church of Scotland.
  China's education began in the Chinese classical works, not a religious organization. Early Chinese officials appointed by the education management empire to the imperial examination system for selecting officials, was established in the Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong improved examination system. Until the late Qing Dynasty in 1905 repealed and replaced by Western education.
  Japan's education is closely related to the origin and religion. School is to train to become Buddhist monks wanted to study young people's temple. Later, the children would want to learn to "Tera-koya" (meaning temple huts), learn how to read and write Japanese.
  The institutionalization of education in India has a long history.
  Recent trends in world education
  In the past few decades, were not any school education decreased the percentage of illiterate population. From 36% in 1960 to 25% in 2000.
  In developing countries, the percentage of illiteracy in 2000 only half of 1970. In developed countries, illiteracy has dropped from 6% to 1%, were not of school education from 5% to 2%.
  7, educational theory (education discipline system)
  * Philosophy of Education
  * The basic theory of education
  • Education Law
  • Education Management
  • Information Technology Education
  * Educational Technology, Educational Technology
  * Educational Technology
  • Education Economics
  * Educational Psychology
  * Sociology of Education
  • Education Futures
  * School of Health Studies
  * Comparative Education
  • Education statistics
  * Education and Communication
  * Effectiveness of school education
  • Teaching Science
  * Educational Assessment Study
  8, educational institutions
  * Nursery
  * Kindergarten
  * Primary School
  * Junior
  * Secondary School
  * Junior High School
  * Senior Vocational School
  * Institute of Technology
  * College
  * University
  * Library
  * Training
  * Tutorial
  * Ministry of Education
  IX Classification of Education
  * Filial piety education
  * Moral Education
  * Prenatal
  * Early Childhood Education
  * Classical Education
  * Primary Education
  * Secondary Education
  * Higher Education
  * Graduate Education
  * Undergraduate education, university education
  * Higher Education
  * Specialist Education
  * Compulsory
  * Life-long education
  * Vocational Education
  * Adult Education
  * Cadre Education
  * Distance Education
  * Correspondence
  * Work-study education
  * Mathematics Education
  * Language Education
  * Reading Education
  * Science Education
  * Information Technology in Education
  * Social Science Education
  * Art Education
  * Family Education
  * Special Education
  * Gifted Education
  * Supplementary Education
  * Sex
  1) means:
  Education is to cultivate people's social practice.
  General education refers to all purposeful physical development affect human social practice.
  The narrow sense refers to school education, primary education, that educators, social requirements and according to certain laws of development of the educated, purposeful, planned, organized physical and psychological influence on the educated, the educated of the expected changes in expectations activities.
  Education is a social phenomenon unique to human society, with the emergence of human society, development and production, developed (with human society, there is education).
  2) Education features:
  The characteristics of the original form of education: first, the integration of education with production and living, education, mainly for the production and life experience. Second, education means a single, limited to word of mouth. Third, education, equal rights, education, unity of purpose.
  Morphological characteristics of ancient education: a school education has become the main form of education. Second, the school has a distinct class and hierarchy. Third, school education and the separation of productive labor. Fourth, the development of education is relatively slow.
  The characteristics of the modern form of education: first, the secularization of education. Second, the nationalization of education. Third, the legal system of education. 4, primary obligation of. 5, school type diversification.
  Under the concept of lifelong education in the contemporary forms of education: first, lifelong education. Second, education of all citizens. Third, democratization of education. Fourth, the integration of education.
  3) the function of education:
  Means: the effectiveness of educational activities and functions.
  Including: the development of functional and social development of individual functions (education, economic functions, political functions, cultural functions).
  Education first and foremost function is to promote individual development. The most basic function of education is affecting economic development. The most direct function of education is to influence political developments. Education is the most far-reaching impact of cultural development function.
  10, education-related laws
  The People's Republic of China Education Law
  The People's Republic of China Compulsory Education Law
  Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic
  The People's Republic of China Private Education Promotion Law
  Related to education law
  The People's Republic of China Law on the Protection of Minors
  The People's Republic of China did not prevent adult crime law
  The People's Republic of China National Common Language Law
  Educational Administration and regulations
  National primary and secondary school pupils are temporary work regulations
  Interim Provisions of the State Council levy extra charges for education
  Literacy work regulations
  Nursery work regulations
  Sports Work
  School health regulations
  Prohibit the use of child labor regulations
  Teaching Achievement Award Regulations
  Disabled Education Ordinance
  Teacher Certification Regulations
  Local education laws and regulations
  Hebei Province, Chinese Language Application Management Ordinance
  Hebei Province, the implementation of "The People's Republic of China Compulsory Education Law" approach
  Hebei Province, the implementation of "Law of the People's Republic of teachers" approach
  Hebei Province, the implementation of "The People's Republic of China Vocational Education Law" means
  Hebei Province, the implementation of "The People's Republic of China Law on the Protection of Minors" approach
  Hebei Province-the-job staff of the Education Ordinance
  Compulsory Education Financing in Hebei Province to use regulations
  Educational Administration regulations and other regulatory documents
  Nursery work procedures
  Management of the primary rules
  Interim order special schools
  Interim Procedures for Migrating Children
  School Librarians (E) of order
  The provisions of Laboratory Schools
  Ordinary primary and secondary textbooks published regulations
  Ordinary primary and secondary audio and video materials recorded distribution complex regulations published
  Schools EDUCATIONAL order
  Interim Regulations on Secondary School Class
  Primary and Secondary School Provisional Regulations on Environmental Management
  Interim Measures of ordinary high school fees
  Primary and secondary school finance system
  Interim Provisions of educational supervision
  High School Assessment model acceptance criteria
  The provisions of Continuous Education of Teachers
  Principal training requirements
  Post primary school teachers tried Ordinance
  Post secondary school teachers tried Ordinance
  11, vocational education, professional class
  National Translation Certificate Examination (NAETI)
  CGFNS (U.S. nursing exam)
  National Qualification Examination for price appraisers guide
  Members of the quality of customs examination qualifying examination
  Registered structural engineer supervising engineer
  Teacher Qualification Examination practitioners
  Nurse Practitioners Licensing Examination for Pharmacist Examination
  Property Management Division Civil Service Examinations
  ISO9000 internal auditor business administration NVQ
  National Vocational Chinese Proficiency Test (ZHC) of the Police recruit
  Research analyst registration Constructor
  Web Designer Human Resource Management
  3D Modeling Engineer
  12, reading education
  Opening - Reasons to promote children's reading
  Although far ancestors, worship is not dishonest. Children are stupid, they must read.
  London waste by waste, deterioration of law root cause. Tan Tianchi slow, the reasons people fall.
  For cause of peace and harmony must start from the root. Figure pull raging tide of crime, only Minglun and filial piety.
  Fundamental mistake to Zhimo, recognized as a fundamental Zhimo. Seeking to solve the problem, and have actually create problems.
  Only service this gentleman, this service Bangguo from Ning.
  The common saying goes: [teach children babies, early to teach women], children by nature are not contaminated before, good words easy to enter; preconceptions, and their long and not volatile; enemies of benevolence, confidence, the time required to train young; where the parents in their children when young, that is, when taught to recite the classic, to foster the fundamental wisdom and courage of your convictions; also knows the reason for retribution, Dunlun do per Road; if a small child, not teach, let it grow up the habit has become, could do nothing wrong!
  Three Character Classic, said: [support does not teach, the father had; lax in teaching, teachers lazy. ]; [To teach the road, you to post. ] Instead of Bo and miscellaneous; it a classic, should recite from 100 to 1000 times, Su says: [100 back tire of reading books, familiar food for thought child knowing. ] Is now teaching in Botswana and miscellaneous bad and does not cause moral and students re-reading, concentration of the culture, to have the bitter fruit of today is ... .... Look forward to wise parents and teachers, deep body of Sri Lanka aims; This is the lifeblood of Chinese culture, Chinese children and grandchildren can enjoy the peace of the key length, there are eye who, when the see this.
  13, Religious Education
  Modern people have a hard invisible, inexplicable pressure - hard, stuck in the whirlpool of emotions - pain, pressure of work - hard, forcing poor body - pain, all suffering, surrounded by almost all the time around, not careful, they will be tied to the body hard.
  But I do not know how to entertain those afflicted, and accumulated in one, we will feel life getting boring. Lost focus and direction in life, we must inevitably fall into lost, anxious, helpless ... and can really resolve the depression, eliminate dust, the only way to guide misery - religious education.
  Unfortunately, many people mistaken religion is superstition. In fact, religion is not superstition, nor philosophy, nor polytheism, which is a form of education. Education, how we physically and mentally in this life had a stable life, teaches us how to do good and do good man, improve the quality of life, away from the pain and live a happy successful lives. Here, we collect recorded nine religious doctrine and spirit, blessing you can be helpless in a bright light to guide you to a firm and sincere faith and spirituality, Looking bright life.

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